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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Excellent observations, Determination!

    And, I agree.. I find myself really enjoying doing things without the "AL schedule"... it's funny, I often rationalized or justified drinking with being an adult. Having the 'freedom' to choose what I want to do. In fact, I was a complete prisoner, unable to plan certain things at certain times, because I would be too drunk to drive, etc...

    I never want to go back there.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      There are some really good insights here, which means that we are all learning despite slips. I have learnt from this weekend that I need more help - and y'know what I know for a fact that I won't drink for at least a week as my ma will be here - I have only drank secretly when my ma has visited ONCE since I told her I wanted to get sober. So I am pretty sure I will be safe.

      I have asked her to sit down with me and plan how I am going to deal with all the stresses going on in my life at the moment and I will use this opportunity to also put together a relapse prevention plan. This will be a week of sorting out how to sort my life out as well as relaxing and being loved.

      Never before have I realised the importance of this phrase 'Failing to plan is planning to fail'. I thought people just used it about what to do when offered a drink or during activities where you would normally drink. God I now realise it is so much more than that!
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      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        Hi and I sure am up for the 30 day deal
        -am almost half way there(day 14 AF) but this is where i find it the hardest
        -so will add this to my "wdiwm" goal list (stands for ....what do I want more......)
        -now AFx30 gives me that extra added push to make it and I hope will be the firewall I need to stop backsliding...yet again
        -finding more ways to deal with the emotions and behavior behind the using -that's where I'm at .....yet again......always done it alone before
        -nice and comforting to have found you all

        Do not go where the path may lead: go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-Emerson


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          Ace Sweettooth, welcome to the thread. Tell us more about the "wdiwm" goal list - sounds intriguing!
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            For the "wdiwm" list there are 2 columns-like 2 sides to every story
            -on the left I put where I"m at /or what I'm doing ....that I want to change
            -on the right I put the where I want to be/or the desired change in behavior
            --memo to self is on mirror I look at when getting up in a.m. and anytime I pass by
            -call them goals/plans/desires-whatever
            -one was to drop from a double digit dress size to a single....when I di I put a line through the lefthand column and a big checkmark on the right
            -leaving it there(as opposed to making out new list) allows me to give myself that pat on back, hey you did it girl, warm feeling/hug/smile/gold star
            -have found this helps when having a bit of a tough time workiing on another goal :thanks:
            Do not go where the path may lead: go instead where there is no path and leave a trail-Emerson


              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Hey what a great idea. I may have to do this as well! Night all, post tomorrow. Big hugs, K
              Recovery Coaching website

              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

              Recovery Videos


                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                Hi all,

                Hope everyone is having a good day.

                Welcome back Sparkle, I was wondered where you had gone. Good on you, for getting back up on this wagon with us, it's not easy.
                Welcome Sweettooth2, you have given us some great insight, and it's something to work towards.
                Evenings, particularly fridays evenings are the worst time, but I find if I don't dwell too much on the cravings, they pass. I keep myself busy, whether it's doing a pile of ironing, or recently playing monopoly with the kids. They love it and I am enjoying their company as well, instead of trying to get them to bed early so I could start drinking.

                Kimberly, I think you are making huge strides in asking for help, well done:goodjob:

                Hugs to all



                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  Happy AF Friday everybody!

                  Sweettooh - welcome!

                  Bree - I know Friday nights are hard too - it is the first day of the weekend - what better way to start the weekend than with a glass of wine (which turned into multiple glasses). But, the last few weeks have taught me that a better way to start the weekend is to be AF so I don't wake up with a hangover on Saturday and spend most of Saturday trying to get rid of the headache.

                  Kimberley - I hope you continue to check in with us!

                  So....what are everybody's AF plans this weekend? It is going to be Fall-like weather in South Dakota, so I am planning on taking the kids on a hike on Saturday. It will get me out of the house so I am not tempted to give in to cravings, and hopefully the cool air and hiking will help me sleep better Saturday night.


                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    Hello Fight Club!

                    Well, Determination.. let's see.. plans.. oh yes...

                    Saturday, hopefully trailer my horse to a friend's place, do some light exercising with her in the arena (the mare, not the friend) and after trim her hooves. Then take her back home... that'll take pretty much care of Saturday. Yikes, that reminds me... should check on my tack sometime today.

                    Sunday, get up early, drive 1.5 hours and pick up my oldest and her b/f to hopefully stay over... meaning I'll have to take them back on Monday.

                    Voila. No time for drinking

                    Bree.... IRONING??? :yuk: I'll take the Monopoly, thank you :H
                    Sweettooth, you're on the right track, I'd say. Good for you!
                    Kimberley, how are you holding up, there, across the pond?

                    Everyone... have a fabulous AF weekend - and pat on the back for this week's achievements!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      sparkleAZ;683947 wrote: Glad to be here. I have no idea when the last time I was AL for 30 days, maybe 30 years ago. I am probably the old lady on the block but who cares. It's never too late to improve yourself.
                      Don't feel lonesome........I'm there with you!
                      I never make it past day 3!


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        I am in for 30 more days, on day 13AF today plus 30 more for sure, I be at 43...sound great to me
                        Hang tuff to all my new friends, and comrades


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          Hey all,

                          Welcome to the Fight Club,Teba & resolved.

                          Just finishing work for the weekend, so will talk to you all hopefully on Monday.

                          Plans for the weekend.......having a BBQ (weather permitting) on sat night for some friends & family, it'll be a test for me, but hopefully I'm strong enough to remain AF
                          (19 Days AF:yay
                          No plans for Sunday, maybe go say a few prayers, nice lunch.......and a long lie in......:bigwink:

                          Hope all goes well for you all over the weekend

                          Big Hugs to all:hug:



                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            Bree - Congrats on making it to 19 days AF!! That's just awesome! I wish you resolve and determination for your party!

                            Sunshine - sounds like a very busy weekend - a good thing!

                            Welcome resolved and Teba!


                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              Reading the 1st post, I'm going to jump on board for the remainder (whether the OP is still going or not). I'm new here, and have only been AF for more than 3 days twice since 1990. It may seem like a weak gesture, but I'm going to go without for the last week while hopefully trying to get my house in order. My body is going to be really confused!


                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Welcome Gabriel.. and did you say you've been going without AL for the past week? That's not weak.. that's awesome! Well done! Glad you are joining us!

                                This is an ongoing thread, really.... we are all on different days - please do jump in

                                Have you read the MWO book yet? Made a plan?

                                A good start might be to check out the Toolbox (under monthly abstinence) and please also join us in the Newbie's Nest!

                                Again - welcome, here's wishing you unbridled success!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

