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1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

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    1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

    Hi all,

    you gave me the inspiration to do this.

    I am sat here next to 3 litres of hellish white cider 7.5%, still with the lid on.
    For some reason I want to do this on my own, and with your help, but didn't want to share my efforts with my wife in-case I fail again. If I had ?1 for every time I told here I would try - well I guess you all know what I mean.
    I had a bad nights sleep but feel better then I have for years, and even woke and got out of bed at 7 without forcing myself.

    Reading posts, I guess the next week or 2 will be difficult, but I'll be here to help me stay on track.


    1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

    Good on you adi -
    I'm on day 2 AF again!!!!
    Stick around
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs


      Hi Adi,

      Best of luck. You have to want to do it for you. We are all here to help and support. Try at all costs to avoid HALT---Hunger, Anger, Lonliness and Tiredness. And because these are always lurking around, give the unopened 3L bottle of cider to someone else to lock away!

      Sunbird :l


        1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

        Hi Adi.

        Welcome, my advice is dump that cider down the drain. You don't need it and neither does anyone else. You have come to a good place we are all behind you.
        I recomend the book the easy way to stop drinking by alan carr. It helped me alot.
        Just keep telling yourself things like I dont need a drink, I can handle it. etc.
        You can do this'
        Best wishes Ill be praying for you.



          1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

          Morning Adi!

          Congrats on day 1. Thats where it all starts. I too agree with getting the cider out of the house. For me at least I know if I had wine here there is no way I'd be able to abstain.

          Good luck on your journey.
          AF/SF - November 23, 2014


            1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

              Hey Adi,,congrats on day 1, I am on day 2 so I understand the struggle. I'm keeping it on the down low too,,I don't want to disappoint my husband if I fail. But that is what is great about this can say anything and we all can relate. I woke up this morning full of energy, had a walk, did some gardening then a nice yummy breakfast. Keep busy, I think that is the key. The only physical thing that is bothering my is a major HEADACHE. Anyone else get this? Is it from withdrawal? I don't usually get them (even hungover....) so I'm thinking it is. Anyway,,come here often, it helps!
              Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


                1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

                Adi! Congratulations! We all started on day 1! Have you seen a doctor? It couldn't hurt. Take care of yourself and drink lots of water.

                Tass, I had a constant headache from either days 3-4 or 4-5 I can't quite remember. It lasted for 2 days.
                'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne


                  1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

                  Welcome Adi and big congrats on day one!

                  I second (third, etc.) to dump the cider! I know from experience that if it's here... I will eventually succumb.

                  Wishing you unbridled success!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

                    Good luck Adi, it's a good idea to get rid of that cider, too much temptation.


                      1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

                      I am off to bed alcohol free after reading your encouragement,
                      I see the cider as a sort of trophy, perhaps I'm just fooling myself - I'll dump it before it gets me.

                      tassimo, I don't get many headaches either, but get tighness in my forehead every dy anywhere from 2-6, but I guess that's the alcohol wearing off. Perhaps I have that to come.



                        1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

                        Hi Adi,

                        Congrats!!!! I am on day 6 but I didn’t do it “on my own”. I saw a psychiatrist who has been a big help to me (so don’t rule out more help). I didn’t try to hide anything from my wife as she knows me too well and has stuck by me – drunk or sober. I hope to reward her with that sober and loving husband she had so many, many years ago. That man is still in me; because of your effort I know he is still in you too. Oh yeah – dump the cider. Worst case, you just go buy more.



                          1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

                          Adi - don't talk yourself into thinking you'll go through hell! You may be surprised... and find it really isn't that bad.

                          Keep busy - go on errands where you can't smoke... your wife will appreciate how helpful you've become!!

                          I like the "4 days" thing -- seems more doable than a week. Just try Four days. Don't worry now about what will happen after that...

                          Good luck!!
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs


                            It does start with a single step and you have taken it.

                            Get as good a rest as you can, drink a lot of water and pamper yourself.

                            If you get very shakey or trembly, please consider going to a doctor. They can give you meds to help you withdraw safely.

                            Congratulations on the first day of many sober ones to come.


                            ps Throw the alcohol away. It is not a trophy, it is poison sitting there waiting for you to swallow it.
                            AF April 9, 2016


                              1st DAy AF in 3 years, 2nd time in 20 yrs

                              PS - I don't believe in throwing AL away! Just give it to neighbors - they will then owe you, and they will water your plants when you're gone! :H
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

