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AA Meetings

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    AA Meetings

    Hi, Does anyone also go to AA meetings? I am trying to get the courage to go to one today. It is so difficult to do by myself, but I think it is something I need in additon to this website. This is my third day AF and I know my mind is already starting to play tricks with me (like I will moderate myself for awhile) even though whenever I have tried this, I always fail. I have never gone to a meeting before so I do not know what to expect? Any advise?

    AA Meetings

    Go ahead and go. You will feel a little uncomfortable at first, but just remember, everybody at that meeting felt the way you do at first. They will welcome you and try to make you feel at home. They are all trying to be AF just like you, and they are all there to help each other and you. In a few weeks, you can return the favour and help the next new person who tries to get through the door without being noticed.
    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
    November 2, 2012


      AA Meetings

      Hi JM1234,
      I also am on Day 3 AF, and I have gone to AA meetings the last two days.
      I find that they give me a little extra support. There is no need to be nervous, as everyone there are/have been in the same boat as yourself.
      You might need to shop around for a meeting you like, but just to get a few in, especially in the early days would be good for you, i think.
      Best of luck whatever you decide. :thumbs:


        AA Meetings

        i also say go. There prob are many diff meetings near you on different days and times so you can shop around to find where you feel most comfortable. The first time i went (by myself) i did feel stupid being the youngest and only female there and i can not tell you how warm. SINCERE, and kind everyone there was..nothing fake just real. They have all been where you are and all are willing to help you. You are not alone is the message i got. I have not been back for a while but i am also thinking of going back to AA meetings. It can not hurt and can only help IMO. the last time i went i was in DENIAL about my drinking now im getting real..and honest
        good luck , come back here to


          AA Meetings

          Thanks for the push and support. I went to the meeting and felt good about it. I met a woman on the way in that was in the program for 19 years but first time to this meeting. So she invited me to sit with her and a friend and it wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. Many nice people and good topics.


            AA Meetings

            Jm1234, glad you gave AA a try. I once said I would NEVER go to AA. Since I have started going I have barely missed a day and on some weekends have even gone to 2 meetings.
            As others have said, everyone is very supportive and willing to help. Get phone numbers for extra support when needed. It certainly helped me out when I was craving AL. I was able to speak about my cravings and got support to get through them without picking up.
            You realize you are not alone.

            With AA, MWO and my counsellor I am beating this disease. If I can do it, anyone can.

            There is a Weekly AA thread forum on this site. You might find it interesting. Why don't you check it out.



              AA Meetings

              You really need to go to the section of this site marked monthly abstinence and look at the AA threads.

              It's not to everyone's taste but it seems to be a huge help to some of the members here. I think how useful it is to you depends on your personality and how willing you are to dismiss things you don't like, whether you find a good meeting you fit in with and how literally you interpret everything.

              At the very least, you will come into contact with other people going through the same thing and you will have some accountability in what you are trying to do. And you will meet nice intelligent sober people. I tried it before and didn't like it but my advice would be don't feel pressured by members to do anything you don't want to do, whether it be sayng you are an alcoholic every time you speak, speaking at all, calling people or believing in God. If you feel pressured, find another meeting more suitable to you.

