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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Just a quick thought girls (I think all girls here?)

    If anyone on here finds they cannot make it the 30 days or has a moment of weakness that is just to strong, Well PLEASE do NOT feel like a failure!!!

    Just keep coming back, and get back up!!!! I do not think this has to be perfect. Sprit girl is absolutly right, reality every single person on here will most not likely make 30 days AF, myself included

    Oh boy, I am having to read my own words from yesterday. :upset: Pouring cocktails all afternoon for a bunch of guys, and somehow one got poured for me too! Then another then another, and another! Waking up with that horrible feeling again, and running late for work.

    Still here, and NOT giving up! You guys mean alot to me. You really do.

    Grateful, Im so sorry you have felt left out in any way! Sometimes I have felt that way too, but then I realize that there are alot of people here. DO NOT feel that way, we are all here to support each other.

    Liath, sorry you are having struggles with the boyfriend. Please keep posting.

    All my other friends, hope you are doing ok. Ill get back on later tonight, running late for work with a hangover. Sorry guys.



      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      Good for you OverIt!!
      Learn from yesterday and move on.
      I posted this on another thread but thought you might like it

      "All progress is gained through mistakes and their rectification. No good comes fully fashioned, out of God's hand, but has to be carved out through repeated experiments and repeated failures by ourselves. This is the law of individual growth. The same law controls social and political evolution also. The right to err, which means the freedom to try experiments, is the universal condition of all progress."
      -Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        Hi all,

        DeeBee, I just had to add my mama's words here, she always said, "Cindi, good decisions are often made because of the experience of bad decisions."

        I guess she and Gandhi are very similar souls.

        OverIt, Good for you to recommit and keep on trucking. That is the way to success.

        Everyone, keep on keepin' on. That is all we can do.

        AF April 9, 2016


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          Hey Gang. Back from work. Nothing sucks worse than having a hangover and having to work! Thank God it was a short shift, and I have this evening off.

          NO! I am NOT giving up! I want to change! Well, I suppose I have two drinking days in the month of August (started the 30 day commitment on Aug 2nd I believe). So I still have the chance to make this a good month. Not a 30 AF day month, but a good month! I have to stay positive.

          A friend of mine from this site is doing very very well! Shes having a great AF week. Today on the phone she said now maybe she can be of better help to me. That is so sweet, but also true. We all NEED each others support and understanding.

          How is everyone else doing???? Im very interested in your progress either good or bad!!! Please do as I am doing, just keep coming back!!!!

          Oh one more thing. As I was on robot-mode (someone on here said that, its so true) pouring my drink, I thought to myself "Now if I was on Antabuse, I would not be doing this!" More incentive to get me on it for sure



            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            I everyone!

            Day 5 AF for me. My BF is still in a foul mood, not sure how to deal with him. I guess I will just do my own thing? Last night I even offered to give him cash to go get a drink as long as he didn't bring it back here as I can not drink. This incensed him for some reason. He actually said that I don't have a drinking problem and that I am just making up the problem in order to have some drama in my life. Ladies, I WISH! Not sure if he won't believe until I wind up in the hospital or what?? Well he can suffer denial if he wishes, I am way past that stage in my recovery. Then today when I mentioned to my sis that I am alone in this battle except for my online friends, she replied that I feels that she has been supportive but I should try not to dwell on the issue:lol3: Clearly, these people DO NOT get it!

            I just talked to my BF and asked what we should do tonight. He said that we should get some beer and that I am depriving myself for no reason. Apparently 30 days is arbitrary and pointless! ull I am afraid this is NOT going to be an easy month for me. At least he is broke so he won't go buy it himself.

            Instead of buying beer I am going to get some chocolate for dessert and make a taco dinner.

            Overit- Hang in there. I could not stay AF if I worked in a bar! You have a real challenge in front of you but I have faith in you!

            Jackie- Thanks for the support!



              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              P.S. I just discovered all the rest of the smiley faces and things. Now I am going to go to town... so many options!!!


                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                Hey Liath,

                Your right, I do have a challenge being a bartendar at times, but I am pretty sure even if I was a nurse or something, I would most likely just be stopping at a liquor store after work!

                You have a challenge by not having a very supportive sister and a non supporting boyfriend. I hope he is not bringing the booze home, because if it was me, I would be drinking it. Your right, people who do not have drinking problems, just do not get it!!!

                I was talking with my friend from this site and we were both saying how alcohol has basically ruined both our lives. I know with all my heart and soul that I would be a different person with a totally different life if I had never picked up that drink. Its so sad. My friend totally agrees about her life, wrong choices in men due to drinking ect.

                People without drinking problems never have to think something like that... how their whole life has been destroyed, dreams never coming true because of some booze in a bottle.

                Ok enough sad talk.... heres to making some changes and looking forward now. Stay strong girl, you know we are always pulling for you!!


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  Hya all, it's nearly 1am here in London and I have just come back from a night of pubbing and clubbing and am STILL AF! Mind you my problem in later years was always drinking alone and at home, so maybe it's not such a big achievement. No, actually it is as I didn't stay at home and get drunk, whoch I did last Friday!

                  I had a really ace time with a mate who also wasn't drinking. It was actually quite scary when we were coming out and there was nearly a fight kicking off, two girls falling over and one girl in tears. Bloody hell if that's what al does to you I am glad I'm not drinking. And then getting on the tube, there were people shouting and swaying all over the shop, not to mention the rancid stench of sweat and alcohol.
                  So I am a bit buzzed from all the diet coke, but a good night all in all.

                  I shall go to bed in a min with a chamomile tea, probably sleep in a bit then go out to do stuff clear headed - yay!

                  Sorry to hear about your problems OverIt and Liath. OverIt, I am so glad you didn't drop off the thread and well done for getting back on the horse, so to speak. You are very courageous - I mean that. It must be extra-difficult having to tend a bar while trying to be AF if people buy you drinks. You should maybe try to take a look at the people like I did tonight - man it put me off!

                  Liath, I am so sorry that you are having to go through these problems. I wish your bf could be more understanding - you deserve love and encouragement and him being proud of you for what you are trying to do rather than aggression, accusation and unfeelingness. I hope things get easier for him and then maybe that will make it easier on you too. In the meantime, please stay strong for yourself - you deserve better.

                  And a big WELCOME to Em - don't worry, we all feel like thread-killers at times

                  Anyway g'night folks (or should I say good morning). See y'all when it is a decent hour of the day! Lots of hugs to you all - I hope through all your worries you will stick with it from now on. It will be worth it just to see how good physically and mentally 30 AF days feel. Trust me, I know. I have completed it before - and about to do it again!
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos


                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    Kimberly - yay!! That is awesome... And although it hasn't happened to me often - I know what you mean about being sober and watching people who are drunk... I am ashamed that that has been been me so many times... Glad that you were able to stick to it!

                    Liath ~ wow - what a struggle... You are an inspiration.... I don't think if I were in your shoes I would have been able to do what you did... Someone close to you telling you you don't have a problem and coercing you to go out for beer? NOW THATS ANY ACCOMPLISHMENT!! Keep it up, girl!

                    Overit ~ You are awesome too!! You refuse to give up - you came back here and posted and you're back on your feet... I'm proud of you!! I can't imagine how hard it is for you to stay AF working as a bartender... But I can imagine you beating this!! I sense a strong spirit in you...

                    I'm wrapping up Day 4.... Going into the weekend... Everyone is out "drinking beers" ~ "going to grab a glass on wine"... I struggle in the evenings... Mornings and days are wonderful and worth it though... Looking for a weekend with no regrets.... I wish that for all of you too!!!
                    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      Yeah! Made it through day 5. After getting through the moment of temptation with my BF, the rest of the night was a piece of cake. Thankfully, he is going along with the AF house thing or I'd be done for. Getting pretty sleepy here. I will be around tomorrow night if anyone needs some extra support!

                      Kim- Nice work! I am definitely not at the stage where I can go out to the pubs and watch people drink. Impressive.

                      Spirit girl- I am so happy you are still with us. Day 4, great. It will get easier and we will feel better, you'll see.

                      Overit- I know how you feel but I you can still turn your life around. We can't change the past, all we have is today. Sometimes I get to thinking of the damage I have likely done to my body and mental health with AL, and I inevitably begin to feel panicked and helpless. Those type of feelings lead me to drink because I can FORGET. Well, its time we stop ESCAPING and start FACING up to life. We are all in this together!


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        Hi Spirit, good to see you keeping going - I haven't seen a thread from you in a while. You are so encouraging to everyone, so it's great when you post.

                        Brilliant work, Liath. That moment of temptation is the killer, but once you're over it it becomes much easier.

                        I woke up at 8.30am with a bit of a headache but not too much. I get these for a coupla weeks when I go AF - all the more reason to pass through that stage and really enjoy the no-headaches of 4 weeks AF!

                        I have already got up and danced around the kitchen to Madcon while making a scrummy brekkie of bacon, peppers and spinach (I am cutting out all sugar as well - it does help with cravings). Now I am going to have a nice shower, pop into town to pick up some bits and hopefully meet my sis for a coffee. AND it's sunny :rays: How many times have I had to stay in on a nice sunny day because of feeling like my face had been beaten in with a shovel. Not today cos I was AF last night and I am AF today!

                        :hug: for all you guys this lovely AF weekend - often they are the most difficult times, but the times we truly enjoy if we stick with the plan!
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                        Recovery Videos


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          I have failed. I didn't know if I could make it the whole 30 days but I figured I could get past 4 days. Feel like dog doo this morning. Sure was not worth it. Later gators.


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            Hey Sparkles, I got drunk as a skunk two days ago. Im back picking up the pieces though. Dont give up! We still have the opportunity to make this a very very good month!

                            Good Morning Liath, Kimberly, and SpiritGirl. So nice to have messages from you all this morning. Thanks so much for the encouragement. It really means alot!

                            Sounds like we are all being tested BIG time. Kimberly, good job on going to a pub and staying sober! That is HUGE! You too Liath!

                            Spiritgirl starting day 5??? I think we are all determined to do this. So far I have 5 AF days for the month of August. So, when you look at that way, its definately progress for me!

                            Heading to work in a bit here, I am not going to drink today!!!

                            Have a good SOBER day lovely ladies! Do your best!
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              I've failed to sparleAZ. I got to I got up to 18 days AF but then the dreaded cravings got the better of me. I started on the baclofen too. I've been so ill the past 2 days, really sick all day yesrerday and most of this morning.

                              I'm in for the rest of the month, I know it, I went 7 weeks before this. It seems when I'm upset about something or feeling down thats when I give in



                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Overit, good way to look at it. I have 4 days AF so I will not let this get me down. I am going to a party tonight but definately will not drink. Mintytess good for you! I am going to do the very best that I can to stay AF, I'm not going to let these slips get in my way.

