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ODAT - Sunday

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    ODAT - Sunday

    With newbie arrogance, I'm jumping in and starting the thread today. Hope nobody minds

    It's raining here - rained cats and dogs at about 5am. I hope you're not flooded again Uni. I'm at the other end of the big lake, so get your weather about half a day later depending on how the wind's blowing.

    I had 1 1/2 glasses of wine yesterday - and it was a honest half before and then one with. Then Dream tea and a few chocolate mints and a great feeling at having stopped. Today I'm writing some more (no gardening 'cos of the rain), and getting ready to have my sister and small nephew visit on Monday-Thursday. This sister is a very moderate drinker, so everything should be find. I think I'll tell her about my decision to control things.

    Hope everyone else is having a lovely Sunday. The sun must be shining somewhere...

    Love to all:h

    ODAT - Sunday

    Good Morning Dancing Girl and all other ODATers to come,

    Dancing, it is okay for whomever gets here first to start the ODAT thread. Glad you feel comfy doing so. I am very happy for you that you could keep your drinking to a good minimum. I am one of those who can't. So, I just go AF. Keep your eye on the prize. Sober is good.

    It's raining here in the south USA, too. I think it is all part of the same system, amazingly enough. We are having such a cool summer and lots of rain. Very unusual for us. I am sure I will start moaning as soon as the regular Alabama weather rears its ugly head.

    I miss Greenie, I can't wait to hear how her seminar went and her visit with Rubes.

    For myself, I am doing very well and piling up those AF days -- ODAT. It is amazing how quickly times goes by.

    Hope all meet their goals today, whatever they may be.

    AF April 9, 2016


      ODAT - Sunday

      Good Morning DG, Cindi and fellow travelers. Should be an easy Sunday for me puttering around the house and garden along with a nice meal out for Chinese. I love having a clear head (or as clear as mine gets). While I shall likely have a hard day at work tomorrow, my goal for today is to not worry, fret, fear, suffer, let alone actually DRINK over something that has not even happened yet. I can be so neurotic. Today I am going to practice ODAT and bring myself back to it as long as it takes. Love Ladybird.
      may we be well


        ODAT - Sunday

        Dancing girl-

        The sun is shining here in the midwest, USA. Can't say I feel all that great but better than yesturday. I am happy about my decision to try for AF. The plan is not to buy AL or seek it out in any way. That means avoiding certain people and places. Not forever, but for a while, definitely. I have to be honest with my self, I am not in a position to moderate. Thanks for all of your support!


          ODAT - Sunday

          Good day all ODATers
          It's partly sunny here in New England at the moment but we do expect some thunder storms a little later.
          Company just left this morning and I expect my daughter will be arriving moment. She lives in the midwest but was here for a wedding yesterday and will be going home tomorrow. I'll take all the time I can get with her! :H Even if it's just a day and a night.
          Looking forward to racking up a lot more zeros this month...but only one day at a time.

          Best to all
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            ODAT - Sunday

            Morning ODATers....thanks Dancing Girl for starting the thread....

            Cinders, our weather out west has been strange this summer as well, but our garden has never fared so well, usually we are so dry out here!

            Liath, nice to see you, glad you are feeling better today.

            MNB - enjoy time with your daughter today.

            Ladybird, hope your day at work tomorrow is manageable, I'll be thinking of you.

            I'm off for a shopping trip for a new business suit, I have my first interview in over 9 years in a couple of weeks for a big promotion....(fingers crossed)'s rather exciting!

            Happy Sunday to all to come....


              ODAT - Sunday

              I survived lunch with my boyfriend's parents and apparently his dad likes me so I am very relieved about that! Now I am going to relax the rest of the day and I will hopefully feel like myself again tomorrow morning for work. ODAT, seriously.


                ODAT - Sunday

                Hi Liath!

                I've had days where it was one hour at a time - but celebrated each hour with a smile. The other things I've found (and read a lot here) is that the cravings don't actually last all that long (although I do remember days were they've come thick and fast). Another thing I find useful is the drink tracker - it actually helps me sometimes to think "If I make it through today, I can put a 0 and a yellow square." Childish, maybe, but hey - whatever works...

                Hang in there - and glad to hear it went well with your BF's dad.


