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    Hi all, this is my 4th day AL and 3rd day Smokes Free, and i am struggling so hard with my craved for both of it. The craves keep come and go...and okay, i say to myself that i will not give up...but, it's seems like so i thought maybe a vent will make me feel better...thank you for reading...
    4 AF & 3 QS


    One day at a time! Just promise yourself you won't drink or smoke today, and in the morning you'll feel better and happy that you were strong and ready to commit another day, just one day at a time. You've done great! Keep up the strength!
    "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"



      Hi Avera sorry to hear you are having a hard time with the cravings. Can I ask the obvious, are you taking L-Glutamine and Kudzu suppliments to help with them?
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?



        hi KTAB, im not taking anything for both AL and Cigs...and i don't know which one cause the withdrawal, i just find it's hard to handle but i don't wanna give up.
        4 AF & 3 QS



          Ok may I suggest you try both of these. They really helped me with cravings, especially the L-glut I found brilliant. I dont know what part of the world you are in but here in Ireland they can be bought in the health food shops if you dont want to wait for them to arrive if you order them online. And drink plenty of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?




            I think you are very brave to go af and sf at the same time! As KTAB said, lots of water. It helps flush the impurities out of your system.

            Hang in there!!
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous



              avera, It's a process and is sometimes difficult. Hang in there! You'll be glad you did.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.




                It occurs to me that maybe you are bitting off more than you can chew. Giving up your addiction to alcohol is going to seem easy in comparison to cigarettes. You may want to consider one addiction at a time. When I stopped drinkin' a few months ago I also wanted to stop the nicotine. But, I have to function socially and I was already grouchy and tempermental. So I decided 6 months AF then I'll kill the Nic.

                Just a thought

                If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~



                  Hey Avera,

                  First off, wishing you much strength to get through this day... I know this must be hard!

                  I just had lunch with a very good friend of mine from this webite (go figure we met here). She has just completed one week AF Free and Cigarette Free. I am so proud of her!

                  The point is, She said it makes perfect sense to quit both at the SAME TIME because one triggers the other. You know, have a smoke, and then of course a drink goes with the smoke, or visa versa.

                  Well, she said it was very hard, but at one week its getting easier. So I am just sending you strength to keep hanging in there! I KNOW it must be hard, but if you really want it you can do it! It does get easier in time.

                  WIshing you strength..



                    Hi there Avera.
                    You are doing great you know. And no, its not easy. But its so very worthwhile.
                    Like overit says, at a week in you will start to feel better.
                    Each day will make you stronger.
                    When I was quitting nicotine I found that a glass of really ice cold water took away the cravings. And Lglutamine took away the cravings for alcohol...
                    Very best wishes. Stay strong.
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



                      Greetings to all. I have checked out this site for quite awhile. I am truly encouraged by such brutal honesty and support. I can relate to so many, it scares me and at the same time feels somewhat freeing. I have struggled with my cravings and thoughts of alcohol for quite some time. It is getting worse. I plan to learn and improve. Thank you for this opportunity.



                        Welcome Sierra,

                        I see this is your first post, you may want to start your own thread so your post does not get lost in Averas post. Go to the top of the page where is says New Thread.

                        Im sure there are many on here who would love to welcome you here with open arms. I have found much support and dare I even say love from people in this online community who really are there for you when you need them.

                        WELCOME SIERRA!!!!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

