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My starting day.

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    My starting day.


    The most important thing is quitting and the mind will play all the tricks it can to get you to take just one more drink, get help from a doctor and stay here with us we are all rooting for you you must go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


      My starting day.


      The most important thing is quitting and the mind will play all the tricks it can to get you to take just one more drink, get help from a doctor and stay here with us we are all rooting for you.

      You must go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        My starting day.

        You can and you must make it through day 2. We all know how hard and important this is!
        You can do it and you'll find all the support you need on this site so check in as often as possible.
        You CAN do this for yourself!


          My starting day.

          Be strong and stick with the plan to not drink.
          It's important that if you are physically ill, you should see a doctor ASAP
          Good luck to you!
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            My starting day.

            Totally agreement with MNB and Dreamie, see your doc as soon ASAP. It may be that you are having withdrawal symptoms and he/she can help or it's nothing to do with AL and you're unwell. Either way get it checked out.
            Prayers are with you.
            Jackie xxx
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              My starting day.

              Day 2 passed

              Day 2 Alcohol free,

              I thought the first day will be the hardest. But, Day 2 seemed like ages. Physician diagnosed my health condition as partly withdrawal symptoms and partly flu.

              Medicines kept me sleepy all night & morning.

              Again late to work.

              Earlier getting up was not the problem. Only problem was, I was stinking. Now, I feel disillusionized about my existence. I can't understand the requirement of work, or life for that matter.

              Last two days, I am not getting enough sleep. Nor there is any interest in anything.

              Let me stay away from Alcohol this weekend & shall search for some hobby on monday.

              Got to keep myself busy.


                My starting day.

                Well done on the 2 days - hang on in here - you are not alone - we all know what you are going through. It helps to just keep logging on and logging on - just beware of what is called the 'witchin hour - it's difficult but if you are ready for it then you'll win - it will get easier. Try and stay with us we are all rooting for you . . . . . .
                Short term goal 7 days AF


                  My starting day.

                  Akshayks295;692676 wrote: Earlier getting up was not the problem. Only problem was, I was stinking. Now, I feel disillusionized about my existence. I can't understand the requirement of work, or life for that matter.

                  Last two days, I am not getting enough sleep. Nor there is any interest in anything.

                  Let me stay away from Alcohol this weekend & shall search for some hobby on monday.

                  Got to keep myself busy.
                  Hi akshayks,

                  Well done on two days.

                  I think many people these days feel disillusioned about their existence and wonder at their purpose. People find ways to suppress those feelings, alcohol, tv and many other things to excess.

                  In your search for a hobby think back to what you enjoyed as a child, find something you will really enjoy.

                  Good luck to you, you sound determined.
                  I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                    My starting day.

                    Congratulations on day 2!

                    I'm so glad that you went to the doctor. It must be rough having the flu and withdrawal at the same time. Perhaps you could get a few days off work to recuperate. Take care of yourself. Wishing you all the best!
                    'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne


                      My starting day.

                      First Proclaimed attempt went to dogs. But I am more determined to fight this battle.

                      Lost it on Saturday.

                      I fell into the hell hole again. Sorry Guys, I could not survive greater than 3 days. Saturday, my cough syrup could'nt stop my throat iritation. It felt like my throat was getting all dry. Drinking lots of water did'nt help.

                      A simple sip turned to a full bottle by the evening. Independence day turned to be yet another slavery day for me.

                      I felt completely disappointed for entire sunday. I will start this cycle again from today. I don't want to give up so easily. I will keep this fight until my body or alcohol surrenders. So my 2nd pronounced attempt starts again.


                        My starting day.


                        :welcome: I missed your post first time around.

                        To be better prepared for what you are facing, just accept that the first week is going to be rough. Many here have used the analogy to having the flu. Just pretend it is an illness that you must get through.

                        The mental sluggishness and the lack of sleep are difficult to wade through but they do get better and better.

                        This is a time to take very good care of yourself. Eat well, drink a lot of fluid to help flush the toxins from your body. I also took a bath in the morning and one in the evening. I sweated a lot the first week, especially at night in bed.

                        Concentrate on you, not work, not family, not friends. You.

                        It is hard to believe but the first week will go by and then you are suddenly physically feeling much better.

                        Keep your eye on the prize. Sobriety.

                        Did your doctor give you anything to help with the withdrawals? There are meds that can be taken for the first week that do alleviate the symptoms.

                        Good luck and welcome to MWO. We all know exactly what you are going through.

                        AF April 9, 2016

