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last chance at life !!

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    last chance at life !!

    OK here I go AGAIN !!
    I have TRIED so many times!
    I really DO want to quit!!
    I have lost it ALL !!!!
    I can't get HER off my mind !!!!!
    Can only go UP from here!!

    I am starting today, took Campral & Lexapro that I have had here for ages.
    I'll try to post daily to track my progress.

    I can't get her off my mind so this will be harder than ever before !!!

    Pray for me !!!!!!!
    Wish me luck I need all the help I can get!!!

    Bob :upset:

    last chance at life !!

    Good Luck and all the best to you...:l

    Don't give up!
    4 AF & 3 QS


      last chance at life !!

      Hi there PC.
      It sounds like you are ready to give this a good go now?
      Yes, when you feel you have lost everything I guess you wonder why you are doing this?
      But a few days sober, will help clarify your mind that life will be better without alc in it.
      Have you tried lglutamine and or Kudzu for cravings? They really helped me in the early days along with support from this site.
      You are in my thoughts and prayers, you can do this.
      Make sure you drink lots and lots of water and try and eat some healthy food. That will help get you through the early days.
      Very best wishes
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        last chance at life !!

        That's what started me drinking the first time, a breakup with my then fiance'. I know where you're at. Hang in there partner, you CAN do this. Living well is the best revenge too btw.
        I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


          last chance at life !!

          Hang in there! Were all rooting for you! Let's all just try to get through today together. I spent a good deal of time yesterday on the couch with a blanket watching movies. Too weak to do much else.
          'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne


            last chance at life !!

            Yeah, the weakness from withdrawal is horrible. I hate being unable to perform even simple chores. The good thing is it doesn't last forever.

            Bob, I would suggest that you take that librium if you think you need it. I think the side effects for most people from librium are far less than they are for comparal; at least from what I read on the Internet.
            I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


              last chance at life !!

              Dear Chief,

              I only know a little about your life story, but from the feeling I get, the only way to get back the woman you love is to do a whole lot of work on your part.

              You may have a long road ahead of you, but with support and determination, I am sure you could get there like so many other have before you. It may take trying and failing, but if anyone else can do it, then why not you too???

              I have failed tons of times, but I am having a good swing at it now, so I do know it can happen. In just a few days alcohol free, I am beginning to see the light.

              If the woman you love sees a changed man, who knows what could happen? She might fall back in love with you, but I would think that you would have to change first.

              WIshing you much strength and prayers..



                last chance at life !!

                Hi Bob,

                I am in a similar position to yourself. I have done AF for months, but just lost my wife and children (seperation), so I said screw it, but now realize that isn't going to help myself, my wife, or my children. Of course, I have no guarentees to offer anyone, but I am going to give a serious go. I have L-Glut to try and left over Campral I may give another shot at. In another post, I have asked for any guidance regarding L-Glut. If not, I'll take what I think I once read as recomended. Keep checking back here as I find myself dong frequently.


                  last chance at life !!

                  Hi Bob -

                  Going on day two myself. Big test tonight. I am going to a business reception where there will be lots of booze. Truthfully, I don't feel the lest bit worried but I know that the devil lurks in the shadows so I am on double guard. Club soda with lime tonight. Keep praying for as I just have for you. I said "God. give Bob the strength to to see this through".



                    last chance at life !!

                    I said "Lord, I lift Bob to you and ask you to heal his addiction and heal his heart...Wrap your arms around him and remove this addiction from him...Replace it with peace and love.. Amen....."

                    Best of luck to you.... You are in the right place...
                    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                      last chance at life !!

                      You will make it. I keep trying to tell myself that, so let us just do it!!


                        last chance at life !!

                        God Bless you Maslow. You may not be religious, and it doesn't matter. Your God could be the Earth for all I care and I am a Christian. Whether you are Christian, Mulsim, Atheist, Agnostic, or WHATEVER it doesn't matter friend. I will support you wholeheartedly. Hang in there; we ARE here for you. I know how painful a breakup can be. You've done so well before. Recapture that fire Maslow.

                        maslow23;688840 wrote: Hi Bob,

                        I am in a similar position to yourself. I have done AF for months, but just lost my wife and children (seperation), so I said screw it, but now realize that isn't going to help myself, my wife, or my children. Of course, I have no guarentees to offer anyone, but I am going to give a serious go. I have L-Glut to try and left over Campral I may give another shot at. In another post, I have asked for any guidance regarding L-Glut. If not, I'll take what I think I once read as recomended. Keep checking back here as I find myself dong frequently.
                        I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                          last chance at life !!

                          Thanks E. I have beliefs that I never knew existed and hope to hold on to them. It truly doesn't matter your faith, but I am a Christian so others on our list know. wE can do this and make I think great friendships. If I am overboard, someone say so!!!


                            last chance at life !!

                            Sorry. I meant to say S as in Sosa. However, there are so many people on this board that I could be wrong again. keep it going all, I am trying and so can you!!!


                              last chance at life !!

                              Pro, we are all here for you. Was looking for you in live chat tonight, hoping you were doing well. Now you have started on the right path. good on ya, buddy. Take all the help you can get, and you get so much of it on here. Ive been here when Ive been at my lowest, my aunt that lived across the road from me all my life dying last november, at the same time my Mom being diagnosed with lung cancer, and then her dying 8 weeks later, 10 days after she was buried, my hubby left me taking my 3 remaining kids with him, and only let me know by text that they werent coming home that night, two of them still havent come home.... but being on here and getting the support that I did get, well that really helped me to get my act together. And it will do the same for you. And it will keep you going, cos no one here judges you. You can be totally honest. Im thinking of you and praying for you. Keep strong!

