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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Phew! I finally made it 1 day AF. After over a week of drinking I didn't know if I would be able to do it. I'm glad to be back onboard. My only concern is that my sister is coming in about 2 weeks. I will really have to focus on not breaking down.


      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      Hi Liath, Kimberly, Sunni, Sparkles, Overit, Bree, and so many, many more. Well, I managed 8 AF days in August: 3 in a row early on, then 5 in a row last week. Really thought on Day 5 I’d be able to log on say, ”Hey, I’m with ya! I’m gonna make after all!” (toss tam in the air) But then I totally caved in a PMS moment end of Day 5 – then it was off to the races.
      Lurked daily and was with you all in spirit, at least on those days I was home and on-line. Thank you for sharing your triumphs, encouragement, rough-patches and slip-ups. Feels less lonely. And it’s brave of you all to post your struggles and difficulties instead of dropping out like I do. That will be another resolution for September. Gotta go … got a TON of bottles to dispose of …somewhere (at a wayside, carwash, maybe a stray apartment building…ugh!) Fingers crossed for everyone getting through Sunday (it’s Sunday morning here) Puddy
      Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        Hi guys! I've been thinking about all of you, and wondering how everyone is. Please update me as I have not been on here in a while due to vacation and then just being super busy in general. I hope everyone is doing well and meeting their goals!

        As for me.... hmmmm. Let me think on that. I WAS doing pretty good due to being on vacation with my family, and no drinking allowed, but even I was able to sneak a few beers one night. No biggie.

        Then I got home from my wonderful vacation and time with my family. Determined to keep up the good work with the not drinking, and today I feel myself slipping right back to where I was. I've been home not even a week, and I have gotton plastered three times already.

        Im not happy with myself today. I have a prescription for Antabuse, but have not yet filled it. I am planning to fill it (honestly).

        Is Antabuse going to be my cure all? I hope so...


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          "back from vacay" syndrome

          OverIt2007, totally understand getting back from vacation, and WHAM! - resolutions out the window. I was surprised both times (2 vacations away from home in August) Chalk it up to discovering a new trigger, I guess.

          Know it's gotta be hard for you working around alcohol.
          Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            Hey Puddytat! The month of August had been an inprovement, but then this last week, has been pretty bad. I consider getting plastered drunk three to four times a week as bad. That is my normal routine with my drinking.

            I just googled how many drinks in a pint of vodka. I was shocked to discover that is 10 drinks! Thats what I drank last night, a pint of vodka, and for no particular reason. Big sigh...

            Got to get this problem under control. And need to do it now! We all know we need to do this, dont we?

            I know the Antabuse would change my life (for the better) dramatically. I need to just pop the damn pill and do it!


              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Overit, 10 drinks in 1 pint?

              10 drinks = 1 pint of vodka? whoa, I had always stuck to beer/wine unil 2 yrs ago.
              Wow, one pint doesn't seem like a lot to me, and hard to realize it's TEN !! (my drink-tracker is likely off-base, despite my best intentions)

              I'm always amazed at how *little* people drink compared to me.
              For example, my roommate is sleeping off a hangover caused by, say, a half-pint of alcohol? (judging by the levels in the bottles ... and it's already 2pm Sunday here.) Man, a pint is just enough to get me going in the morning! Granted, she has her own struggles (bi-polar), but next-to-zero tolerance for alcohol. Luckily for her!

              Again, ugh. God-speed. at least we have some semblance of choice in our problem, but it usually doesn't feel like it. (I feel hijacked to drink - weird?)

              best. Puddy
              Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                Don,t know but Ill try

                Hi Liath
                I'm in pretty much exactlly same situation as you except I,m only on day one and definitely withdrawing!!! Feel shaky and sick and ashamed, will I go on!! Did 36 days last March, felt brill after about day 5 but went on hols and you can guess the rest. Yes I would love to try, I remember years ago reading that when your family relationships start to suffer you're in real trouble an I thought that would NEVER happen to me -----now it has. Ok Liath and anyone else you can gather, lets do it an best of luck
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  Hi folks just saw that I misread the dates an most of you nearly on 30 days already you lucky things, anyone still be hangin around for a while with a weak lilly-livered (!) day oner?
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    I would like to give the 30 day challenge a try - I know I drink too much and I know it will help my health but I usually have a wine to relax after a day at work - my job is very emotionally stressful and a wine takes it away - I want to be able to take it away without the wine.


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      36 days is fantastic, Molly. You did it once, you can do it again. I'm ending Day 11--14 was my original goal before trying to moderate again, but in my heart, I know I should join all of you and make it 30.

                      I know what you mean about the tolerance, puddytat. I used to think being able to drink more than most was something to be proud of (now I'm not sure why). Now I realize those with no tolerance are the fortunate ones.


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        And welcome, Miss Piggy. All my drinking was wine after stressful days at work, too. But when I couldn't stop at one glass, and it became more and more over time, I knew I needed some AF time to sort it out. Coming here after work instead of opening a bottle has really helped get me through the last 11 days. And I really do feel better.


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          Hi Folks
                          Day 2AF Last night was awful,couldn't sleep, sweaty shaky when I dozed hallucinating of drinking vodka and lemon, could smell it, taste it and woke up crying.Nobody is talking to me well, can't blame them, Im a mess, as you can see i'm also self absorbed, you all sound so brave, going to work later, late shift so that might help, hopefully tomorrow things will seem brighter. I want to reply to who replied to me but don't know how to go back while writin this so apologies, will do better tomorrow
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            Good morning all,

                            Welcome Mollyka, Maisie & Miss Piggy, you are amongst friends here, and we are all going or have going through the same as you have, so you are not alone.
                            Mollyka, the sweating and shaking won't last much longer, I was reassured here about that when I first started here, give yourself some time, and drink plenty of fluid (non-Al).

                            Day 21 AF for me and I'm sooo happy!!!!

                            Overit, welcome back, hope you had a good time.

                            Puddytat, know what you mean, I used to think I was great, cos I could put people under the table.....duh!!!

                            Anyway, this is the start of another week, best of luck to all, roll up those sleeves and get going.:thumbysup:



                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              Good Morning Bree, Good Morning eveyone...

                              Yep, Bree is right. Its a new Monday here, a brand new week. After some major stumbles I am weakly up and ready to fight again. I have so much to do on my plate right now, I have to get so many things done, and thats impossible to do with a mind numbing hangover.

                              I am going to get my Antabuse this week. I already have my prescription I got before my vacation.

                              I think I am just going to do it. Take the plunge with the Antabuse. I will be posting alot on here I am sure, and look forward to sharing this new journey.

                              Hey, if it works great for me (Im sure it will) I can be your guinney pig for anyone else, LOL!

                              Have a great sober Monday!

                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Just found this site yesterday! Thank God! I have had a problem since college - graduated in 1974. Dealing with depression (empty nester now with a mother living with us) and have used working out for the past two years to get through. Saturday night I tipped over the edge and was extremely rude to my husband in front of dear friends. We are all partiers. Roberta's and Brenda's stories sound very much like mine. Husband thinks it's more depression than being a problem drinker. I don't know if he knows all of my extra imbibbing. Ordered the cds, and the Topomax. Going to the CVS to find the nutritionals. Might have to order over the internet. How long does it take to get the products? I am ready to start NOW!

