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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Great job ladies (??)! Today is day 4 AF. Yesterday was a friend's birthday party at a restaurant, and I ordered a Lemonade. I kept repeating to myself that I will NOT FEED THE AL GREMLIN!

    Bree - congrats on not caving in. Pat yourself on the back! Remember how good you feel about yourself this morning.

    Overit - enjoy the time off of work and with your family!

    New Creation - welcome! Anytime you need support, you can turn to this wonderful group of BBers. We are all struggling together to beat the AL Gremlin!


      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      Welcome Bree, Determination and New creation. Good to have you here. Overit enjoy your holiday.

      Well i am on day 9 and i feel nearly 100%. Just got a new contract for work tonight so life is good. Sleep couldnt be better infact going to peeps soon it's 22.50 and can't stop yawning zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
      They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

      last drink 3rd August 2009


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        Hi y'all! Been away for a few days with the grands. For the most part, looks like all is well here. So nice to see the "group" getting larger. I had a rough afternoon Sunday after the last of the grands went home but back at day 3 AF today. I hope everyone reaches their goals!!! I know part of my problem this weekend was getting off track with taking my supps. Going to make myself a schedule for this weekend and use the cooking timer as a reminder to take them. Any other suggestions for sticking to a routine when routine is out the window? It's so easy to for me to get caught up in swimming and sidewalk chalking...
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          Liath, welcome back - what great news about your BF's new job -that should make things easier in your homelife. Welcome back, too, Looking. My rutine getting messed up is always a trigger for me, so I know where you're coming from.

          Andaz I think because of the time difference between Europe and the US we are a 'day' ahead. Funny to thinkmost of the rest of you are in bed or just getting up as I type!

          Detremination good for you for making the right choice, especially at a birthday party. I constantly like tovary my AF drinks, though it's a bit harder when you're out (they have to be diet drinks as I am a sugar-free zone at the moment!)

          Bree, good for you for fighting the cravings - are you on any supplements? It might help. I have found that cutting sugar out REALLY helps thought it's a mini version of hell for a few days, so you might not want to deal with it in the very early days!

          And last but by no means least, OverIt I am so glad to hear all the postive things going on for you as I remember your posts from just before this thread started on other threads. You'd not been having the easiest time and suddenly it seems like you have made some kind of breakthrough. It makes me smile to hear all of the positve experiences and feelings you are having. Have a wonderful vacation and enjoy visiting your family. I hope you won't take a total vacation from us though!

          And Welcome New Creation! I look forward to hearing more about your journey.

          Phew, I think I got everyone in there - if not, feel free to give me a virtual slap
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            Thanks all for the warm welcome. Think I will like it here! Horrible day at work and I so want to go ahead and finish off the vodka that I had last night. On the way home from work I think I was secretly wishing that there was not a response from any of you and so I wasn't officially part of the group yet! No such luck......5 beautiful welcomes! So day 1 is almost over. Will check with you again tomorrow.


              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Hello, I'm new also and would like to join the 30 day thing too. I found this site Sunday afternoon and decided to make Sunday night my new start (thanks to a lot of people on the live chat, who really encouraged my resolve). I'm now on Day 4, and would love to have some buddies along for the journey.
              MUCH LOVE!!!!
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                30 day commitment.. who's in?


                do most do it cold turkey. what about the stomach problems:new::new::new:


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  I am about to go off to work, but just wanted to congratulate you New Creation on not giving in to the craving. Love the butterfly avatar btw!

                  Big welcome to Dancelot and Brown.

                  I will catch up with you all later. Have a great day!
                  Recovery Coaching website

                  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                  Recovery Videos


                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    Dancealot and Brown,

                    You have come to the right place for love and support, not to mention advice from experienced people! I too, am a newbie on my 6th day AF. Stick with us and we will get the first of many AF months and years under the belt, and win back our sel respect and that of others.
                    Sunbird :l:l


                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      Good Morning beautiful people!

                      Kinda a quick check in from me too. My wonderful vacation time has hit a bump in the road. Took my car in yesterday to "check" out a noise in the engine. Oh no, turns out needs new transmission at the tune of 1700.00!!! SHIT! So now, have to get a rental car, ect. ect. Big sigh..

                      How is everyone doing? Thanks so much for the encouragement guys, I hope each one of you knows I am always here to support and encourage too.

                      Two days ago, caved in to my big drinking desire. Regretted the hell out of that yesterday. August 13 2009, I have 3 drinking days for the month. Well, that is DEFINATELY progress but not the perfection I had hoped.

                      I hope to get updates on you all, May your day be blessed with strength and happiness.



                      P.S. Its nice to see the new people on here! I look forward to learning more about you, and encouraging your success!
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        Hi all,
                        Day 4 AF, and going well, although today might be tricky for me, as thurs is always the start of my long AL weekends!!!!!
                        I'm keeping it very much in mind though, and am aware that I may be tempted.
                        I'm not sleeping very well, and sweating a lot, is this part of been off AL? The only good thing about not sleeping is I have all my ironing & housework up to date.
                        Didn't get to AA yesterday, but will try to go tonight.
                        Have started L-Glut, magnesium & thiamin supps, so hope they help a bit.
                        Hope everybody is still doing good, big hugs all round!!! Thanks for all the support, it's a great site.


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          Morning all. 1 day and counting. Today is my and my husband's 32nd anniversary. Would love to go out to celebrate but think we will just stay home and eat leftovers! My not drinking will be the greatest gift of all to him.


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            Hey Bree and New Creation,

                            Bree, I know its hard to be AF on the weekends, especially if thats your routine. Sometimes I feel like the blind trying to lead the blind, but what has worked for me in the past is Envisioning, I guess thats what you call it?

                            Sometimes when I want to drink, I try to think about my patterns. For example, Due to my past behavior, I know that if I have one glass of wine, it will turn out to be an all night/day affair. I know one glass will turn into a bottle of wine, and then probably another! I know this because this is what ALWAYS happens. So when I think about the consequences of having one, well alot of times I realize that "one" is just not worth it. I ALWAYS regret any drinking!

                            New Creation, congratulations on your anniversay! Yes, your sobriety will be a wonderful gift to your husband but even more importantly to YOU!

                            Read up above for when those urges strike.

                            Have a blessed day.

                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              OverIt2007;691901 wrote: H

                              Sometimes when I want to drink, I try to think about my patterns. For example, Due to my past behavior, I know that if I have one glass of wine, it will turn out to be an all night/day affair. I know one glass will turn into a bottle of wine, and then probably another! I know this because this is what ALWAYS happens. So when I think about the consequences of having one, well alot of times I realize that "one" is just not worth it. I ALWAYS regret any drinking!

                              This is so true! Congratulations New Creation on resisting the urge. One day at a can beat the AL Gremlin (how I am trying to visualize AL - like a parasite that needs to be fed and will only die if I don't feed it).

                              Bree....this will be my first weekend trying to go AL free too. I have felt so good over the last 4 days of being AF free that I think it will help me make it through the weekend too. I also plan to check in frequently on this site to keep motivated.

                              Two good things that I have to report on being 4 days AF:

                              Last night I got to watch my favorite TV show in full. Usually I pass out by the time it is finished, so have to watch a re-run.

                              I also woke up last night because of a thunderstorm - which I love listening to at night. When I am passed out at night, I don't even wake up.

                              It feels like I am SLOWLY becoming myself again.


                                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                                Day 6 here

                                Good morning, fight club!

                                A big welcome to New Creation, Dancealot, and Brown! Awesome to have you along for the ride! :H New Creation!!! SO glad your plan was spoiled! - Congrats on passing on the temptation!

                                Brown... I think the question of going cold turkey or tapering down largely depends on how much you were/are drinking and how bad your withdrawal symptoms are. If you suffer major withdrawals for days... then it may be safer for you to 'wean yourself off' slowly and/or under your doctor's supervision.

                                Bree... yeppers, the sweating and absence of sleep is definitely part of the early days fun *uggh. Good news... It doesn't last forever, and BOY, does it feel good to actually SLEEP.. instead of passing out! Keep going, you're doing wonderfully. And, make this a Thursday to remember!

                                Ok, since I played hookie for 2 days, I have much to catch up on today. Hello to Kimberly, Liath, Overit and ALL - have a wonderful AF day!

                                Oh... Overit... were we separated at birth? I SO identify with your 'one glass=1 bottle=1 more bottle' and you're right... It's just not worth it.

                                Ok, I'm outta here! :l to all!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

