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One week AF

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    One week AF

    It's been seven days AF so far and I'm feeling good. I'm still not sure that I want to make a life long commitment. I still just can't imagine the rest of my life without even being able to enjoy a glass of wine at dinner or having a beer with friends.

    I just really hope I can figure out how to live a life of moderation. I still wonder if my drinking is really THAT excessive compared to "the norm". But, I guess if I feel like I drink too much, then I do, regardless of how much others drink.

    I don't know. I'm gonna commit to today AF and take it one day at a time. I'll feel fresh in the morning.
    "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"

    One week AF

    Hi Trailrunner,

    Congrats! I've got one week AF too today! I was really feeling great these last few days, today i'm emotional and really felt like grabbing a bottle of wine after work, but i really want to commit to 30 days.

    Like you, a lifetime commitment seems daunting to me, but for today, i will remain AF.

    Congrats again! it does feel great waking up in the morning ready to go, instead of beating myself up and being hungover.
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      One week AF

      Congrats to you too Mstall! I'm thinking about 30 days too. What's funny is that if I think that I don't HAVE to go the rest of my life without another drink, I don't feel like I need one today. There's always tomorrow, or the next week, or month, or however long it takes me to love going to bed sober. It may be never, but when I feel like there's hope, today doesn't seem so bad.
      "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"


        One week AF

        :goodjob: We have to find our own way. Go AF for a month and have a beer. If you can't stop at one or two you will know what you should do. I have no AL 'off' switch.


          One week AF

          Trailrunner and Mstall,

          :goodjob: on a week AF!!

          I hope you can both keep it up and make your goal of 30 days. It feels so good when you get there.

          AF April 9, 2016


            One week AF

            Congratulations Trailrunner and Mstall! I, too, have a week today. I'm feeling so much better than I did a week ago. I am going to try to do 30 days. I still have the cravings but I notice that if I do something else for a bit, they pass. Wishing everyone the best of luck on their journey.
            'I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol.' - Ozzy Osborne


              One week AF

              Trailrunner, Mstall and Dreamweaver

              CONGRATULATIONS ON 1 WEEK!!!

              Sounds like you are all doing very well. Keep up the good work. Feels great waking up without having overdone the booze the night before!

              Sober since 30/06/10


                One week AF


                Congrats Trairumnner, Mstall and dreamweaver! Its my 7th day AF too! Looking forward to 30 days with my team runners.


                  One week AF

                  Congratulations on a week AF trailrunner, mstall and dreamweaver.

                  I think everyone finds their own Way Out, it's a personal decision as to how we move forward.

                  This is day 21 AF for me, I had done 3 AF days and then for an inexplicable reason decided to try a glass or two of wine, well of course it wasn't 1 or 2 and I felt so awful in the morning physically and emotionally that I realised it just wasn't worth it. I had of course tried many times before coming here, and I can see that I didn't drink as much as some people and more than others but it was the mental anguish it was causing me that proved it was too much for me.

                  I know moderation isn't for me, it would involve too much thought about alcohol. I love reading the daily exploits of the people who have been AF for a long time, and that has led me to see that the alcohol is in the past, that was my life then, and now I need to build anew which I needed to and was trying to do with alcohol but it wasn't working.

                  I see AF as an adventure with all manner of possibilities, not easy but it becomes easier and the rewards I read about and am beginning to see for myself are great.
                  I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                    One week AF

                    Congratulations to trailrunner,mstall.and dreamie,
                    Bet you thought you'd never get this far.
                    I'm going to treat myself to a bunch of flowers. Cheaper than Al,last longer, nice to look at and you don't get a hangover.
                    Jackie xxx
                    AF since 7/7/2009
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      One week AF

                      JackieClaire;692614 wrote: Congratulations to trailrunner,mstall.and dreamie,
                      Bet you thought you'd never get this far.
                      I'm going to treat myself to a bunch of flowers. Cheaper than Al,last longer, nice to look at and you don't get a hangover.
                      Jackie xxx
                      AF since 7/7/2009
                      How funny jackie, I did exactly that yesterday when I was in Tesco, actually gladiolis, two for one, they are lovely in purple and yellow.
                      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                        One week AF

                        Thanks Gold! Your right about thinking about moderation, I think about alcohol too much trying to moderate. It's just too emotionally exhausting, too much energy wasted. It's like teasing yourself. I've thought about that before, but you've reminded me during a difficult period. Thanks!
                        "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"

