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Day 2

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    Day 2

    Thanks to my husband. Drank my usual bottle of wine on Thursday evening, got all emotional and confessed that I couldn't carry on like that. My husband drinks less than me but it was always easier to justify my drinking if he was having a glass too. So he said, for the first time, that he had been thinking about my drinking for a while and we did something that may seem a little crazy. We opened up the drinks cupboard and tipped every drop of alcohol that we had in the house away. Gin, whiskey, vodka the lot. We opened bottles of wine and poured them all away. It felt really good.
    I got home yesterday evening at about 7.00 pm. My husband made me a cup of tea, I made steaks and drank sparkling water with lime.
    Feel good this morning, have decided to have no alcohol in the house for a while.
    Not sure how to deal with family when they come over to stay. They will of course assume that we will have alcohol available. Do I tell them to bring their own if they want to drink because we have stopped? I don't know why I'm so concerned about them but I'm worried about offending them.
    Anyway I'm going to do this, day 2. Wish me luck and strength x

    Day 2

    How wonderful that you and your husband are so united.

    Family patterns are very entrenched hence the worry and concern. If it were friends rather than family visiting you would they assume you to have alcohol available? I know I wouldn't if I were visiting people. As you are so united with your husband perhaps you could tell them you are not drinking and if they want to drink to bring some with them, after all you will be providing hospitality in other ways.

    What does your husband think about how to deal with family when they visit you?

    Someone made a lovely post last night, I am going to go and find it and copy it here, I think it will give you strength.
    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


      Day 2

      Here it is, thanks to Irisheyes:

      "Today I am my own best friend, I look after myself spiritually, physically and emotionally. I do not focus my energies on judging, criticizing or disrespecting myself in anyway. I believe it is my responsibility to set the agenda to teach others how I wish to be treated. I no longer need to point out my faults to others. When I care for and nurture me and refuse to accept negative messages from my inner chatterbox, wonderful things happen and I welcome the thrill in participating in my own life."
      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


        Day 2

        Hello Shining Through -- I can definitely relate to your story! My husband agreed with me to take all Alcohol out of our house -- (we brought to his parents) in support of my problem. This is Day 3 for me! I haven't told anyone on my family -- but as they're mostly non drinkers I don't think this will be an issue.

        Gold, thanks for the wonderful quote! I have been working on participating in my life more positively as well.
        Have a great day! :l


          Day 2

          Lucky63;693639 wrote: Gold, thanks for the wonderful quote! I have been working on participating in my life more positively as well.
          I'm just the copy and paster, it was Irisheyes who posted it originally. It is lovely, and I like what you have said about participating in my life more positively, that's a good phrase.
          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


            Day 2

            Well I have to remember to thank Irish Eyes as well, then. Great quote!
            Have a great day! :l


              Day 2

              Hi, Why don't you tell them that you're both on a health kick and make light of it - so to avoid temptation you're not having any alcohol in the house for a while. Say you're exercising and eating healthily as well . . . . worth a try. That's usually the line I come up with although sometimes I buy wine for the guests and get really fed up when they say I'll have one it you have one . . . . I always get irritated with that one because I'd never put a person in that situation (a dear friend of mine has never drunk and I wouldn't do that to her!). Anyhow, good luck to you. I've got a brilliant husband as well and that helps. On day 2 (again) as well.

              Short term goal 7 days AF


                Day 2

                Hi and welcome Shining,
                Really good that you've got all the alcohol out of the house.
                My husband is not a problem drinker but he's been behind me all the way. He actually did 30 days Af with me.
                Wish lots of luck and all the strength in the world.
                Jackie xxx
                AF since 7/7/2009
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Day 2

                  Thanks to you all for your support.
                  Gold- You're right about the family / friends thing. I don't suppose our friends would say anything.
                  Our families are different, we moved to another country 5 years ago and live in a beautiful place in the mountains, so of course everyone in keen to visit. All of my family drink, my dad died 7 years ago at 63, he was an alcoholic although my family refuse to acknowledge that this was his illness.

                  Just keep looking at the clock waiting for 18.00 not quite sure what to do instead of looking for the corkscrew, but think I'll go for a walk with the little ones.


                    Day 2

                    Hello Shining Through!

                    You must be so happy to have a wonderful supportive husband, it will make your journey so much easier!

                    I wouldnt worry about family, tell them you're laying off of Al for whatever reason you want. I'm sure they will understand.

                    Congrats on those 2 days! you are doing beautifully!
                    AF/SF - November 23, 2014

