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Okay, here I am again

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    Okay, here I am again

    I feel so bad that I messed up. I was doing really good. Stay happy, calm, and positive, I told myself.. How did I mess up?? I have to start over, maybe at a more loving pace. Love God and the people around me more. I have always been everyones shoulder to cry on, now I feel like I need a shoulder.:anyone:

    :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!

    Okay, here I am again

    You can have my shoulder. I've messed up so many times that I cannot count them but we are not defeated unless we stop trying. I've got a new quit date set for tomorrow.


      Okay, here I am again


      :welcome: back.

      As the queen of relapse, I can tell you that you must never quit trying to quit.

      The other thing I can tell you is that it is really much easier to stay sober than to keep getting sober. It doesn't always seem that way but it is true.

      You have my shoulder. Lean on it.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Okay, here I am again

        Thank you Elpis and Cinders!! You all don't know how much this means to me

        :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!


          Okay, here I am again

          Welcome back Savannah,

          My shoulder is available too!
          Jump on the 'Newbies Nest' thread, lots of folks there just getting started

          All the best!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Okay, here I am again

            Hi Savvanah!
            Welcome back and well done for getting back on that old wagon!
            Plenty of support here for you.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Okay, here I am again

              Hi savannah,

              I've had lots of lapses in the past too, you are not alone. I had one since joining here but it only lasted a day so awful was it, physically and emotionally.

              Great advice from Cinders I am on day 13 now and I couldn't agree more that it is easier to stay sober than get sober.

              I too have always been everyone's shoulder to cry on and sorted out family problems and so on. It got to the point that for many years I didn't count in my own eyes, and often felt invisible, this was definitely a significant reason why I drank.

              Time for you to put yourself first and love yourself, not just those around you. You can still be a support and help to others if you put yourself first, a better, stronger support in fact.

              Best wishes.
              I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                Okay, here I am again

                Hi Savannah,
                You can have my right shoulder to lean on. Left shoulder still sore after after nearly being pulled out of it's socket on a walk with overweight Labrador.
                If Cinders is the relapse queen,can I be the princess.
                Love and hugs
                Jackie XXX
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Okay, here I am again

                  Hi Savannah,
                  I messed up so many times....
                  I think it's obligatory to mess up at least once to learn how much we need to put into it, and appreciate what a sneaky, devious bugger we're dealing with.


                    Okay, here I am again

                    Hi Savannah hun hugs for you. I 've relapsed countless times also but i keep trying. On day 9 which is a long time since i got this far. Don't beat yourself up get back on the wagon and put it behind you.:l


                      Okay, here I am again

                      Hello Savannah, tripping up seems to be very common on this pathway we are taking. Seems to be part of the journey and there are a lot of us on it. My shoulder is always here for you, anytime you need it.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Okay, here I am again

                        my shoulder is available too... this is my first AF after many relapsed...hugs...
                        4 AF & 3 QS


                          Okay, here I am again

                          Sneaky, devious bugger is right. But there comes a time where you just can't keep on listening to him. I think my body has had enough of the binging and withdrawing. I don't have a spare one! I finally fessed up to my boyfriend. I didn't drink everyday, and he really didn't realize the extent to which I drank. He is not judgmental, and is being very supportive. i am glad that I can be honest with him. Alcohol is all about lies. And I am so sick of living a lie. Oh well, having trouble sleeping--it's midnight here. So today is already a new day, and I will NOT drink during it. Hang in there Savannah!!
                          I can't drink and pretend to be sane. I can't drink and pretend to be moral. I can't drink and continue to live.


                            Okay, here I am again

                            savanah,all you need is a nag rt now,i say to many its easy to stop,in my case,its wanting to,and staying stopped is i beleive a gift,as someone said,great you came back,a lapse of judgement,is but a few days, a relapse is for some,forever welcome back

