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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hi Odaters!

    I almost had a Bessie (or was it Greeny) moment when I couldn't remember what day it was - LOL.

    Day 7 for this string of days. Had a good sleep last night and starting to feel a little bit better although I know by about 2pm I'll be exhausted. I think my daughter and I may have a mommy/daughter day today and enjoy what looks to be some sunshine here.

    They came yesterday and ripped out all of the hardwood in the basement - it looks like we will only have to go up about 1 foot around the base of the drywall (except in one section) so that is good news. At least we don't have to rip out all of the drywall and start over. But man, now that the flooring is out whew......what a musty smell down there. We have the fan and the dehumidifier going but I am going to have to scrub the floor a couple of times with an industrial floor cleaner. It looks like the BF's workshop is going to have to be fully cleaned out as well (under the stairs is brutally moldy). Oh well, at least we are started with the project now and can slowly but surely keep moving and get things cleaned up. This house is going to be like new by the time we're done with it! LOL

    Hope everyone has a great day. I will not drink today.

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Wednesday


    I need to run out of here but I wanted to say hi and "Go for the O"!

    Uni, How about a quick call to your MD before you inhale industrial strength fumes? Please? For greenie? XO

    Check with you guys tonight!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Wednesday

      Very good on the not drinking during a disaster Uni. It should not be hard for me to hit the drink tracker with a zero today. No work, nobody is shooting at me, and I am even going to take a walk in the park. I am going to appreciate it while I can and gather strength for when life gives me a smack. Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi ODATERS

        Uni - Only just realised you'd been flooded out - I was away last week. So sorry :l

        Feeling a bit low myself. Had a cortisone injection in my heel last night and am limping around. Mother still here and have drunk wine every night (but not horrrendous amounts) for the last couple of weeks. Will get my act together after the weekend.

        Wishing you all a AF day.
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Very late today but certainly AF! I have a 4-year-old staying here - lots of fun. My sister (his mom) drinks very little, so I just don't drink anything.

          Happy day everyone (although it is more than half over).



            ODAT - Wednesday

            Hola ODATers....

            Sorry you are limping BlueSky, but I've heard on those cortisone shots that once they kick in that you feel much better, hope that is the case for you.

            Uni, there is the silver lining, at least your house will be nice and new after your forced renovations!

            Dg - enjoy your toddler visit, they can really be a handful!!

            Lady - hope you enjoy your walk--but why would anyone be shooting at you anyway??

            Things are busy at work, but busy is good. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.


              ODAT - Wednesday

              Evening everyone. Well i made it to day 8 which i havn't got past in a long time. Got my eyebroes waxed and tinted today usually get them done every 2-3 months. A li pamperin treat makes me feel better lol. Met my sister in law and a friend for coffee this afternoon and a friend is coming round later with a dvd we'll watch. An af evening.:television::choc:

