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Day 2 AF Happy Hour

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    Day 2 AF Happy Hour

    Ok, I had a great day til 4pm hit. Took a nice long walk this morning, did some gardening, cleaned the bathrooms, went grocery shopping, started to do some work stuff and BAM. My hands started shaking, my feet feel numb, I'm jittery and anxious and feeling hot/cold at the same time. Last night I had some sweating but not much. Guess it's hitting me now. The old bod is wondering where the 1000's of calories of alcohol are. I have to make this happen this time,,,the news from the Dr. was not good a few days ago and I'm awaiting more results and scared s(*tless. I feel like going to bed but alas, dinner needs to be made and kids/husband will be home soon. I haven't told my husband what I'm doing but I don't think he knows the extent to which I've been drinking. Pretty much nonstop from 4-10, everything from beer to wine to vodka and whatever else we have. Tonight will be tough....I can do it but it won't be easy. I know so many of you can relate!!! Thanks for listening!!!
    Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..

    Day 2 AF Happy Hour

    Hang in there Tass! It sounds like the detox is hitting. I could really relate to this part of what you said,
    "My hands started shaking, my feet feel numb, I'm jittery and anxious and feeling hot/cold at the same time."
    I felt like that with the sweats, nausea, etc. Maybe your doctor can prescribe something for the detox. Hang in there! There are great people here. Wishing you all the best as you start this journey!
    'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne


      Day 2 AF Happy Hour

      Good work, Tass.

      Keep up the good work. And it is bloody hard work, isn't it? Have you read the MWO book yet? It really helps me, and I'm getting ready to read it for the fourth time. Also, the l-glutamine and kudzu helps, too. Good luck with the kids and the husband. I am pretty sure my husband didn't know how much I was drinking, either, but when I told him my plan, he was very supportive. Perhaps yours will be too. I'll be sending you strong thoughts tonight and this week. It is very hard, but very worth it. (Listen, I'm talking to myself, here, too.)

      You are worth the very best you can give. Good work. Keep it up. Keep reading and posting. Believe me, we all know what you are going through.:goodjob:


        Day 2 AF Happy Hour

        tass, you're going through normal detox. And as for the anxiety over the doctor's report... I'm not trying to minimize whatever the results may be, but 15 years ago I was told I was going to die in months if I didn't quit drinking; maybe die even if I did. I was throwing up every day at work, right after lunch. I had a SEVERE case of alcoholic hepatitis. I quit drinking, my liver healed, and I am still here today. Of course I started drinking heavily again a little over a year ago and now I'm back to square one, having quit 6 days ago. The first few days were HELL to me, but I'm glad that I went through them because there is light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a freight train either!

        The liver has an incomprehensible ability to heal; just stay off the alcohol, and my guess is you will be fine in no time friend.

        If you think you can taper down little by little and then shut the spigot of alcohol off, you might try that. It's not for everyone, but it has worked for me in the past. You don't suffer such severe withdrawal symptoms. In fact, if you follow the rule of a little less each night you will suffer little to no withdrawal symptoms. But like I said, that way is not for everyone.
        I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


          Day 2 AF Happy Hour

          Hi Tass,

          Hang in there!!! I am well acquainted with Mr. Sweat and his lovely sister Mrs. Shakes... may they be condemned to the place they deserve. Just take it one hour at a time. See a doctor. The Librium I took to home detox was the difference between success and failure for me. L-glutamine helps too. I am praying for you right now. “Lord, help Tass thorough this most difficult time.”



            Day 2 AF Happy Hour

            Elpis;692420 wrote: Hi Tass,

            Hang in there!!! I am well acquainted with Mr. Sweat and his lovely sister Mrs. Shakes... may they be condemned to the place they deserve. Just take it one hour at a time. See a doctor. The Librium I took to home detox was the difference between success and failure for me. L-glutamine helps too. I am praying for you right now. ?Lord, help Tass thorough this most difficult time.?

            I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


              Day 2 AF Happy Hour


              From 4pm to 7pm is my "witching hour". I seem to struggle most and at my weakest during that time frame.

              As each day goes on, you will start feeling better and better. I wish you success!

              and dont sweat the doctor stuff before it even happens, anticapation is usually worse than the actual news.

              keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
              AF/SF - November 23, 2014

