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    New here

    Hi Im new here im 18 years old from australia and iv had a problem with alcohol for the past 3 years. When i go out i find it very hard to socialise with people without drinking and i end up bingeing and making a fool of myself.

    Any advice anyone could offer to help me with this would be very much appreciated.
    i realise i have to stop drinking completely but just not sure how i go about this.



    New here

    Dear Joe,
    It's a good thing that you recognize you have an issue here with AL early in life. You can deal with it now before more bad things happen down the road. That is wise of you to see this.
    First bit of advice - stick around this website and read the threads. You will learn a lot from reading what we all go through.
    Second, question for you - do you drink every day or just binge when out?
    Are you in school or working? How are things going for you there?
    Looking forward to hearing more.
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
    AF since May 6, 2010


      New here

      Hey Tulipe thanks alot for ur reply. i dont drink every day just binge when im out with friends every weekend i dont go to school im hopeing to get in to the army in a few months. So im hopeing to get on top of this just not sure how to do it when i go out



        New here

        Hi Jophe
        Welcome, this is a great site and you will get loads of support here, why dont you try and change your routine for a little while, try and stay away from social events that involve AL or if you drive then why dont you be the driver. Its good that you are doing this especially before you go into the army. In the discussion board there is a thread called the next day thread it is for people like us in a different time zone, you should join us, we have quite a giggle there.
        Good luck
        :dancin: enguin:
        starting over


          New here

          :welcome: helo jophe This is a great site with loads of help and support,good for you for trying to control your drinking before it controls you. :goodjob: :welcome:

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            New here

            Welcome Jophe! Glad you found the site - it's wonderful and fully of information. You're at a great age to nip this problem in the bud before it gets out of hand. Wish I was that aware of myself at your age. Read through the message boards and post as much as you like .. You'll find lots of non-judgemental support here, and so many ideas on strategies to deal with fighting the ALcohol beast.

            Nice to meet you!
            AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


              New here

              Welcome Jophe
              there is a toolbox thread, that I will bump up for you, full of tips and thoughts on how to deal with alcohol, you might find some helpful suggestions there.
              Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
              If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
              November 2, 2012


                New here

                Hi Joe and welcome, it is fantastic that you have realised so early in life that there is a problem and you are brave enough to do something about it. I only wish I did the same 20 yrs ago.
                This is a great place full of people who are willing to help, advise and support you in every way. May I suggest you download the MWO book and read it. And keep close to the boards and posting. Any questions you may have, just ask, day or night there is always somebody here. We have members of all ages and creeds from all over the world.
                Keep safe
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  New here

                  Hello and Welcome Joe
                  I second the advice that has already been given. I wish you well as you begin your journey. I can so relate to the drinking to feel comfortable in social situations only to end up being an ass. You can and will get beyond this. I have found that family and friends much prefer my company when I am not drinking.
                  "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                    New here

                    Welcome Joe,
                    I just want to start by letting people know I'm Joe's Mum.
                    Joe I'm so very proud of you for realising the problem you have with AL and wanting to do something about it at such a young age. I only wish I had had the maturity to do the same at your age. You have watch me over the past 18yrs battle with this addiction and the problems it has coursed. As you know I have stopped drinking and am now 51 day AF, I am so sorry you have been affected by this and am now dealing with the same problem, however I know together we will beat it.
                    You will find alot of support here and great advice, I know I certainly have.

                    I love you Joe


                      New here

                      Joe & Crystal how cool is it that you are doing this together! It just gave me the best feeling !
                      You should both be so proud of eachother. Joe we are all barracking for you and the bright future you will obviously have! Well done both of you!


                        New here

                        Joe & Crystal
                        I think it is lovely that you are both doing this together, My mum also had an A/L problem although she has been A/F for over 20 years but she still goes to her AA meetings, I have been A/F for 35 days and it is so nice to have my mum's backing and support.
                        You are both doing so well, and although I dont know either of you, I feel very proud of both of you, well done you two and keep up the good work
                        Lots of Love
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          New here

                          Crystal .. ((hugs)) .. And congratulations to you on your 51 days AF. I am a mom too (young ladies, 16 and 20). I applaud you for doing this together with your son. Well done to both of you for acknowledging the problem and going for it.

                          Looking forward to seeing you both on the message boards!
                          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                            New here

                            Thankyou everyone for ur kind words and support. I know this wont be easy but i know i can do it. Mum and i can do this together

                            thanks again

