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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Wow, what an awesome bunch of 30-dayers we have here!!

    Well, I had fun at book club last night -- without drinking!!
    I made sure that I arrived a little bit late so that I wouldn't be the first one there and the focus would be on me NOT drinking. Worked well. Most of the girls were there with a glass in hand and yakking away second to none so didn't even notice me pour my soda water. Another of the girls is busy doing a hectic 2 week detox so also wasn't drinking -- I must say we spent a good part of the evening discussing healthy diets and NOT drinking LOL!

    I did take 4000mg of L-Glut before I went but without a strong plan in place I doubt I would've been as successful.

    Spirit Girl, I just love your by-line. Have you read "Ask and it is Given" by Ester and Gerry Hicks? It's very much along the same lines.

    Strength to everyone today!!
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      Sounds like everyone is doing great. I managed to stay AF again last night but the frustration continues with my husband. We went to dinner and he pounded down 5 drinks with dinner then wanted to stop for a night cap at another bar. I really didn't want to go but he has his little hissy fit so I backed down and went with him. It is hard to be around such a bunch of drunks when totally sober. I just have to ignore my husbands drinking and continue on my own AF 30 days. I am better and stronger for staying AF and besides that I have being a woman on my side. lol


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        Good morning!! Wow - this is a great feeling... Waking up on time - getting to work "relatively" on time and NO headaches, guilt, loathing.... I couldn't / wouldn't do it without MWO... And there would be MWO if you all weren't here - so thanks to everyone for the support!!

        I had a quick thought - as much as I wish we all could, I doubt that 100% of us will make it the whole 30 days (I include myself in this probability)... To those who MIGHT slip, PLEASE keep coming back to this thread... I have done that in the past (joined a 30 day "Army", a AF month of March, etc...) only to not make it and feel like a loser as everyone else (seemingly) continued to log in their success... So I dropped out of the group... I wish I wouldn't have! I wish I would have kept posting anyway... We are here to support each other when we're up, and pick each other up on the down days! If you slip - you are still part of our 30 Day group - you just had an "off" day (or 2..)... The first couple days are the easiest - because it's only been a COUPLE days... hangovers are just wearing off etc... But day 12, 13??? Hard! Let's stick together! If this is you today consider this a message directly to you... If we are all still doing well - YAY!!

        Just to let you all know, I am doing 30 days with the help on Antabuse... I have had AB for 1 yr and half but have never made it 30 days... I have to TAKE it to MAKE it... Because it stays in your system, I only take it every 2-3 days... What has ALWAYS happened in the past is that I take it and on the 3rd day I am feeling better and think "if I don't take another one, I can have some wine this weekend"... SO although I have this tool, this 30 days is still a challenge for me... it has been over 10 years since I have gone a month without drinking...I hate relying on meds but right now I will do anything to get my life back!!

        Love to you all....

        PS- DeeBee, thanks for the book suggestion... If I stay sober I MIGHT actually have time to start reading again... Drinking has taken up SOOO much of my time... wasted time! Sounds like a great read!
        God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          Good Morning my 30 day'rs! Stupid computer acting up on me, Im afraid this will have to be a quick post. Running late for work!

          Spirit girl, I think you are BLESSED to have Antabuse! I WISH I had some in my cupboard right now, I would DEFINATELY be taking it!!!

          I see Antabuse in another way than some. I think its the AMAZINGLY STRONG people who pop that pill NOT THE WEAK!!

          Why? Because once you take that pill, you have just made the ultimate commitment to your sobriety! What could be stronger than that????

          I see Antabuse as POWER. USE IT GIRL!!!! I commend you!

          Morning Liath, DeeBee, Kimberly, Sparkles, Cinders, anyone else I did not mention.

          Day 4 and feeling great about this Thread!

          Unless my computer crashes, I will be committed to this Thread, even if I happen to screw up, which I really really do not want to. Im feeling really positive and strong about this. Thanks Liath for starting this, this is just what we needed.


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            Just a quick thought girls (I think all girls here?)

            If anyone on here finds they cannot make it the 30 days or has a moment of weakness that is just to strong, Well PLEASE do NOT feel like a failure!!!

            Just keep coming back, and get back up!!!! I do not think this has to be perfect. Sprit girl is absolutly right, reality every single person on here will most not likely make 30 days AF, myself included.

            All I can say is I am going to TRY my hardest! I think that is all anyone can ask of themselves. No one is a failure as long as we keep trying. I heard someone once say, "just keep trying, and one day it will stick". I really believe that!


              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Hi folks, just checking in and congrats on your days 3 and 4, and am keeping my fingers crossed and prayers in mind to one and all. Going 'Up North' this weekend for 4 days. The pull-out couch I'll sleep on is 20 paces away from the lower-level fridge, which is stocked with cold beer and pop -- ugh!!

              Got Baclofen, got you wonderful fellow-travellers in mind, got downtime and sunshine to sooth the soul, got motivation!!!
              Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                Good morning everyday! Day 4 here. It's great to see so many of us staying close :h
                Overit, I like your view on Antabuse. Thanks for sharing that. I know of another that keeps it as her "911" pill for when sh*t happens.
                I am slowly getting back on my supps. Today I have added Omega 3 6 9. I'll add the Lglut after I have my blood work done. Keeping a log of what I take and when so my doc can add it to my file.
                Wishing everyone a blessed day :wings:
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  Puddy's list of BENEFITS of AF lifestyle, in no particular order:
                  • Gain more time in the day
                    • Avoid jail (sometimes drink & drive to replenish supplies -- have one DUI)
                      • No more "mystery bruises"
                        • Clearer skin
                          • Avoid injuries, such as my knee injury early April -- just now able to take a walk!
                            • Help relationships: being more present, better boundaries, build trust
                              • lose weight
                                • better sleep -- might end sleep apnea
                                no more hiding bottles, no more hiding empties, no more hiding ruddy-complexion behind foundation, no more hiding AL breath with gum or garlic
                              Hair will be soft again - instead of this dried-out thatch of straw
                            nutrition - be able to digest food properly
                          No more Puking!!
                        No more Hangovers!!
                      better sex
                    save so much money

                  seems worth fighting for... I'm going for it, and truly hope this time it sticks. Will pledge to post regardless ... thanks for that encouragement OverIt
                  Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    OverIt2007;685229 wrote: Just a quick thought girls (I think all girls here?)

                    If anyone on here finds they cannot make it the 30 days or has a moment of weakness that is just to strong, Well PLEASE do NOT feel like a failure!!!

                    Just keep coming back, and get back up!!!! I do not think this has to be perfect. Sprit girl is absolutly right, reality every single person on here will most not likely make 30 days AF, myself included.

                    All I can say is I am going to TRY my hardest! I think that is all anyone can ask of themselves. No one is a failure as long as we keep trying. I heard someone once say, "just keep trying, and one day it will stick". I really believe that!
                    I agree :h
                    LTG AF January 13, 2011


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      puddytat;685239 wrote:
                      • Gain more time in the day
                        • Avoid jail (sometimes drink & drive to replenish supplies -- have one DUI)
                          • No more "mystery bruises"
                            • Clearer skin
                              • Avoid injuries, such as my knee injury early April -- just now able to take a walk!
                                • Help relationships: being more present, better boundaries, build trust
                                  • lose weight
                                    • better sleep -- might end sleep apnea
                                    no more hiding bottles, no more hiding empties, no more hiding ruddy-complexion behind foundation, no more hiding AL breath with gum or garlic
                                  Hair will be soft again - instead of this dried-out thatch of straw
                                nutrition - be able to digest food properly
                              No more Puking!!
                            No more Hangovers!!
                          better sex
                        save so much money

                      seems worth fighting for... I'm going for it, and truly hope this time it sticks. Will pledge to post regardless ... thanks for that encouragement OverIt
                      And no more manky breath in the morning
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        stinky, stinky, stinky DB!
                        Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          Puddy, thanks for sharing your list :h
                          LTG AF January 13, 2011


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            Avera, not meaning to pry, but in another thread you said you are "an old person with a new ID?"

                            So ...uh, you're elderly? or /and ... you've been around MWO awhile?

                            anyway, glad you're here for support. this is so damn hard to beat!
                            Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              LookingToGrow;685322 wrote: Puddy, thanks for sharing your list :h
                              LTG - right straight out of my paper-and-pen RadiantRecovery diary. Thanks for listening
                              Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Count me in too. Today is day one.0

