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Struggling a bit

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    Struggling a bit

    Hi all,
    Although I'm 31 days AF, today I feel really anxious. I don't know why. But anxiety is a big trigger for me.
    I've been doing really well. I went to court with my daughter on Monday as her support (she was a witness to an assault crime) not actually before the judge. I was hugely proud of her.
    But today I feel unmotivated,down in the dumps and I'm sure other people can hear my heart thumping.
    Any advice welcome.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009

    Struggling a bit

    I'm not sure what advice I would give but I did want to say great job on 31 days!!! That is awesome and you should be proud.
    If I felt like you I would try a walk. Sometimes for me just getting away and fresh air will help.

    Sending support
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      Struggling a bit

      I get like this and it worries me too.
      Honestly? sometimes I think you need to write off the day and hope you feel better tomorrow- take a good book and a bag of percy pigs to bed.
      good luck x


        Struggling a bit

        Hey Jackie!

        You and I started here at the same time and you're the first person who sent me a private message - so - :l:l:l

        My thought - for what it's worth - about the anxiety is something I've been telling myself over the past few weeks. Being sober is an enormous accomplishment and something to feel really good about. However, it doesn't mean that we'll always feel good. I know that sounds too obvious, but I remember having a couple of bad headaches last week. The weather? stress? who knows - but my first thought was "What the *#&? How can I have a headache when I haven't had a drop?" I think we all have a certain reaction to feeling mentally or physically out of sorts after some time sober. Feeling rotten gets associated with drinking (either we feel rotten because we've been drinking or we have a drink or six because we feel rotten etc etc etc). Normal people feel out of sorts, get headaches, feel depressed or anxious too.

        Hang in - this is life and will pass, and you are 110% ahead of where you where a month ago.



          Struggling a bit


          Every one of us goes through these stages.

          Look at it as a chance to deal with what everyone has to deal with and they don't use alcohol to do it.

          I know it is uncomfortable but there will be good and bad days. We used to drink through all of them, or at least I did.

          So, today I have to learn to deal with all the day-to-day things I used to drink through. I look at it as a challenge to do it sober.

          Hang in there.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Struggling a bit

            Tomorrow is a another day. Got no percy pigs, but loads of chocolate and a really good trashy book to read. Can't deal with anything to wordy at the mo.
            Actually when I win the lottery one of my plans is to buy a house in Alaska.(well I can dream)
            Thankyou so much.
            Jackie xxxx
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Struggling a bit

              Jackie, I hope tomorrow is a brighter day for you!!!

              BTW, what is a percy pig?...LOL!!
              LTG AF January 13, 2011


                Struggling a bit

                totally addictive sweets they sell in Marks and Spencers in the UK. They're great [rotfl]


                  Struggling a bit

                  Thanks, Serenity! I wonder what the US = is to that...
                  LTG AF January 13, 2011


                    Struggling a bit

                    Hi Jackie I just wanted to pop in briefly and offer you support, assuming you havent headed off with the choccy
                    I have had some really down days totally out of the blue and then they go again just as fast. This was around the 30 & 60 day marks. I assumed it is all part of the proccess and have read that this is the case and at around those times it is common.
                    So what I am trying to say is I hope tomorrow brings a bright happy day for you.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Struggling a bit


                      Okay, I found Percy Pigs at Marks and Spencer.

                      Is that what you are talking about?

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Struggling a bit

                        Hi Jackie, I think the odd period of anxiety can be a common problem in early sobriety. I remember it happened to me on occasion. But it always left just as quickly.
                        Take care of yourself a bit more during these times. Maybe treat yourself to something if you can. The feelings pass and usually pretty quickly.
                        Feel better soon!
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Struggling a bit

                          What wonderful advice you have received Jackie, I shall bear it in mind when I hit a low.

                          How are you feeling today?
                          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                            Struggling a bit

                            Hi All,
                            Feeling much better today.
                            watched a no brainer DVD ( Meet the Fockers), went to bed,read my book,(Confessions of a Bad Mother),v.v. funny.
                            Today I plan to (after the hurdle of emtying the dishwasher),I shall play with my new make up courtesy of Avon,teach the dog how to fetch. We've only had her 3 yrs but she's a bit dim and easily distracted.
                            Love and hugs Jackie xxx
                            PS also thinking of a grand plan to export Percy Pigs to those in need.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Struggling a bit

                              Oh Jackie, thats brilliant to hear.
                              I am happy for you :-)

                              What are percy pigs?
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

