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Hope At Last
Hope At Last
:welcome: I started this program last November and I was very unsure and scared, but also very ready for it to work. At the time I was drinking 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine per night. I decided to do the whole program, I ordered the book, supplements, CDs, and topamax (over the internet). I was afraid to see a doctor about the medicine at first. I must admit I did not do the recommended 30 days of abstinence. I did not really notice a decrease in my desire to drink until amount 75mg of topamax, but I did cut down some from the beginning b/c of taking time in the evening to to the hypno tapes and the Kudzu and Calms Forte tend to make you sleepy. But once I got to the higher levels of topamax, I noticed a dramatic difference in my drinking. I still wanted the 1st drink at 6:00, but it could last all night. Once my desire to drink decreased, I did neglect the hypno CDs but finished out the 6 weeks of supplements. I continued to moderate very successfully with the topa ( I have stayed at 200 mg.) and All One vitamins. This worked very well for me. I went from almost 2 bottles of wine to having a bottle last 3 days, I could actually SIP instead of gulp.And I found myself not thinking about drinking all the time, a lot of the anxiety was gone!!! This program really does work, but I recommend doing the whole thing. Also a word of warning, I had a slipup. My dad went into the Cardiac ICU in June, as my stress levels increased, I noticed my drinking gradually increased and I was back up to a bottle a nite. When he passed away, I realized I was drinking to numb the pain. So I have decided to try abstinence for now b/c I think I need to. Just be careful when a bad time comes along, b/c it is easy to fall back into old habits. I failed to address the spiritual/emotional side of my sobriety. Let's just say I'm doing a lot more praying these days. I am trying to do more exrecise too (which I left out the 1st time around) that also really helps you feel better and takes up time you would spend drinking. The people here are great, I have been "surfing" this website since November but just started posting because we just now got a computer at home and I did not want to post messages from work. Anyway, welcome and Good Luck!! You gain strength as you go!!!:h :l
Hope At Last
Thanx so much June. I found inspiration from your story and well done you! I have been drinking a bottle of wine 5 out of 7 nights per week and mostly use the excuse 'had a bad day at work etc'. I am trying to limit it now to weekends and have not had any since Saturday last. Nothing to boast about I know but its a start! Love to you and thanx again.Carmen :new:
Hope At Last
Hi Carmen, yes I love the wine too! I rationalised my drinking as 'need to chill out' after work. I am on day 10 with no alcohol whatsoever and feel pretty good. Doing everything to the letter except the CDs (I have them, but haven't really got into them yet).
Well done for having some time out already its a great start!!! Read the book if you haven't already, that's very inspirational and will probably help you decide what is best for you as far as supplements etc go. Good luck! Keep us posted on your progress. AmeliaAmelia
Sober since 30/06/10