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Almost 24 hours AF

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    Almost 24 hours AF

    So far so good! Didn't drink tonight and I'm getting ready for bed! The only problem has been the sugar cravings. My wife baking and decorating a cake for a friends b-day tomorrow doesn't help. Been licking mixing bowls and icing coated spatulas all night. I'm sure thats not helping the blood sugar issue, but it's the first night of commitment and it's not alcohol, so whatever.
    "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"

    Almost 24 hours AF

    Hello Trailrunner-

    Thats great that you are going AF. I let myself have chocolate cake tonight. (On a friday night I'd normally be drinking beers!). I am 5 days AF and feeling great! It gets easier.

    Take care.


      Almost 24 hours AF

      Hi Trailrunner
      Great going on your first day!
      Yes, those sugar cravings can be pretty intense. My advice would be to make sure you are eating lots of complex carbs and healthy fruits and veg, and plenty of water, then if you are still craving sugar, have some. Its so much better than the sugar from alcohol. In time you can deal with it.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Almost 24 hours AF

        l-glutamine really helps me with cravings

        good work trailrunner (one of my favorite activities!)


          Almost 24 hours AF

          Hi Trailrunner

          Well done. Like everyone says it's not alcohol, so one thing at a time.

          I'm taking L-glutamine like peacenik, and I really think it does help, if I stopped for a day or so in the past I would find myself eating sweet things which I never normally do, but this time, 14 days in, that hasn't been a problem. I'm taking Kudzu too.

          Do whatever it takes, and it will become easier.
          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


            Almost 24 hours AF

            Good for you Trailrunner! Dont worry too much about the sugar cravings at this stage, be kind to yourself and stay well, Joesgal


              Almost 24 hours AF

              Thats great Trailrunner, well done on 24 hours. As someone who never had a sweet tooth before going AF well I have one now. It is by far the lesser of two evils imo, so I say in the early days dont worry to much about it. It can be adressed further down the line. Keep up the good work you are changing your life for the better. ODAT
              Keep safe
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Almost 24 hours AF

                Thanks for all the support, everyone! Waking up without a hangover is glorious! We're going to a friends b-day party tonight (not too big of drinkers, there may be a couple people drinking). My wife is very supportive and takes no BS. I promised her I won't drink and I'm promising you all and myself that "I won't drink today."
                "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"


                  Almost 24 hours AF

                  Good for you trailrunner, it does get easier!
                  Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
                  If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
                  November 2, 2012


                    Almost 24 hours AF

                    Hi Trailrunner...Good job, keep going....
                    4 AF & 3 QS


                      Almost 24 hours AF

                      Just wanted to add to the cheering section! :yougo: I hope you have fun at the B-day party. Keep that promise to yourself and to your wife for today. If we stay sober today, then we have a chance at life tomorrow.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Almost 24 hours AF

                        Hi Trailrunner,

                        I am near the 24 hour mark too. Good luck!!!

