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    Hi i am new here. I really want to quit drinking. It is wreaking my life. I have been trying to stop for over 2 months. The first time i got to 14 days and then i relapsed. This last time i managed to get to 5 weeks and then i relapsed. I relapsed 3 days ago really bad then i said i would stop but last night i drank again. Last night i drank 2 bottles of wine, 6 stubbies of lager, 3 long necks of stout and a can of Guinness.

    My husband keeps saying that if i drink again, he will leave me. So i try really really hard not to drink. It takes all my concentration, every single day not to drink. I try to explain to my husband what it is like when i relapse. I just loose concentration for a few moments and i have a drink in my hand. I cant even remember going to the bottle shop to get another drink. It doesn't help that it is only a few houses away.

    When i relapse he gets really angry and sleeps on the couch and wont talk to me for days. I feel awful already but he treats me like shit and he cant understand that i really need him to help and be supportive. I need a hug.

    It doesn't help that he drinks nearly everyday after work with his friends so he comes home and i can smell yummy yummy alcohol on him.

    I am trying so hard to quit for good but it is so hard. I am trying to just stay sober for longer then last time and then i will set a new goal.
    Starting the journey of change.


    Welcome Soren,

    I still fairly new here, but I can tell you that you've found a very supportive spot with tons of good ideas, advice, and friends who understand completely about trying, relapsing, and then trying again. I'm sorry to hear about your husband. Mine still drinks quite a bit, but is my best friend nonetheless.

    My best advice (I know many more people will come onto this thread and give you much better help) is to take it one day at a time, or even one hour at a time if needed. You did it for five weeks before (fabulous) and you can do it again. But, really, do it for you - your future, your health, your life to live.

    Here are lots of hugs for you! :l :l :l :l :l



      If you slip, it's easier to get up if you do it quick, and get right back to where you were. You can't take back a slip. But you can minimize the recovery time. Keep going. Slipping is not a failure. The failure is when you don't get back up and back on the path you want to be on.



        :welcome: Soren!

        Have you tried supplements like L-Glutamine or Kudzu? My attempts to stop drinking were abysmal too, until I tried the supps. They made all the difference. I wish you all the luck. Please hang in there and keep us posted.
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells



          Hi. Welcome to the site.

          What I feel from your post is that you need your husband's caring and support, and you're not getting it. He's drawn a line and he's on one side of it doing his thing, and you're on the other side of it trying to be happy and wishing he'd come over to your side and give you some help.

          There shouldn't be a line.

          IMHO, since he already sees your "problem" (not that he is not without problems - who's perfect anyway?) you need to talk to him, tell him what you need, and ask him if he's willing to be your partner in this ... which could mean talking, giving up alcohol with you, hugs and positivity, or whatever it takes. If he's not on board, you can still do this - for yourself, by yourself.

          Think about how you'd like your life to be, and start making plans to get there - with or without support. If your husband is not on board, he might get a big surprise when he sees you changing and enjoying positives without him .. and that might get him moving in your direction too.

          I don't get support from my husband either, so I'm doing this on my own. He's always been quiet and distant ... I'm hoping my changes will turn things around ... Or, if not, I'm still going to be happy .. for ME. If he wants to come along for the ride, that's great. If not, that's going to have to be OK too. I have one life and I'm 44, and I want to be HAPPY.

          Power to you ... Read as much as you can here .. there is SO much to learn and try ... This site helped me get to know myself .. it gave me my control back .. I learned a LOT .... Hang in there. You can do this.
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



            Glad you found us. Lots of support and encouragement here on this site. Set a goal for yourself and take it one day at a time and check in here often and read and post. You'll make it. :h
            When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
            -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

