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New here, saying hi

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    New here, saying hi

    Howdy all, happy to have found this site.

    I just did a 7 day stint without a drink at all. I've not done this for the last 20 or so years.

    Let me just say right off that my short term goal is to get my drinking under control. Committing to never drinking again is something I'm not ready for. For the last 7 days though the mantra "I may fail, but not today" has helped me through.

    I was tired of the life I lead, believing that I was having a great time hanging out with the people at the bar, while in fact, I made no progress in my personal life whatsoever. Drink, sleep, work, drink etc.

    I noticed that when I'm sober, I'm much more interested in my surroundings, I've started to exercise a little, I may even take some classes to advance in my job.

    It's tough. But it's so worth it.

    Good luck everyone!

    New here, saying hi


    :welcome: and glad you found us.

    Over time, you will find out if you can learn to moderate or not. Some do and some can't.

    However, getting sober for a while is a great idea.

    If you have gone 7 days, you are through the worst of the physical withdrawal. Yay!!

    By day 10, things start really looking up.

    I hope you stick around and we can all get to know you.

    AF April 9, 2016


      New here, saying hi

      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        New here, saying hi

        Thanks Cindi, tlrgs,

        So far, oddly, my only physical symptom has been constipation.... More of a dietary thing I guess. No more creepy crawlies in my peripheral vision, no more pain in my gut!

        As far as the moderation goes, Honestly I don't know if it will work for me or not. In the past, it has not. 1 invariably lead to more. However, committing to quit completely, and then failing is something that I just can not deal with. This is my first attempt, and we'll see how it goes.

        I have a support system that anybody should be envious of, and I honestly don't know how she deals with me...


          New here, saying hi

          Hi Uraberg,

          Welcome! Glad you found us. Sounds like you're doing well, good for you.
          Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread.

          Best wishes
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            New here, saying hi

            Thanks Lav, I'll check it out!


              New here, saying hi

              7 days is great

              Way to go Uraberg.
              If I can go 70 days, anyone can.
              It started with my not lying about drinking, and going 30 days.
              By 31 I knew I could go a day more and more.
              I don't miss being hung over, more broke than I am,
              doing stupid things that gets the cops called on me,
              killing my liver, heart and marriage. Now I have productive
              evenings, weekends, and work. Quitting drinking was and is
              my biggest accomplishment in 15 years. Good luck.
              Staying sober is my new goal.
              Moderation?????? Control!!!!!!!!
              All your experiences without AL will be intense.
              A lot of what I'm seeing sober is shit i sowed while high on AL
              coming home to roost. It makes me want to get drunk.
              ODAT, give thanks to a sober morning.


                New here, saying hi

                Welcome Uraberg
                I'm glad you found us as well. I also have 7 days under my belt, but I intend that to be the first of the rest of my life. I have gone many AF days over the last year since I joing MWO but have also slipped many times.
                The difference this time, is that I really don't want to moderate anymore, I really want to be a non-drinker. I've made my decision and I am happy with it. It's a lot easier when I don't have that thought in the back of my mind that after 30 days I will try to drink again.
                I think you will find Newbies Nest a warm welcoming place and feel free to explore all the other threads as well. There are lots of us here, I am sure you will find everyone friendly and supportive.
                Well done on the 7 days.
                Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                November 2, 2012


                  New here, saying hi

                  moofarmer: I recognize many of the things you're saying.The stupidity, the denial, the physical pain, The law...
                  It's nothing short of amazing that I've never hurt someone in the car, or the motorcycle, or got a DUI. There's no way this kind of luck will continue though.

                  And the money I'm saving!

                  Wally22: I may get to that point too. I actually quite enjoyed being sober.

                  With all that being said, today will be day 2. Right after I posted here the first time I drank all my leftover beer in my fridge. Thankfully there were only two. Had there been more, I'm sure I would have drunk them...
                  I guess me finding this page was the result of being pre-occupied with drinking that day.

                  The weekend will be tough, no doubt. I have a lot of motorcycle work planned, and hopefully I'll make it through, and knock some projects out at the same time. (projects that have been sitting for years, while my buzzed mind was passing out on the couch.)

                  Any other riders in this group at all?

                  Have a great weekend everyone!


                    New here, saying hi

                    Welcome Uraberg - great to have you here.
                    Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                      New here, saying hi

                      Ura, constipation is common in the start.
                      your plugged up and the body is missing that stimlulant - booze.
                      takes a while before all systems return to normalcy.
                      actually when you begin to move, all we be well.
                      :welcome: to you and best of luck on your adventure to sobriety.
                      An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                        New here, saying hi

                        Hi Uraberg

                        By the way I am sat in lemonade there LOL ...........

                        Well done on your 7 days af, please stick around and get to know the lovely people here ....... you know have a support network 24/7 .......

                        Love & Hugs, BB xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/993899=5139-attachment.jpg[/img]


                          New here, saying hi

                          welcome Uraberg

                          you have arrived at the right place. I only found this site 4 days ago and i find it more help than AA. Sorry but that is my opinion. We only have 1 AA meeting a week here and its an hour and a half drive-i aint got a car and have to rely on a lift at the moment my lift is on holiday. Could get the bus there but no bus back too late. The tools are here 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I found it a godsend on my sleepless nights just keeping me focused for the day a head of AF. I can not moderate no way. I have had 16 years of trying some benders are not as bad as the others but i have had 3 DUI. Many hospital visits. @ weeks in a mental ward. A few suicide attemts. Even stooped so low as drinking perfume and aftershave!!!!!!! I feel i can be totally honest here. At AA i am still ashamed of what i have done. There is an old saying the truth will set you free and it is so true

                          Keep posting well done on your 7 days sober:welcome:
                          They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

                          last drink 3rd August 2009

