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Determination v. AL Gremlin - Round 1

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    Determination v. AL Gremlin - Round 1

    Yesterday was day 7 AF (other than 1 glass of wine at a work function). I was at Sams getting stuff for school lunches and the kids were fighting over who pushes the cart, what to get...and we walked by the wine isle. The AL gremlin started in - wouldn't it be nice to get just 1 bottle of Pinot Gris, and have a nice chilled glass when I get home....I would have so much more patience with the kids and their bickering....just 1 bottle, not the usual 1.5-2....I've been so good, it can't hurt.

    Then I started thinking about how good I felt to make it to day wonderful I feel in the morning with no hangover, no shame, no guilt. How I feel more in tune to my kids, even if I don't have as much "patience" with them.

    I am proud to say that I beat the AL gremlin this time! On day 8....hoping to make it to day 30 AF.

    WE CAN DO IT!!!

    Determination v. AL Gremlin - Round 1


    I, for one, have given into those thoughts many times and the results were always the same. Always.

    One or two "relaxing" glasses ended up in a full fledged drunken black out.

    Good for you for not giving in to the urge.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Determination v. AL Gremlin - Round 1

      Well done Determination! Day 9 for me-we're doing it together!


        Determination v. AL Gremlin - Round 1

        thats awesome great job keep it up
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Determination v. AL Gremlin - Round 1

          Well done determination ......... Keep it up ........... proud of you


            Determination v. AL Gremlin - Round 1

            I'll tell you what I do and it really does help a little. Every time I look at a label of anything alcoholic, I imagine a skull and crossbones on the label. Give it a try!


