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Crying Uncle

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    Crying Uncle

    I give up! I thought that by mostly lurking on here I could get enough incentive to gain control over this addiction. The posts are so diverse and yet we all seem to have this same struggle. After various AF time periods (a week, a couple) I convince myself I can moderate. Uh, no. I think the only way this will work is to post honestly and often and use it as a tool for accountability.
    My DH has no problem with AL, he can have a drink or two or not, maybe 5-6 nights out of the month! I have no idea how he does that but know that it doesn't work for me. My family (mom, brother, uncle) all have a problem so I guess that hereditary argument has merit.
    I just know that when I don't drink, I wake up feeling cheerful and optimistic, full of energy to meet whatever the day brings. If only there was a way to tap into that feeling to prevent pouring that first drink in the evening.
    So this is my goal, to be AF day by day and use the wisdom and experience available here to learn what I already know in my 50 year old heart. You have helped me more than you know already. I especially like the thread about why life is better w/o AL. Wish I could remember where I found that.
    Thanks to all who contribute here, it really does help.

    Crying Uncle

    Hi Mtn, glad to see you back.
    What about joining one of the daily threads to help keep you on track? There are quite a few. Jump in wherever you feel comfy.
    And yes, the sober life is the good life :-)
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Crying Uncle

      Hi Mtn, I do appreciate how difficult al problems are, I have been seeing a counsellor and also take campral, I have not had a drink now for 6 weeks, and it's the best feeling in the world. I had to do something to sort myself out as I was at risk of losing my job, but worst of all I risked not seeing my grandchildren, that I could not live with.
      You can give up alcohol and it does get easier as time goes on. My husband does like a drink, but we no longer keep it in the house, that helps me stay sober. Do keep coming back and share how you feel it does help. I also go to AA meetings which are a great help to me.
      Best of luck . x


        Crying Uncle

        Thanks to you both. Wow, Paula, 6 weeks. That's so awesome!
        I have jumped on a 30 day thread and will start posting to the daily as well. I am really determined to make it. I hope to never fail, but if I do, I'm going to get right back on. I want so badly to be proud of myself and feel the accomplishment of kicking this thing's butt.
        I wonder what we are gaining by having this burden in our lives, I believe there must be a purpose, some lesson to be learned. Isn't it funny how we can easily stop some behaviors but the really destructive ones seem so difficult?
        We are such complex creatures, aren't we?


          Crying Uncle

          Mtn...Don't give up...
          4 AF & 3 QS


            Crying Uncle

            Mtn, welcome and good luck to you.

            I hear determination in your post and that is a very good place to begin.

            All the best!


              Crying Uncle

              Hi Mtntop. Is this the thread you are looking for? If it is, I also bumped it up in the Monthly Abs section.

              Anyway...welcome! I know exactly how that feels to be married to a complete normal (when it comes to AL) person. Mr. Doggy is the same way. He can take it or leave it, and the vast majority of the time he leaves it. More impressive to me than that, HE CAN HAVE ONE DRINK. When I finally sat down and thought about it, I realized that having ONE drink is something I do not EVER recall doing in my 30+ year drinking career. I also thought I was "fixed" after 60 days sober back in 2007 and that was a disaster. So I finally had to accept that I am NOT normal and canNOT drink.

              For me it's actually a relief to have that internal debate out of the way. There is no more mental discussion about it. If I decide to pick up a drink, I know exactly where it leads and I don't want to go there.

              You are wise to focus on the positive experiences you've had AF - feeling ready to take on the day is a great one! WE CAN DO THIS!! Oh - we are about the same age too. I am also 29. :H (well, that would be 51 but don't tell anyone, OK?)

              If you feel so inclined you are welcome to join us on the AF Daily Thread in Monthly Abs!! As was already mentioned, there are LOTS of great daily and other motivational type threads here at MWO. Check them all out and figure out what feels right for you.

              CONGRATULATIONS PAULA!!! I am so happy for you on 6 weeks sober. You GO GIRL!!! :yougo:

              Strength and hope,

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Crying Uncle

                Mtn, I believe you can win this battle and come out of it a stronger wiser person. Alcoholism is a deadly disease but all we have to do is not take that first drink(AA's mantra). Some days I have felt I was losing the battle, I have gone for walks, done anything called a friend etc. just to take my mind off that drink, and it's beginning to work, I feel so good when I conquor the urge to drink. You too can do it, you sound so positive. x


                  Crying Uncle

                  Good for you Mtn :goodjob:
                  They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy warhole

                  last drink 3rd August 2009


                    Crying Uncle

                    Welcome back Mtntop,

                    We joined about the same time using the same avatar!!!

                    Glad to see you're back with a fresh resolve! Make good use of the ToolBox Thread, it's filled with lots of good ideas & info. My one day at a time AF has turned into months and I'm a much happier, calmer person for it
                    Make a commitment to stick to your plan. Don't let anything or anyone interrupt! If it means having to be a bit selfish & self-centered, so be it. If it means having to blow off a toxic friend or relative, do it! Honestly, you won't be sorry.

                    Best wishes and please join uson the 'Newbies Nest' thread.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Crying Uncle

                      Well done Lav.


                        Crying Uncle

                        Thanks Paula and congrats to you on your 6 weeks!
                        It is a great feeling, isn't it??

                        Wishing you the continued success!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Crying Uncle


                          I have been through the same thing, going a week or 2 AF and then trying (and failing) to moderate. Finally I have committed to 30 days. Honestly, it's a relief in a way. Simply NOT drinking is much easier than trying to stop at just one. (just one.. is that really enough for anyone?!)

                          I can also relate to alcohol problems in the family. We have are work cut out for us it seems. I would love to have another 30 day AF buddy!

                          Take care!

