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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Good Morning 30 day'rs!!! Today will be day 3 for Kim, Liath and Overit. Girls, I KNOW we all want this! Lets use each other (in a good way) for whatever we feel we need in order to reach that goal!!! I dont mind to admitting to being selfish at times on here (with posting, rants, whatever) Feel free to be selfish in asking WHAT IT IS YOU NEED!

    How is everyone else doing on whatever day it is for you? I want everyone on here to reach that 30 days!!!!!

    Well, I have been thinking alot. I have been feeling very strong lately (please stick!) about doing this. You always hear how you have to hit your "Bottom", then climb up. Well, after my embaressing mental breakdown on the phone to a casual kind of friend, Well I am ready to get my butt in gear. Do I really want to go through that again? NO!

    Ladies, be strong today and when that urge comes, just think about how you are WORTH IT, how much stronger you will feel tomorrow morning without that nagging headache, that feeling of being a loser.

    Like the Nike saying "Just Do It!!"




      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      Glad to be here. I have no idea when the last time I was AL for 30 days, maybe 30 years ago. I am probably the old lady on the block but who cares. It's never too late to improve yourself.


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        Hey Sparkles!

        Sparkles, I think this is going to be new territory for almost all of us on here making this commitment, I have failed at this before!!!

        I doubt your the "old" lady on here, I, personally am 41 years old, a single Mom, and have not managed more than a week sober in....hmmm, very very long time. THat doesnt matter, though, I am going to give this my best shot.

        Would love to hear more about you! Have a strong day today!!! We are here for you!


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          Morning y'all! Day 3 again here - going for 30 again (at the least). Please stop this old lady chatter...LOL!! I am turning 50 this year
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            Good Morning Looking!!!

            Glad to have you here! Age is just a number, who cares. Look how amazing Madonna looks at 50, shes HOT!

            Have a strong day! You are worth it!


              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Hi 30 Day-ers!
              Please can I join?
              A year ago I did 30 days AF which then turned into 60 days -- I haven't managed any substantial AF time since then so I've pulled up my socks, made a plan and am on day 5 AF.
              Tonight is book club aka wine club but I'm prepared for it -- bought a bottle of pomagranate juice and a bottle of soda to mix with it, I even sliced myself some lemons:-) I'll have a glass of tomatoe juice before I go so that I don't arrive there hungry and I should have a good time tonight.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                Good Morning from Alabama!!

                I see some serious determination here. Trust me, that is what it will take. Take this 30 commitment for what it is, the challenge of a lifetime. It will be a very difficult thing to accomplish. Just accept that and go with it.

                Read the Tool Box in the Monthly Abs forum. There is a lot of really good advice and tips in there.

                Stay determined, even when you hit those inevitable rough patches. Just know you will hit them and shrug.

                One thing I had to learn to deal with was actually feeling guilty about wanting to drink. My mind knew it wanted to quit but it also wanted that drink! Well, friends, it is what it is. Do not feel guilty about that. Guilt will simply lead you back to drink. Know you will have days where you will want to drink. When they hit, you will be prepared and plan now how you will deal with them.

                Kimberly, you said that if you fail at this go, it is basiclly all over. That is absolutely not true. I am not saying "Go ahead and fail." I am saying each and every time you set out to go AF, you are beating back this addiction. Never, ever quit trying to quit. I never did and I am a very hardcore alcoholic. However, you can do this 30 days. See above.

                I am with you every step of the way. I, too, get those thoughts. Today, I just laugh at them. One simple tool I do have is a simple smile. When I am feeling down or grim, I force myself to smile. It seems so simple, but the act of smiling makes me feel better.

                Never hesitate to call out for help when you need it. That took me forever, too. I think it was the guilt of wanting to drink that kept me from asking for help. Today I have a nice network of friends from MWO and AA that I can call. Just the chat time will get you through some rough times.

                Or call out for chat here at MWO. It is seldom that someone will not answer that call.

                Remember, we are all the same on this ride. Everyone understands.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  Hey DeeBee!!! Feels like last summer all over again...LOL!! Love the glasses :h
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    Yeah DeeBee! Your one of my Favorite girls too!!!

                    Thanks Cindi for as always, the wise words, and the encouragement! Yes, very determined on my part, Praying to God I hit my bottom, maybe? finally?

                    Got to run to work... Today will be an AF day, and will check in late tonight.

                    Keep positive and strong today!


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      Hey LTG!! Long time no chat!
                      Crumbs it all happened a year ago didn't it.

                      Oh and the glasses are purely because they look cool, I don't need them for reading, driving, seeing my toes or anything:H
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        Hiya Overit!!
                        Yip, last time we pacted on a AF weekend which got me jogging around the block in my PJ's but it worked -- we'll definetly be able to pull off 30 days now!!
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          ooh ohh -- me too!? Coming out of lurker-mode. Lurked all thru July due to my abject humiliation of not being able to get past a Day 1. Last week had 3.5 days!!! then, on Day 4, in Robot-mode, bought a little flask of vodka. *sigh* then lost yesterday wasted, too.

                          Today, Weds. Aug 5 is a new day. All of you on this thread, and many others, continued to share your trials and tribulations, in addition to your triumphs. I'll plan to be as bravely open and honest. Want to give this my all. Have Baclofen -- which seems to work very well when I let it work!

                          Look forward to going on this incredibly hard journey, getting to know you more, and vice-versa.

                          Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            BTW - I'm 45 yrs old. Been to rehab twice - first time age 32. Wish I would've stuck to it then. It's SO MUCH harder to quit this far along the trajectory. Night and Day difference as the drinking years have rolled on.

                            Liath -- good for you taming the beast now. don't wait till it's too late.
                            Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              I'd love to be in!

                              I've GOT to do it - for my sanity. I promise to be here every day for the next 30 days! The most I've made in the past year is one or two nights AF. Wine is so tricky because it just seems like part of dinner and then, well, it's nice all evening too! I always come back here when things get scarey but haven't posted for a long, long time. Thanks for starting this thread! Em


                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Em, I am with you on the wine. Starts at dinner cooking time. This week I have been having my husbo pick me up a diet limeaide from Sonic on his way home from work for my happy hour. That's my new treat...LOL!!
                                LTG AF January 13, 2011

