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Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

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    Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

    Hi all,

    I am hoping to give up drinking tonight, but am nervous about the "after effects".
    I think I can do it if I keep myself busy.
    I don't want to have a blackout at the wheel.
    I have tried to cut down but that has never worked, I just walk to the next town to get more (I don't drink drive)

    I have only had 1 or 2 nights without drinking 15 units+ a night, in 20 years and have to stop.

    Does anyone have any advice or should I stop looking for excuses and just do it.
    Has anyone lese had bad reactions to stopping ?

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

    i am looking for the same advice. i am so scared. i think i might be pregnant and i have to stop this. i have been drinking every day about 8+ sometimes less, but not often. i need some help here.


      Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

      Hi to you both,
      Have you seen your doc?
      My GP actually put me onto to this site. (enlightened or what!)
      Keep popping in. You'll find lots of good,wise and kind people here. Don't be afraid to ask any questions.
      Keep reading the posts. Some are hilarious, some are heartbreaking but we all know we're not alone.
      Jackie xxx
      AF since 7/7/2009
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

        Hi Adi,

        If you have never tried this before you should think about whether you are likely to go through withdrawals or not. What's your poison? Beer, wine, spirits? It is not advisable to just 'stop' if you are an extremely heavy drinker as it can be dangerous. You might need to go to your doc and get something like Librium to do a home detox or you could try tapering down the amount you are drinking until you get to zero. Just a warning as I don't know your situation.

        But you have made a very good decision. If you are a heavy drinker you are likely to fell sick for a few days, very headachey and dizzy, disturbed sleep.

        But after a few days as the alcohol leaves your system you will start to feel better and more hopeful and free, in my experience. But watch out as that is when the drink will call you back!

        Read through other people's posts to find out individual experiences of both withdrawal/detox and starting to feel wonderful sober.

        I wish you the best of luck!
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

          Tista good luck to you too and same advice.
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos


            Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

            I lasted until 10.00 tonight, which is a first.
            I drink a lot of white or dry cider.
            I haven't been to the doc because whenever I have spoken , perhaps every 3-4yrs, he seems to be taking the pee out of me.

            Good to know you are there.

            Thank you all.
            Tista, you definately need the doctor's support I think, otherwise keep trying.


              Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

              Actually sleep is where all this started, I just can't stop doing things until I drink.
              Just got the wrong solution in my head I guess.


                Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

                Hi Adi,
                Kimberley put it very well. If your GP is not taking this seriously time to give him/her the elbow and find one who is more sympathetic. This is a recognized illness.
                Mine have been very supportive. The new partner actually pointed me to this site.
                But just keep popping by. You've found a safe place here.
                Jackie xxx
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

                  Hi Adi,

                  I know the feeling too. I strongly suggest the help of a psychiatrist or similar mental health professional. My GP?s bone head attitude ? actually ignorance - cost me at lest two more years of booze (perhaps yours is better). I?m on day 4 AF and feeling really good. I took Librium for two days in home detox and that made all the difference. Vitamin ?L? got me over that hump that has almost always got the best of me. I am now on Revia for the cravings (helps!) and Seroquel for sleep (works!). ?Lord, I pray for Adi that s/he may be strengthened.



                    Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

                    Adi, good for you for postponing until 10 - it is a start. Drink less than usual. Sleep may be difficult for a while, but you don't get good sleep with alcohol either. It is difficult to give advice about whether you need dr. support as it depends on not just number of drinks, but size and alcohol content, how long you have been drinking, and most importantly how you react when you don't have any. I saw something on this recently - I'll see if I can find it and post it. Tista, you have a strong motivation. Take some nutritional supplements to help.


                      Todays the day ? advice please for 1st few days

                      Hi there, definately find a dr. that is sympathetic to your needs. When I give up AL, I go through terrifying withdrawals but take diazepam to keep my brain in check while it is relearning to cope without being sozzled all the time. I only take 1/2 a 5mg tab when I need it for the first few days. You function on it as normally as you would while drinking (without the falling over, forgetting things and being sick of course).

                      I was looking up the symptoms of alcohol withdrawals when I came across this site a year ago. I think it just depends on the person as to what withdrawals if any they experience. But be careful as it can be very dangerous going cold turkey without any meds.
                      It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.

