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    Thank you darkie.



      Hi Elpis and :welcome:

      When you go to the doctors you might mention Baclofen. Alot of folks here are doing very well on it.
      Sending you good wishes and tons of support. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.



        I am so glad that you are seeing a doctor. If I had insurance I would go too. Getting and staying sober has been the biggest, hardest thing in my life! Is it your sides that hurt or your back? I would love to be your sober buddy! Maybe I can get 24 hours if I don't have to do it alone!
        'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne



          Elpis, 2 months ago I also thought i was dying & even contemplating suicide. This place helped me find strength. Hang in there!
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009



            Yes we can!

            Dreamweaver;684243 wrote: I am so glad that you are seeing a doctor. If I had insurance I would go too. Getting and staying sober has been the biggest, hardest thing in my life! Is it your sides that hurt or your back? I would love to be your sober buddy! Maybe I can get 24 hours if I don't have to do it alone!
            What hurts is my right upper abdomen where the liver is (and sometimes the left side too) and the middle of my back where the pancreas lives. It's been there a long time but it is getting worse. I am sorry to hear about the lack of insurance. I am blessed to have a pretty decent plan. I?ve tried (and I know that others have as well) Saint John?s wort which is over the counter in the USA and not too expensive. I think it helped a little. I don?t know where you live but where I am there are county Mental Health and Mental Retardation (MHMR ? I hate that name? ?Retardation?? but that is their official name) centers although they don?t have a good reputation for service.

            We can do this Dreamweaver. We HAVE to do this. If only I can sleep ? that was one of the big problems for me when I?ve tried to quit before. Let?s stay in touch and do it together! And if we stumble, we try again later. We are only defeated when we quit trying.



              Thanks for the tip akgirl



                Thanks for the support tiptronic. I already have renewed strength and this is my first day to discover this place.



                  This is amazing Elpis. 2 hours ago, I felt that you were at the end of your rope. Now I hear hope and determination in your positing
                  Great stuff!
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                    Welcome Elphis and good luck. Keep posting and reading the boards here it is very supportive. Amnother Irish girl here.



                      startingover;684299 wrote: This is amazing Elpis. 2 hours ago, I felt that you were at the end of your rope. Now I hear hope and determination in your positing
                      Great stuff!
                      Well, I was feeling bad - physically ill - when I first posted and... I dunno... I felt so alone... so isolated... probably feeling sorry for myself. After seeing the response here and knowing that there are people just like me all over the world who are reaching out to give me some encouragement. It gave me a boost. And then reading Dreamweaver who seems to be in the exact same place as I am and I thought to myself ? I gotta have a different attitude if I am gonna help myself and someone else. Thanks everyone. We?ll see what tomorrow brings.



                        Thats how I felt over a year ago Elpis. This place is really superb.
                        You will get there.
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                          We CAN do this together! Tomorrow is a new day. I feel a little stronger knowing that I am not the only one that gets so sick! I asked about your sides because sometimes my kidneys hurt. I live in Oregon, US. Where are you?
                          'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne



                            Oh Elpis your symptoms are exactly the same as mine a few years back. I was throwing up bile all the time and having to sip alcohol until I stopped the projectile vomiting.

                            It continued until I actually started throwing up blood and had to be taken to hospital, not even able to keep alcohol down at that point. Luckily my fiance at the time persuaded the hospital staff to put me on librium while I was there, otherwise I would have started having withdrawals right there on the ward.

                            Now is the time to do something about it before you end up in a situation like I did, where there was no way I could function let alone go to work! Maybe you could taper down or ask your GP for a home detox?

                            I wish you all the best.
                            Recovery Coaching website

                            "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                            Recovery Videos



                              Dreamweaver;684437 wrote: We CAN do this together! Tomorrow is a new day. I feel a little stronger knowing that I am not the only one that gets so sick! I asked about your sides because sometimes my kidneys hurt. I live in Oregon, US. Where are you?
                              Hi again Dreamweaver. I am trying to pump myself up for a real honest try. God I am so sick in the mornings. I am in Texas.



                                Thanks for the encouragement Kimberly. I have an appointment tomorrow with a shrink and I am actually looking forward to it. I said earlier that I can not due a stint in rehab because of my job – and it would be quite a blow to my carrier – but I am about at the point of saying to heck with the carrier since I am not very useful to anyone dead.

