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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Hya and happy AF day from my time zone (am I the only one here from the UK?) Welcome 1967 I hope you will do all 30 days with us!

    My crushing headache of yesterday has turned into just an annoying pain that isn't making me squint with agony. So, that's good.

    I agree that if anyone doesn't make it, they should carry on posting - for myself I am truly committed to doing this now I have a realistic goal rather than an airy-fairy 'AF forever' - that's what I need at the moment.

    I have been invited out by one of my friends on Friday who admires me for being AF, so that'll be cool and no chance to hit that point on the way home from work when I have failed in the past and just said f@@@ it- YAY!!

    LiAth I am so glad you have a friend in the neighbourhood who has agreed to hang out with you AF - I think that'll really help you - especially at the weekends.

    looking forward to posting on Saturday with no hangover and a plan for the day - gonna go out and buy myself some new underwear - first thing you should do when you split up with your OH - I don't know why I waited!

    Hugs to you all my dear 30 day-ers!
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      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      Wow, there have been so many posts today I don't know where to begin. First of all, my headache is also diminished today. I was not even tempted today to stop at the liquor store. I am not willing to suffer the self-loathing that goes along with failing to keep my 30 day commitment. I must remind myself that I did intend to do 30 days earlier this year, but on day 13 I decided it had been long enough. Obviously not! I was just remembering the horror of a hangover I suffered less then 1 week ago. I am not going to revisit that, NO WAY.

      As far as whether or not we all make it, of course keep posting if anyone slips up. But I REALLY HOPE we all make it. The midpoint may be the hardest so lets brace ourselves mentally for the temptation, OK? As for me, I feel accountable to myself, my girls (you know who you are), and especially the MWO member who threw me a metaphorical rope and said, "grab on and save yourself or drown". I don't want to drown, that is certain.

      Puddy- Thanks for the list. I wanted to say something about boundaries. I don't seem to have them while drinking. I stay out all night, forget to call my BF, end up in inappropriate situations (and this is a neighborhood where we all know each other). Then I end up agonizing over my poor choices and wondering what is wrong with me? Why do I behave this way? Obviously, it is the AL. In the past 4 days, I don't regret any of my actions, I am not looking over my shoulder, and I am in control. Now that is worth staying sober for! :h


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        early evening here in midwest USA, Liath re: boundaries, others on MWO have suggested they have better boundaries in their relationships when AF. Glad to hear you have been having success last 4 days -- must get awkward in the hood in Madison!

        Kimberly - great treat for yourself re: new lingerie ... good reward idea!

        welcome 1967, looking forward to getting to know you.

        Cinders, your words, and your story, and open honesty give me, personally, a lot of hope. thanks for joining in.

        Well, off to "Up North" (only in Wisconsin...) see you in 4 days. will hold you guys close in heart & mind.
        I'm so hopeful having you all to talk with about this journey.
        Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          I've got a complex

          Anytime I post on-line at any site. It can be as diverse as here or an equine site - I'm always the last post. No one ever responds to my posts. Kinda makes me feel like a looser and hesitant to post anywhere. I go online and everyone seems to respond to everybody else but not to me. I'm always end of the line. Maybe it's a message to me from the universe to look for support elsewhere???? Don't know!


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            GratefulEm, glad you have joined us! Don't know you having problems with responses but I'm here for ya.


              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Hi Em-

              Sorry you are feeling ignored. I think you will find that if you post here, you will get lots of feedback. I personally would love to get to know you better. What is on your mind? All I know is that you said you are in for 30 days (yeah!) and that wine is your poison...:l


                30 day commitment.. who's in?


                Ah ladies--

                My BF is freaking out. He is broke, getting almost no hours at his job and has been applying and applying with no luck at all. He won't let me comfort him.. can't pay his half of the rent.. I am willing to be supportive and even lend him money but I am getting really panicked here. We are supposed to be saving to move across the country.. not a good time for me to be supporting us both. I work 40 hours ++ studying all the time-- what to do? I have that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach like things are not working out here. When I get this kind of panic I drink, drink, drink. I will not do that now of course. Now I have to deal with his troubles on top of my struggles with AL.. this is too much.. :upset::upset: (both of us)


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  ouch! feel your pain., Gr8fulEm it's hard to reach out, and then go nowhere ... like falling off a cliff. Am sorry if I contributed - or by failing to contribute or respond??
                  Em, know what U mean ... I don't dare go into Live Chat anymore ... just don't posess the 'witty repartee'.

                  Em, glad UR here !!!

                  writing from smartphone en route to hinterlands for long weekend with family (of origin). sorry 4 any misspells. in prayers likely not able to roam there... hugs, Puddy
                  Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    Any day sober

                    I am so inspired by all of you. I plan on waking up tomorrow and hopefully be in this with you too.


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      hello everyone odat day 4. Feel quite strong but getting addicted to this forum!!!!!!!But hey whatever. Going to have a shower wash my hair blow dry it and get my face on. Hubba at the gym he will get a shock when he comes back. Still cant eat anything till lunch time. But at least that is better than day 1 when i couldnt sleep couldnt eat could keep water down could brush teeth sweats and palpation and staring into a black hole. We are 11.30 here i sunny Turkey. Feel so possitive and must keep posting and coming on here as next week i will get that feeling and amneasia of i am okay i can do this alone -not reeeeeeeeeallllly ans alcoholic!!!!!!!!!!!1

                      Keep a had everyone as we say in Newcastle :l
                      They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

                      last drink 3rd August 2009


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        Hi Em,
                        You're not alone.
                        This site has been a godsend.
                        Keep on posting. Familiar names will keep popping up and you'll start to feel more comfortable.
                        Love and hugs to all of you
                        Jackie xxx
                        ps Yeahh! another Geordie xxx
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          Hi Jackieclare
                          I am originally from Newcastle where are you from i was from Chapel Park now in Turkey
                          They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

                          last drink 3rd August 2009


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?


                            Hi Liath,
                            My heart goes out to you.
                            we're going to have to re-mortgage (again).
                            think i've managed to max out 2 credit cards with my drinking.
                            31 days AF today.
                            Sending you big hugs.
                            Have a good vent it's very cleansing.
                            Jackie xxx
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              Hi Andaz,
                              Started off Gosforth, then Cramlington,then opposite the Peregrine pub in Chapel Park,Heaton,now in Kingston Park.
                              Small world.
                              Jackie xxx
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Morning everyone! I have completed 3 days AF and feel pretty confident. My sleeping isn't going very well though, I am up constantly but that's okay, I'm sure this will pass. The longest I have gone is 4 days and I feel very positive that I will break that record. What a cycle I have gotten myself into.

