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    hi! i'm 21 yrs. old and in college, i think i have a problem with my drinking even though i try to hide it.All my drinking friends have begun noticing i drink a whole lot than them,at first i thought it was cool to outdrink everyone but the sad reality is sinking in,i then knew that alcohol tolerance is a sign of addiction but i got this information too late. i can't stay sober for more than 3 days, i'm in Kenya and alcohol centres aren't many and alcoholism is seen as nature's way of getting rid of the weak. I have to stop drinking as its messing all my relationships and is ruining my productivity at college also risky sexual behavious,for the past two weeks i've slept with more than 13 chicks and i don't even remember how met.Pliz i need a gameplan, i don know where to start.i need help before i f**k my life up.HELP!:new:


    Welcome fiddy
    Recognizing the problem is the a huge first step. I would suggest you download the MWO book and read it. It is very inexpensive and a quick read. Stock up on supplements etc and make a plan to handle life without alcohol.
    Keep coming back and posting. You will find lots of support and understanding from people here who have been in the same position.
    Best of luck :welcome:
    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
    November 2, 2012


      NEED HELP!

      Hi Fiddy, The biggest step you took was to join our friendly group - we all are here for the same reason, to fight for our sobriety- Keep strong, read the MWO book, and work hard to get your life back in control.
      WELCOME, we are all here for you-
      Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
      And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

      • Yesterday is History
        Today is a Mystery
        Tomorrow is a GIFT


        NEED HELP!

        Hi and welcome Fiddy.
        The first step to my journey was downloading the book My Way Out. It's a short and easy read but packed with inspiration and ideas on how to tackle the beast AL.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          NEED HELP!

          Hello Fiddy and welcome. Well done on recognising your problem at a young age because this is a progressive illness and gtes much worse the longer we keep abusing our bodies. I agree with the advice given to you by the other members in relation to the book and then making a plan. Maybe you could try to slow down or even stop today if you can. Drink plenty of water and read the boards here.
          Keep safe
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            NEED HELP!

            :welcome: fiddy just like to say help,your in a good place,as all of the other posts have said keep tuned in,this place is of great help

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              NEED HELP!

              thanks for the advice, your concern is awe inspiring


                NEED HELP!

                Welcome! I went to my 1st AA meeting when I was 20. I have struggled since then. I just counted how many years ago that was.....It was a long time ago! But, I am still trying. I think it is amazing that you have the clarity at your age to recognize that alcohol isn't making things better. From my own experience, it only makes thing worse. I am going to try to go AF (alcohol free) tomorrow!
                'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne


                  NEED HELP!

                  hi fiddy.your a smart young man to cop,you are an alco at 21,wow .how dose that sound, i rember when i admitted this to was such a shock,but unless we admitt it we connot do anything about it,you have a full life ahead dont muck it up with deserve much more than this .when you give yourself to drink.the dogs on the street can piss on you ,dont let this happen to you.,keep in are in a great place now .stey with us,


                    NEED HELP!


                    PLEASE listen to me...I was you 20 years ago. Trust me. Your alcohol problem will only get worse. I WISH I had taken whatever it took to get sober back in college when I began to think I had a problem. My bestfriend from back then took the necessary steps and got sober. I wish so bad I would have followed her.

                    Best wishes to you!


                      NEED HELP!

                      thanks for the advice!I'm going back to college next week,i've never been this scared of anything.My whole social life revolves around alcohol, i mean EVERYTHING. Finding new friends seems hard and my old friends will definitely find me snobbish.I guess i have to find new hobbies also?


                        NEED HELP!


                        My heart goes out to you. I can only imagine how afraid you are.

                        At your age, so much social activity revolves around drinking events. I vividly recall that, myself. I was in college as a 16 year old, far away from home, the drinking age was 18 but I passed for 18 easily.

                        I was not a hardcore alcoholic at that time but I did imbibe too much and I recall that weekends were filled with going to bars and pizza places, etc, everyone drinking. I didn't have a car, so at least that wasn't a danger.

                        Yes, you will have to do the AA recommendation (not pushing AA on you, btw) but there is much wisdom within those walls. The saying is, "You only have to change one thing and that is everything -- people, places and things."

                        If you hang out with those who can drink, you will drink. At least in early days. I can almost guarantee it. And, kids your age won't understand that you have a real problem with alcohol. It won't even be on their radar.

                        I say all this with trepidation because I do not want to scare you.

                        The really good news is, you can find groups of people who do not drink, you can find other things to do that do not involve drinking. In short, if you want to save your life, you must do whatever it takes.

                        How much do you drink daily? Have you been able to go any stretch of time without drinking?

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          NEED HELP!

                          i usually begin with a 250ml red label vodka followed by around 6 or 7 beers.The longest strech is around 2 days.Its so creepy that i can't even trust myself with money


                            NEED HELP!


                            Stick around and read as much as you can. This place and these people are the best. Get ready for a fight, AL is no easy pushover. But if you make a plan and stick with it you will get there. Don't give up. Kudzu and L-Glut help alot.

                            Good luck and strength as you start you journey, it will not be easy but it is worth it.
                            :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

