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    Rise and shine!!

    I have a fridge of healthy food! I feel healthy just opening the door and looking at it! :H
    Fat perfect cherries, black grapes, strawberries, a honeydew, blueberries, beets, swiss chard, quinoa, wild salmon I smoked last night, bok choy. avacados, pinaeapple, mango. I will exude vitality this week! And hopefully quit abusing coffee. I have such lovely teas, too.

    When you are starting out, it is SO important to feed your body well. It makes such a difference to your poor stressed innards. And lots of water. I might use the drink tracker for water. That would really confuse people who didn't know it was water wouldn't it? :H

    Treat yourself like royalty today.

    Queen Green! :H
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    Thanks Green Eyes I open my fridge and see every thing wrong about me.including the hairy things growing off my alfalfa sprouts.. rotten everything does become my fridge:H However job one I'm gonna clean that shit out!!!! and re-fill it with goood stuff:H thanks Green Eyes for reminding me my fridge is a reflection of me!!!!



      Morning Greenie and all that follow!

      I too went shopping yesterday and bought all kinds of vegies and fruit and healthy food. Spent more than i would have liked, but better than spending it on wine.

      I wont be drinking today, of that i'm sure. too excited to be in double digits for the first time in a long long long time.

      Today I feel proud and grateful.
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        ODAT - SUNDAY

        My fridge is full of beautiful healthy food as well. I think that besides the genetic luck that must have given me a stalwart liver, I can thank fresh, well raised food as having kept my large consumption of spirits from either killing me or making me as sick as I should be. Today since I won’t be drinking, food will just be there to make me strong and happy. Hope everybody meets their goals. Love, Ladybird.
        may we be well


          ODAT - SUNDAY

          Good Morning
          My fridge, too, is well stocked with good stuff. Garden zucchini and eggplant, my own tomatoes, lettuce and onions. Today I"m making garlic dill pickles with my own cucumbers, dill and garlic. I'll to about 6 quarts today to add to the 4 I did last week. Oh, aren't they delish around January! Yummy!
          I'm keeping busy and enjoying my 20 something AF days! YAHOO!!!
          Feeding the body with plenty of water with lemon and trying to cut back on the coffee.
          Everyone have an awesome Sunday!
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            ODAT - SUNDAY

            It's a great feeling ain't it? Good for you Mstall. Now, time for me to get outside and take care of the stuff around the house that has been neglected for months... I heard rumors of pitchforks and torches in the neighborhood..

            Mstall;694552 wrote: Morning Greenie and all that follow!

            I too went shopping yesterday and bought all kinds of vegies and fruit and healthy food. Spent more than i would have liked, but better than spending it on wine.

            I wont be drinking today, of that i'm sure. too excited to be in double digits for the first time in a long long long time.

            Today I feel proud and grateful.
            I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


              ODAT - SUNDAY

              :H:H My fridge is stocked with sandwich meats and cheese. A coconut cream pie and condiments.

              Oh well. Hubby follows a high protein/high fat diet and the eldest grandson made the coconut cream pie.

              We did, however, make smoothies from frozen berries and plain yoghurt this morning. Those went well with the cinnabon rolls that eldest grandson made for breakfast.

              All thoughts of healthy eating seem to fly out the window on Saturday and Sunday in my house.

              My fault entirely.

              AF April 9, 2016


                ODAT - SUNDAY

                Hi everyone. Just said fairwell to the grandchildren, so it's just us now. No AL today. Cindi, thanks for your post yesterday, I do understand why you don't count days - maybe I should try that too. Like Patricia, I'm going to keep your message about the damaged part of the brain making choices. I feel better recently, knowing that there are folks here that have tried and tried. I used to feel so negative about that, as if I was the only one failing over and over. I still have this holiday to go, and one awkward day with a long term drinking friend - I just hope I can - and want - to remain AL free on that day. This is a rotten complaint/ disease/ mind set - whatever it is. Thanks everyone. Tylyr


                  ODAT - SUNDAY

                  Hello All! I was just thinking about cleaning out the fridge and going shopping -- now I'm sure I will. I'm so blessed and happy today that I woke up after an AF Thursday , Friday AND Saturday. I can't remember the last time I made it through all three of those days. And my Hubby and I went to dinner last night and he ordered a drink (he stops at one). I had no desire and got a club soda and enjoyed the dinner and sunset with him. Life is very good! Enjoy your day!
                  Have a great day! :l


                    ODAT - SUNDAY

                    Arrgh. You would have food as a topic when I am recovering from a horrendous bout of food poisoning. I wish I knew what had caused it so I could avoid it in the future, but I don't have a clue.

                    Still chugging along AF.

                    Best to all!
                    I can't drink and pretend to be sane. I can't drink and pretend to be moral. I can't drink and continue to live.

