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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    A newbie...just joining in for the 1st time

    Hi -

    I know I'm late, but I am on board for 30 days AF (and hopefully many, many more). I am so grateful for finding this site. I had tried to find something similar a couple of years ago because I knew I had a problem, but I didn't find this place. I didn't have any interest in AA simply because I am not that religious of a person.

    I am AF 1 day. I feel so good today....and I pray that I can keep this going with all of your help. There is no alcoholism in my family and so I thought that I could keep it under control when I first started really drinking - a couple of glasses of wine turned into 1 bottle...and then 2 bottles a night.

    My DH doesn't drink, and so I have been trying to hide my drinking from him, but I know he knows. We just don't talk about it. I am so embarrassed, ashamed and angry at myself for letting this happen.

    My motivation is that I have 3 kids - twins who are 10 and a DD who is 9. They have found my hidden bottles...they know the difference between a beer bottle and wine bottle...they have seen me passed out. What kind of a mother am I? It makes me so ashamed to even write these things. I know we have the tough years ahead of us for parenting and I need to be a good role model for their sakes. I HAVE to do this for them and for me.

    My challenge tonight is that I have a meeting after work tonight at a local microbrewery. I AM going to have an iced tea, sparkling water, something else other than AL. I made it 1 day and if I am going to succeed, I just have to accept that AL is poison to me and my family. Please pray for me, this is going to be a hard challenge.


      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      Here I go again!!!!

      Hi all,
      I too want to come on board 30 days AF. I have had a rotten day today after a binge drinking session last night. My husband told me a few home truths, I packed a case and left.......took the easy way know the way it is. Thankfully my husband knows only too well the way I am after drink, and refuses to let me break up the family, I really don't know what he sees in a piss head like me. We had a long chat this afternoon, in which I was going to go back to rehab and try again, but thing is I don't want to have to go away from my kids for another 5/6 weeks. I am determined to quit this time, why is it we are so destructive with our lives. My darling daughter 14, saw me pissed again last night, I am so ashamed as I promised her earlier this year that I was done with it. I know I can do the 30 days, I have done it before and I'll do it again.
      I wish all you 30day people well, and will try to post as often as i can.
      Never give up.


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        Hi all the newbies- glad you could join in!

        Ah it was so lovely to have a Monday where I could go into work and not feel awful and guilty about having a hangover - or 'working from home' wink wink!

        Liath I am so glad you had a talk with your bf - it should take the pressure off you a lot if he is being supportive.

        Spirit you do make me laugh with the way you put things - that's so funny about the having to convince other people when it's usually yourself in denial!!

        OverIt glad you were string over the not having a drink and it's great to hear you sounding so joyful about being sober.

        Yay to you all. This has been the best week for me in a long time, becuase I KNEW I was going to be AF throughout it.

        Lets keep it going fellas!
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          Hi all,
          Went to AA meeting last night, very good meeting, and very welcoming, so glad I went.
          Day 2 today.
          Good luck to all.:goodjob:


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            Welcome Bree and Determination! With a name like Determination, you are sure to succeed, and Bree, good job on going to an AA meeting! Im so glad it was a good one for you.

            Wondering how the other girls are doing? Hope to have a check in from everyone soon.

            As for me, I am doing fabulous! (dont want to jinx it though you know?)

            I KEPT my doctors appointment yesterday, and to my pleasant surprise the nurse who saw me was AMAZING. She was so kind, quiet, understanding, and supportive. She sat and LISTENED to me for a good half hour. She kindly made suggestions and even made a call to her girlfriend who is a AA sponsor.

            I left my appointment with a sense of relief, a sense that somebody CARES and that there is HOPE out there for people who suffer from alcoholism.

            You know what else I walked out with? Antabuse! I am making the steps to decide how to proceed with my sobriety, but I have the antabuse if I need it! I feel like I am gathering all the tools I need now for success. Its a good feeling.

            Ladies, remember... if you need help in the professional field, search until you find someone to help you. This was my third try at talking to a doctor, and this one made all the diffierence. Sometimes thats all it takes (fingers crossed) THEY ARE THERE TO HELP!




              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Good morning all.. and welcome to Determination and Bree! Glad to have you!

              Overit... awesome! So glad you had a good doctor's visit. Third time's a charm, eh?
              I need to be outta here like 10 minutes ago.. won't check in for 2 days... but wanted to wish all of you well. Day 4 here.

              Hang in there guys 'n dolls - we can do this!

              :l to all - talk to you on Thursday!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                I'm glad things worked out for you Overit, great determination you have there. I have doing well finally. Hopefully this will stick. It has really helped that my husband has joined me (I think). Let's say at least he isn't drinking at home but he does seem to be going out at odd times. I may be wrong and I sure hope I am.

                Anyway, I'm off to the hospital this morning, having a mammogram done - hate those things.


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  Hey Sparkles!

                  Good luck with the mamogram. Yes, those things suck, but necessary.

                  Sparkles, just keep trying. I am new at this. I have tried, failed, tried, failed, ok lets just write that a thousand more times shall we.

                  You just have to keep trying until it sticks.




                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    Even though day 2 was not AF, I am so proud of myself. I had a committee meeting at a microbrewery, and I fully intended to get a mocktail or iced tea. They had neither, and I don't like soda and I felt too awkward just getting a glass of iced water. So, I did have 1 glass of wine. Just 1 and I resisted the strong temptation to stop and get a bottle of wine to take home with me. So, for me, that feels like a huge victory.


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?


                      These words come to mind. When you are a baby, you have to take a first step. The first step leads you to walking, and after learning to walk, you learn to run.

                      A step taken in the right direction! Keep taking the baby steps, you will get there!


                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        OverIt I am so pleased to hear about your appointment going so well and the fact that you are feeling good.

                        In fact everyone typing on the thread at the moment seems to have reasons to be proud. Well done on your victory Determination and Spakle I am so glad you feel you are finally getting somewhere. Whatever your hubby is doing, don't forget YOUR recovery comes first!

                        As for me, today I had one of those days where I just felt good to be alive. I just had 2 lots more of stress piled onto me which have made things difficult (I won't go into what they are here), but one week AF and I feel like I can cope with anything.

                        You're right OverIt we shouldn't tempt fate, but: yyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyaaaaaaay!
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                        Recovery Videos


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          I'm back!

                          Hey everyone! Welcome Bree and Determination!

                          I wish it could have been longer but I had a very nice mini-vacation with my sister and her kids. They are at the age where trips mean a lot to them.. and there were waterslides, trains, rock mining, and reptile zoos they definitely had fun. It was great to be PRESENT for them. I was thinking how I have been missing out on life when I was drinking so much before. 'Fear of life' someone called it on a post I read somewhere. I am still a little afraid of life.. but I am confronting it.. WITHOUT alcohol. What a difference it makes not to have AL in my life. So much less to worry about. I just barely have the energy for all that needs to be done, now that I am addressing things like my health/diet, family relationships, career advancement with my full attention! Before I spent quite a bit of that time justifying the need for and obtaining AL, and don't forget the act of drinking and the variable recovery time involved. Somehow 8 days has passed!

                          Overit- I did get emotional reading your last post. I am so glad that you talked to someone with compassion and understanding. You are making big steps and I am proud of you.

                          I have to run because I am stepping up the hours of studying (the test is less than 2 months away) but I am sending you all of my affection!enguin:urgirl:urgirl:

                          BTW- my BF just got a partime management position and another side job today! So he now has 3 jobs. Just 2 days ago I told him "failure is not an option for either of us." We are doing what it takes to improve our life together.. finally! Eight days!


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            Liath, well done, 8 days is huge!!!
                            Day 3 for me, got in another AA meeting yesterday, so felt pretty good about that.
                            Felt rotten last night, had a mad craving for AL, but thankfully I didn't succumb to it.
                            I went to bed early.
                            So happy to be on Day 3, and Kimberly, why shouldn't you shout it from the rooftops if you want. We are back taking control of our lives and it feel good.
                            Keep it up all!!:goodjob:


                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              May I join in here? I quit for 2 and 1/2 weeks last month with another group and loved it. However, as so often before, I fell off the wagon and have done horribly ever since. Drank way too much last night and all of the self loathing is back full force. I am so ready to stop this madness.


                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Hey New Creation!

                                Of COURSE you can join in, thats what this is here for! To help! We have a nice little group of ladies going here (I think all ladies??). Some SUPER great girls on here, and it seems everyone is thinking positive and moving forward. Sometimes all it takes is some support and encouragement.

                                Liath, SO GOOD to hear from you! Im glad you could get away and have some good quality time with your sister and children, without alcohol involved. Those times are precious, and they mean alot to the little ones. They will remember their special Aunt.

                                I guess I have forgot to mention, that I myself, am on vacation from work for two weeks! Yahoooo!!!! Next week, I will be leaving for Michigan to see my family. I will easily compile 8 days AF because NOone in my family drinks! There is no way I could even have access to it even if I wanted. Funny how I come from a super non drinking family.

                                Every year about this time, I look forward to quality time with my family. Along with the special times spent with them, its always good to know that for the time there I will not have a drink either. Its a vacation in many ways.

                                Love you guy, Im so glad everyone is living life without the booze colored glasses on.



                                P.S. Liath, thats great your boyfriend got a job! See, positive things happen when you put positive energy forward! Your getting there girl!
                                I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

