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back to day 1

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    back to day 1

    well here i am again back to day 1. i am so disappointed in myself, depressed etc. i did almost 10 days af and then one day just went out and bought some wine. why did i do that...i am so mad at myself

    back to day 1

    Give yourself credit for going on those days without a drink. Each day you didn't drink your body was working on getting better. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, it can be a learning thing.

    I am day 1 myself and feeling out of sorts. I guess it's just something at times that happens and best to not beat yourself up over it.
    ^ My Baby Ruby ^


      back to day 1

      If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you, You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call failure is not falling down, its staying down...odaat

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        back to day 1

        Aw geez man, I hear your pain, did the same last Friday, and may well have toasted my marriage because of it. Its tough but you have to soldier on.


          back to day 1


          I understand how you feel. I havent seen 10 days sober in a long long time. Pick yourself up and start again. Figure out why you decided to get wine and learn from that decision.

          best of luck to you!
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            back to day 1

            mario;689517 wrote: If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you, You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call failure is not falling down, its staying down...odaat
            Very well said as usual Mario.
            Just get back on your bike STC. Stay here and read a lot about other people's experiences, and get those first few critical days under your belt.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              back to day 1

              Do not stop!!! Rejoice in your success!! I am with you

              :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!


                back to day 1

                Did the same myself! Such is life! Let's keep pushing those barriers!


                  back to day 1

                  Hello stopthecycle,

                  And hello to everyone else struggling. Don't waste a minute of your time beating yourself up, it does no good!
                  What does help is jumping back on the wagon asap and revisiting your plan. Make note of your triggers, what makes you decide to drink. What can you do differently in the future to advoid another fall?
                  Please feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest'. There's lots of folks there also just beginning their journeys, we can help each other, you are not alone!

                  Wishing you all the best.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    back to day 1

                    Hi STC

                    Done it myself. After 3 days AF I bought wine and drank it, why? Felt awful, but I went straight back to it and today is the 18th day since. So I can say 18th day, but I can also say in 22 days I only drank once.
                    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                      back to day 1

                      I made it to day 8 and fell off the wagon on my birthday. Drank all weekend so now is time to get back on track.


                        back to day 1

                        Climb aboard the wagon folks, we all know what its like to be at Day 1 but at least we're all trying and that's what matters.
                        Day 3 for me and I'm feeling so much better - catch me up .... I don't run fast!
                        Sooty x


                          back to day 1

                          Hi STC,

                          We are all here for you, so lean on us, and start again. There is a hero inside all of us.
                          LOL, Sunbird:l

