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30 day commitment.. who's in?

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    30 day commitment.. who's in?

    Good morning Fight Club! again thanks for sharing your stories, and huge congratulations and humble respect and admiration for all those who made it thru August all or mostly AF!! (Liath, Bree, Kimberley, Sunshine, .... everyone that I feel bad already I'm forgetting ...):goodjob:
    Welcome Amcalex, good luck with the supps. I found they made me a little tired at first, as my body began sucking them up and starting to repair itself. (and given my PROLIFIC TOLERANCE! LOL there is a lot of damage. )

    Have found in my 3 little acute withdrawal stints (3 days in July, 3 in Aug, 5 in Aug) that Baclofen really helps with the blood pressure, racing heart, etc., and can be obtained without a prescription if ordered online.
    Baclofen is similarly as effective as benzos for acute withdrawal stage, and helps with anxiety afterwards ... if I'd just give it a chance. (much thanks to Zen, Billy P, Bill and all who have generously shared their knowledge and experience -- Bac is a God send that gives me hope)

    the hard part for me seems to be addressing psychological cravings. I mean, how bad does it need to get for me to hit bottom? need to get as strong as so many here. sometimes I really question my intentions, or rather the intentions of my lizard brain :nutso: that hijacks and kidnaps the real me.

    I'm just glad I'm not the only one who has struggled so much, and feel that hope that I can make it if I really focus even harder on this as priority, and stop sabotaging!

    thanks for being here. Puddy
    Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


      30 day commitment.. who's in?

      My 16 y.o. niece had to clean up puke from an inebriated patron last night! She got home later than expected last night from her job as a lifeguard at a countryclub, because she stayed late mopping up the vomit and awaiting the ambulance for a lady who had had too much to drink.

      I was visiting my sister, and felt vaguely culpable 'round 9pm when she shared the story, knowing it could've been me (except I drink mostly at home, and don't belong to a country club ..) Still!... niece knows about my struggles. again: ugh.
      Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


        30 day commitment.. who's in?

        I'm new to MWO...just joined today.

        I just decided today to try to go 30 days without drinking. I've had a bottle of Antabuse on the shelf for a week, but I'm terrified of taking it. I've tried to quit and have tried to moderate, and I haven't been able to do either one. I've tried every intellectual, spiritual, and emotional argument against drinking, but I just keep doing it, the same thing over and over and over even when I THINK I've made progress and will stop drinking too much too often. I'm so tired of feeling hungover, anxious, demoralized, and generally contantly preoccupied by worrying about alcohol.

        I need support so much. I don't want to share any of this with my family or friends. My family already thinks I have a drinking problem, and I just don't have it in me right now to admit it to them.

        I am in for the 30 days! But I'm scared. Does anyone in this thread have experience with Antabuse? I think I know in my heart I'll never do it unless I know that I just CAN'T because of the medication. The longest I've gone in years without alcohol is 3 days. Drinking has become my #1 coping mechanism for loneliness, depression and boredom. Sadly, alcohol has also kept me in the same place emotionally for years and has allowed me to be able to tolerate just staying the same. The ONLY way my life will change for the better is to STOP this cycle! I still hope that maybe someday I'll be able to moderate once I've broken the habit of drinking, but I would be afraid to try once I'd been abstinate for a while. I don't have any physical cravings, but I can't stop once I get started and always turn to wine or beer when I feel down.

        Sorry this is so long...I hope that being a part of this community will help me to do what I know I must do. Thanks for "listening."


          30 day commitment.. who's in?

          Hi Hopeful,

          Sorry can't advice you on antabuse,but you'll probably find the answer in the Meds thread.

          Just go to OUR COMMUNITY an scroll down to Topamax, campral etc.

          Wishing you all the luck in the world.

          Love Jackie xxx

          AF since 7/7/2009
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            30 day commitment.. who's in?

            Welcome to all the new members - Hopeful, Mollykai, Maise, Miss Piggy!

            Congrats to everybody who has almost made it through 30 days AF - or heck, even a few days AF - it is a journey!

            I made it through the weekend - my biggest challenges are Friday night (wine to relax for weekend) and Sunday night (wine to help me forgot that I have to go back to work on Monday to a job that I don't like).

            Today is day 7 - although since 8/8, I have been sober all but 2 days, so I consider that huge success since prior to that date, I was drinking 1.5+ bottles of wine every night and passing out and stumbling to bed at 1:00 a.m.

            Labor Day weekend is going to be hard - will be with family all weekend and my family doesn't know that I have a drinking problem and alcohol is readily available.


              30 day commitment.. who's in?

              Welcome, newbies... great to see you're joining us!
              Determination - yes, holiday weekends are always a bit tougher, eh? I'll be tested as well, I'm sure - but we're going to make it!
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                30 day commitment.. who's in?

                Greetings everyone. Wow, we have many new additions to this thread and that is great. So we have adopted the name "fight club" and I was just thinking we should start that September fight club thread. We wanted to be more open to the newbies and set new goals for the month. Ugh, I wish I had done better but have a really good feeling about September!

                Puttytat- Good to here from you. And Overit- We just can't give up. We are in this together. Kim- I hope you are OK.

                Hopefulindenver- I dont have info about the meds but your feelings sound very familiar. Alcohol has become my answer to most troubles. And/or the reason for most of them. That is why I am here, to find better answers...


                Ready for September??


                  30 day commitment.. who's in?

                  Hi everyone,
                  Hope you are all fighting fit and raring to go.

                  Hi hopefulindenver, I can't give you any advice re; antabuse, sorry, but stick with the forum here and you will get all the support you need. AL had become my coping mechanism as well, but you know what, it's only a habit. you can break it, just take it one day at a time, and you will get there. It's not easy, but you can do it.

                  amcalexand, you sound so like me, my hubbie thought it was just depression that made me drink too. I had him fooled along with everyone else, with all the sneaky drinking I was doing, I was only fooling myself! Good on you ordering the cd's, etc., thats a great start.

                  Good luck with the antabuse, OverIt, hope it works for you.

                  Liath, Kim, Determination, Puddytat, Sunshine, and sorry if I've missed anyone out, hope this week is a good week for you.

                  All my little chicks are back at school, so suffering with empty nest syndrome:upset:, I never thought I'd be glad to say it, but thank God for work.



                    30 day commitment.. who's in?

                    Thanks to everyone for the responses!!! Took my first Antabuse last night...only 1/2 a 250 mg tablet to start out because I'm terrified of miserable side effects. I figure that even at half a dose, I'm still going to experience the intended effects of the med if I drink. I thought I'd feel so good today, as I normally do when I drink nothing the night before, but I feel sad, depressed, confused, and fearful. I guess that's what it's like to lose your "best friend," i.e., alcohol!!! I didn't sleep at all last night, and the med is causing some nausea and a stomache ache. It's NOTHING compared to a raging hangover though! I'm going through some serious sadness and regret wishing so much I could just drink "normally."

                    Has anyone been able to moderate after an initial period of abstinence? A therapist I saw a few times kept talking about "retraining the brain," which happens after the brain's pleasure pathways are back to normal, i.e., no longer require alcohol to feel pleasure. Also, alcohol interferes with the effectiveness of antidepressants, which I take daily. This therapist said it typically takes about 30 days for this brain resetting to occur. Is it possible that once my brain gets back to normal and my antidepressants are having the full affect that I might be able to just drink socially? I have been able to drink socially with no problem, but loneliness and hopelessness cause me to either go home and keep drinking or stop at the neighborhood bar because I can't face going home alone, even though I've just left a great group of wonderful friends. The same things lead to drinking almost every day of the week and having hangovers like every other day at work. Again, anyone have any thoughts on how a period of abstinence to reflect, re-adjust, get back into healthy coping mechanisms, eliminate bad influences, etc, may lead to being able to moderate? I do not have physical cravings at all, but there is a problem with not being able to stop once I start if I'm alone at home or in the wrong place with the wrong crowd.

                    Is it normal I guess to feel sad about giving up something that's been a part of your life for such a long time?

                    Thanks to everyone for your responses and comments--God bless you all for being so supportive and understanding!



                      30 day commitment.. who's in?

                      Dear Hopeful-

                      I'd also like to be able to moderate, and there certainly is something to be said for retraining the brain. However, I have not had much luck so far. I have fallen short of a month each time I tried. I have tried to drink socially and ended up with a raging hangover the next day. I am afraid that social situations are my big trigger- and drinks with friends on a friday has turned into friday-saturday benders for me the last 2 times I tried. It seems my brain is not yet retrained. That doesn't mean it never will be. You should probably not worry about the extended future, telling yourself "I can never drink again" may make staying sober more difficult. For now, ODAT and great job for starting the abtabuse. I had no idea about the side effects though. Posting here may help you with all of the negative emotions. Feel free to let it all out and join us in the September Fight Club thread!!! :l


                        30 day commitment.. who's in?

                        I have 5 mins away from my mother so posting! Sorry my ma has been down all week and I don't feel comfortable posting i9n fornt of her.

                        HopefulinDenver, welcome- I know EXACTLY how you feel! I hope to cahat to you when I'm back online

                        Puddy - it was very brave of you to join and I am SO glad you're here. You seem very supportive and I hope we can support each other when I'm bacv online

                        Determination it is difficult and you have done it! You are a big cheerleader of others and I want to be your cheerleader!

                        OverIt! Welcome back and a big hug to you! You're a superstar- I know it's difficult to resist cravings but ALMOST the entire month you have done it.

                        Bree, thanks fir the support- sorry I haven't been able to be on the thread too much, but I know you're doing well, which is more than fantastic. I am very proud of the way you support others too. Don't feel sad about your chicks flying the nest- you shoulod be proud that you have raised good young fledglings

                        I don't even have to shout out to Sunny as I'm sure you know how much I appreciate you!

                        And lastly but never leastly to LIATH - you are the one who has started all these threads, the requests for support through the nightmare that is al-ism. I KNOW you will be alright no matter how long it takes for your big scientist brain to overcome the other 'silly' brain which we all of us on this thread have that says 'just this one'. Becasue YOU are the one who asked for help initially.

                        Jackie-clare thanks for being supportive.

                        I can't answer you all right now as I only have limited time and check through all the posts, but a BIG HUG to all until Sunbday when I should be able to post again.

                        Love to you all!
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                        Recovery Videos


                          30 day commitment.. who's in?

                          I am on day 3 and hope to make 30 and longer. I have started taking antabuse, having never tried medication before I feel they are helping me a lot.
                          I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


                            30 day commitment.. who's in?

                            Hello all,

                            Hope you are all doing well.

                            Kimberly, thanks for the words of encouragement, I really appreciate them.

                  , well done on 3 days Af, it,s a great start, keep it up.

                            Liath & hopeful, I can't even think of moderating at the moment, I think you need to be at least six months to a year Af, before evening thinking about moderating. That's only my opinion though, I think it's too easy to fall back into the same trap as before. I had 3 months Af, after in treatment, but thought I was CURED (lol!) went back moderating and within a month I was back to the usual 1-2 blts of wine and several vodka chasers each night, needless to say I wasn't a pretty sight. I'm not sure an alkie can ever modify sucessfully. Please don't think I am trying to lecture you, I'm not one to talk, one step forward and two back for a long number of years. Good luck with it.



                              30 day commitment.. who's in?

                              Yeah Bree, I know just what you are saying. It might be wishful thinking and I realize that. I just can't think about forever. I just need to drink as little as possible for the duration. My big problem is binge drinking with my friends. At home, I never overdoit. But we don't have AL in the house much anymore so its a 'safe' place to be.

                              Kim- Thanks for your kind words. You are the sweetest. Did you see that I started the September fight club thread?

