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    Yeah I have done that before and blew it. Not anymore. I start tomorrow with a great focus. And a reailistic one when it comes to drinking. I have until October to get my mind ready for court and hope we don't end up there with the children. L-GLUT and a new diet tomorrow. ROCK ON MWO:-)

    Elpis;685850 wrote: Hi Maslow,

    You've been AF for months? I am in awe dude. The best I ever did was three weeks. You had a bad day. I respect you man because you've done a lot better than I have. You know you can go months. I don't have that proof. But I am trying again anyway. Be well.




      Good luck today Mas!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



        Thanks for the support. Things are going well. Lots of anxiety and of course the awful sweats, but I hope these pass real soon. I'm anxious to begin with so the added worries make it difficult not to have a few sips. It's a little nerve racking trying this all alone, but I believe I will be okay. Just trying to stay real busy--lol.

        On a similar note, does anyone have experience/thoughts on tapering if it becomes to much?

        startingover;689073 wrote: Good luck today Mas!



          Hi Mas, for me tapering wasnt an option as I dont think I am strong enough to do that, but many people do. There is a great tapering thread by 42Cat...

          Hope this helps a bit.
          Keep up the good work!!
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



            Thanks for the support and link Startingover. Interesting read. Today has started out fine. Body still adjusting. I have found that baby powder actually helps with the sweating. Soaks it right up--lol. No plans yet for the day, so may be a tough one, but I feel good about things at the moment!!!

            startingover;689910 wrote: Hi Mas, for me tapering wasnt an option as I dont think I am strong enough to do that, but many people do. There is a great tapering thread by 42Cat...
            Hope this helps a bit.
            Keep up the good work!!



              maslow23;689044 wrote: Thanks everyone so far for the information. I thik I may double up on the L-Glut to get started and go look for it in powder form. I still have not had contact wh my wife or children, so I continue to want to say forget it. Not the best mindset but I hopefully a greater one prevails.
              Hi, Maslow

              I went up as high as 16 - 18000mg of L-Glut when I started my alcohol tapering. I used to drink a bottle of vodka and a bottle of red wine every day, for far too long than I care to remember. Since joiing MWO, I've tapered down to 2 glasses per night, and have mostly been able to keep it there. Long-term, I want to become AF, since it is bloody hard work to moderate.

              Anyway: we each find our own way and plan... I just wanted to let you know about the higher doses - I split mine into 4: early morning, midday, early evening and again shortly before bedtime.

              Good luck!
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009



                Thanks Tip. My drinking never reached that level but it certainly was excessive. My wife and kids are coming over tonight and once they leave I don't know how I will handle it. Hopefully a ball game on tv and nothing else. I am upping the L-Glut just for that reason. I have done some bad things and have been punished for the, However, I don't think my "sins" aren't forgivable. Thanks again for the information.

                tiptronic_ct;690261 wrote: Hi, Maslow

                I went up as high as 16 - 18000mg of L-Glut when I started my alcohol tapering. I used to drink a bottle of vodka and a bottle of red wine every day, for far too long than I care to remember. Since joiing MWO, I've tapered down to 2 glasses per night, and have mostly been able to keep it there. Long-term, I want to become AF, since it is bloody hard work to moderate.

                Anyway: we each find our own way and plan... I just wanted to let you know about the higher doses - I split mine into 4: early morning, midday, early evening and again shortly before bedtime.

                Good luck!



                  Hi Mas, and well done for trying! Hope your visit with your wife and kids went ok, and that you were fine after. Stay strong!



                    Thanks Cathy. They just left and instead of heading right for the bar or store I decided to check in. It's very hard for me, but I will do my best to find the positive in things. I suppose typing this instead of hiding is a positive. I just hope at some point I can be believed that AL is not my focus anymore. Of course, it will always be there in our memories. Thanks to you and everyone on this site. We can do it!!!!

                    Cathy40;690594 wrote: Hi Mas, and well done for trying! Hope your visit with your wife and kids went ok, and that you were fine after. Stay strong!



                      Just wanted to say hey to all of you out there and hope your day is going well. Damn computer issues have kept me off the net for almost 3 weeks. I hope to not have that ever again. Things here are okay, but can and hopefully will be alot better. Thanks for all the previous supoort.



                        HI Maslow!

                        How are things going? How are you managing now? Hope all is well, we are all here for you!



                          hi maslow23
                          sounds like you've come a long way in a short time!



                            Quick note to say I hope everyone has a positive day. I am planning no bumps today, but I know there's no guarentee. At least my mind is clear right now and focused. If I lose focus, I know exactly where I need to be--right here!!!

