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Maggie;s story

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    Maggie;s story

    It sounds as though you drank less than usual maggie so that is positive, and each day is a new one so well done.

    Regarding the supplements, I am taking Kudzu and L-glutamine, and I used a hypnosis CD for the first 10 days. I began with them from the first day, they seem to make a difference because I do not have the mental battle going on that I had when I tried to stop before coming here.

    I also read a lot of the posts of people who have been AF for some time, and I frequent the jokes, there's a lot of humour and irreverence on here which makes me laugh and I am sure that helps too.

    Here's to an AF day for you today.
    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


      Maggie;s story

      Gold;692612 wrote: It sounds as though you drank less than usual maggie so that is positive, and each day is a new one so well done.

      Regarding the supplements, I am taking Kudzu and L-glutamine, and I used a hypnosis CD for the first 10 days. I began with them from the first day, they seem to make a difference because I do not have the mental battle going on that I had when I tried to stop before coming here.

      I also read a lot of the posts of people who have been AF for some time, and I frequent the jokes, there's a lot of humour and irreverence on here which makes me laugh and I am sure that helps too.

      Here's to an AF day for you today.
      Thank you so much for your reply ! :l this site makes me feel less alone and everyone is so supportive.

      I had 6 drinks yesterday, but i realize thats alot better than my usual 12-15.

      My goal for today is zero but I'm a little bit worried as im going out with a few friends. We do it every friday night but they will all be drinking and Im wondering if I should even be going at this point...

      I'll be sure to keep you guys updated, if you wish...It's just nice to be talking with people who have experienced some of the same things as me instead of people who have no idea and just make you feel guilty.

      thank you :h

      "Your body is a temple, but keep the spirits on the outside."
      Sanity: "Minds are like parachutes...Just because you lost yours doesnt mean you can borrow mine."


        Maggie;s story

        Hello Maggie may I also offer you a belated welcome, I am glad you found us.
        6 drinks is way better than 12-15, any step in the right direction is a victory imo.
        As regards going out with drinking buddies this early in your recovery, well I wouldnt but thats just me. Way to much temptation and so easy to utter those two words we alkies should never say, 'f**k it'.
        It is so much nicer waking up not feeling like s**t every morning.
        I wish you well whatever you decide and you are so right, people here do get it because we have all been there.
        Keep safe
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Maggie;s story

          Hi Maggie,

          I'd say your chances of succeeding have greatly increased by joining this place. I've not logged on for a few weeks and just logging on this morning and reading and listening has given me the strength to have another go - as you say Failure Is Not An Option. Good luck.

          Short term goal 7 days AF


            Maggie;s story

            If it were me, I don't think I would go, hard though it must be. Get some solid AF days under your belt and then perhaps go next week and don't drink. Say you're on medication, a diet or something and as someone else said here, prepare in advance for what you will say, visualise yourself doing it and then it will be easier when you are in the situation (I think it was Determinator).

            Please keep us updated.
            I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


              Maggie;s story

              You guys pretty much just reinforced what I was already thinking. I think I'll stay home tonight. I just wish I had more to do at nights. My husband works, my daughter's asleep and I'm left alone with nothing to do...that's when I get the urge to drink the most. What do you guys do at night to get your mind off alcohol?
              "Your body is a temple, but keep the spirits on the outside."
              Sanity: "Minds are like parachutes...Just because you lost yours doesnt mean you can borrow mine."


                Maggie;s story

                hi clockwork.i love to paint..just watch telly.or go to bed early untill the cravings ease.anything,but drink,talk to friends on the phone come talk to us on mwo,lots to do ,make up wour mind what you want and go for it,have a good ar day my friend ////


                  Maggie;s story

                  darkie;692998 wrote: hi clockwork.i love to paint..just watch telly.or go to bed early untill the cravings ease.anything,but drink,talk to friends on the phone come talk to us on mwo,lots to do ,make up wour mind what you want and go for it,have a good ar day my friend ////
                  thank you:l ill probably just be on here tonight or invite some non-drinking friends over lol. maybe watch a movie. I just can't drink today.

                  random thing happened today.
                  I was in a car with my friends about an hour ago going through a drive through atm and i had to run out of the car and puke. I was so embarassed because it was in front of alot of people. I dont know if it was from morphine withdrawal, something to do with alcohol or just something completely different...I've been feeling shaky and anxious all day though so it could have something to do with that. I didn't really know what to tell my daughter and my friends when they asked if I was ok......

                  maybe its too much to try and quit both at the same time?

                  Ugh, I'm trying so hard to be AF today. It may be hard now but I' know ill feel so much better once I am clean and sober.

                  thank you all for your posts,

                  "Your body is a temple, but keep the spirits on the outside."
                  Sanity: "Minds are like parachutes...Just because you lost yours doesnt mean you can borrow mine."


                    Maggie;s story

                    Hey Maggie,,it could be withdrawal...if you are used to drinking during the day and you haven't, that could be it. Nausea is part of it for some, but everyone is different I'm sure. I'm no expert though! I'm in Canada too,,there are a few of us I noticed! You could try tapering as you did yesterday,,different things work for different people. As far as the going out tonight, I'd avoid it as well. I'm only 3 days AF and was invited to a cottage this weekend and I opted out. The drinking starts at 10 am up there and I just don't think I'm strong enough yet. Can't tell you how many times I've watched movies drunk and ended up not remembering them the next that is my new thing at night,,watch movies, understand them and remember them. Woo Hoo!...pretty simple but seems to be of luck this weekend and feel free to pm me anytime if you need a shoulder!
                    Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


                      Maggie;s story

                      tassimo;693083 wrote: Hey Maggie,,it could be withdrawal...if you are used to drinking during the day and you haven't, that could be it. Nausea is part of it for some, but everyone is different I'm sure. I'm no expert though! I'm in Canada too,,there are a few of us I noticed! You could try tapering as you did yesterday,,different things work for different people. As far as the going out tonight, I'd avoid it as well. I'm only 3 days AF and was invited to a cottage this weekend and I opted out. The drinking starts at 10 am up there and I just don't think I'm strong enough yet. Can't tell you how many times I've watched movies drunk and ended up not remembering them the next that is my new thing at night,,watch movies, understand them and remember them. Woo Hoo!...pretty simple but seems to be of luck this weekend and feel free to pm me anytime if you need a shoulder!
                      Thank you so much!:l A few people now have suggested I cut back first, and I' m starting to think that I should try. The only reason I was trying to go cold turkey is because usually once I have one drink, I can't stop until I pass out or the liquor's gone...I hate this, that alcohol has that much power over me that I cannot have a couple drinks and stop...But I did manage to drink half of what I normally do last night so I'm going to give it my best shot and try and do even better tonight, I'm aiming for maybe 1-4 (hopefully less than 4...) Maybe I'll take my daughter somewhere, I'd never drink around her. I'm mostly doing this for her. She is my everything, and I want to be the best mom possible for her.

                      "Your body is a temple, but keep the spirits on the outside."
                      Sanity: "Minds are like parachutes...Just because you lost yours doesnt mean you can borrow mine."


                        Maggie;s story

                        clockworkorange;693093 wrote: Thank you so much!:l A few people now have suggested I cut back first, and I' m starting to think that I should try. The only reason I was trying to go cold turkey is because usually once I have one drink, I can't stop until I pass out or the liquor's gone...I hate this, that alcohol has that much power over me that I cannot have a couple drinks and stop...But I did manage to drink half of what I normally do last night so I'm going to give it my best shot and try and do even better tonight, I'm aiming for maybe 1-4 (hopefully less than 4...) Maybe I'll take my daughter somewhere, I'd never drink around her. I'm mostly doing this for her. She is my everything, and I want to be the best mom possible for her.

                        Hi Maggie,

                        I know what you mean - once I start drinking it doesn't stop until I pass out. If i run out before lights out, I went and got more - no matter what. That's been the great thing about this site for me. All of our stories are too similar for this to be coincidental. We have a neurobiological disorder that has a very predictable pattern of behavior. If you take a human brain and adjust a couple of chromosomal subunits in a particular fashion then you will get a very predictable outcome. I think the variability of symptoms has to do with the variability of the extent of the chromosomal adjustment. Of course we can not use this as an excuse; it is simply a challenge we have to face. (Insert Yoda voice here) Face it we will. Overcome it we shall.



                          Maggie;s story

                          Elpis ... Overcome it we shall!

                          Well said.
                          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                            Maggie;s story

                            Hello Clock!!
                            So good to see you back here!
                            I hope we meet in Chat soon?
                            Hugs from Sol xxx

