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ODAT - Monday

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    ODAT - Monday

    Morning all

    Boy oh boy did I have a long and interesting day yesterday! Nearly hours driving and an animal communication course! I'm not particularly good at it (practice makes perfect!) but I did communicate a little relevant stuff and I have a hedgehog as a spirit guide!!! :H What I did learn, most usefully, was how to be in the present - almost meditation. I just don't do that but now I know how easy it is I will do it more - I am sure it will help calm me and keep me AF when I am struggling.

    Now before you think I am a complete fruit loop I'll move on to today. I have slept well and woken eager. I'm thinking about the contents of my fridge too, after yesterday's thread. I have home reared chicken and some home grown veg. That will form the basis of tonight's supper.

    A good day to you all.

    Bessie xx

    ODAT - Monday


    Wow Bessie!! How fascinating!! Oddly, I watched The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch. & The Wardrobe last night. (talking animals and such). Was it just the one class or is there more? So I wonder if you will share how easy it is to be present?

    Yesterday one of my personality traits seriously inconvenienced me. In the middle of pissing and moaning and saying I hated that part of me, I stopped and remembered to love and accept all parts of me. I forgave myself and let it go. I'll have to keep remembering that as the inconvenience part is still on my front walk. :H

    I know that such feelings in the past would be good reason to drink. It is very uncomfortable to reject aspects of yourself or to hold them in distain. Seeking relief from such discord is what we often did (yes, past tense.... you with me?) with AL. We need not do that any more.

    Love yourself more than anything else, ODAT! :h
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Monday

      Good Morning Bessie and all the follow!

      Oy! am i sore today from walking just 16 miles. I just couldnt stand another 2 and think i wont do that again until I have to in September for the MS Walk.

      Back to work on day 11. Down 5 pounds and other than walking like i'm 80, i'm feeling mentally really good.

      Have a great sober week all!
      AF/SF - November 23, 2014


        ODAT - Monday

        Good morning ODATers,

        Bessie, you always make me smile. You have a gift and I am happy you are kind enough to bestow it upon us. I would love to hear more about your hedgehog spirit guide.

        Greenie, thank you for that little reminder. Sometimes we do forget that we are a sum of our parts. All of them. I will keep that thought in mind today.

        Mstall, I only wish I could walk 16 miles at this point. Hmm. Yet another reminder that I need to add some exercise into my daily routine.

        All to come, have a great ODAT Monday. I love Mondays. A fresh start for a new week.

        AF April 9, 2016


          ODAT - Monday

          Good Morning All
          Yesterday's pickling went well. 4 quarts and 1 pint and another huge load of cucumbers are on the vines waiting to get a bit larger.
          Feeling great, waking early and being productive is such a great thing! Also, losing 4 pounds is an added plus!
          Have a glorious sober Monday!:H
          When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
          -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


            ODAT - Monday

            HI guys,

            Feeling good today albeit a little tired (what else is new!)

            Had an interesting day yesterday - found out how strong adult peer preassure is. Went for a family lunch with BF's family (very european sister in law, her entire famiy was present). Well as you know the European way is lots of food, lots of wine and loud conversation. Well I had my ginger ale and his SIL poured me a glass of her homemade wine - I tired to refuse and basically got bullied into her pouring it in the glass and "drink, drink, I made it, you must have it" - and of course everyone there is watching me and listening because she was so preassuring and so loud. So I ended up having half a glass of wine and then getting a coffee (I find that coffee will stop me from drinking wine). So I'm not happy about that at all - the preassure that is. Told BF that I will not go to another event like that where I don't feel like I am able to assert my own autonomy due to preassure. It proved to me though that it is just easier not to have any AL as of course after the half glass I craved wine all day. I didn't succumb to my craving but man it would have been easy to. I would rather just not even put myself into that situation again.

            Ah well, no harm done at all as it was such a little amount but I am still not impressed by the preassure I felt. It's okay though cause I won't let it happen again.

            Here's to a sober Monday,

            Love and hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Monday

              Feck, uni! Feck, feck, feck people who seek ego boosting at other's expense. Grrrrr!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                ODAT - Monday


                What an uncomfortable situation. I am so sorry.

                When I lived in Germany, we shared a very large house with a Mormon couple. It was so difficult for them there. At functions, the Germans would pour them a glass of wine and when they explained they didn't drink alcohol, they would bring them a beer. Today I recognize what they were going through, trying to look low key about it and not offend.

                You can always pull the medication one out of your hat. I am taking medications that prevent me from drinking alcohol. Perhaps you could try that next time?

                I was at a hotel last week and was eating in the bar. I usually eat at the bar because the menu is so much cheaper than the hotel restaurant. A woman was sitting next to me drinking martinis. We struck up a conversation and it turned out it was her 50th birthday and there she was alone on a business trip. She wanted me to "celebrate" with her and I finally explained with a big smile that I can no longer drink alcohol in any quantity. She was fine with it but I did note that she waited until I left to order her next one. :H:H

                I am grateful you only drank that half a glass and I do so know what you mean about that little bit kicking off the cravings. In retrospect, perhaps that was a very valuable lesson for you.

                I sure hope the EB abates soon.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  ODAT - Monday

                  Very sweet, Bessie. I once had a little pet hedgehog named Bailey, I hope she was your guide. You are doing great! I am glad you are embracing the more difficult parts of your nature, Greenie, we never know what else is a hidden part of them or what purpose they may need to play. I love homemade pickles from home grown cukes, and walking sixteen miles would be my death, what talents are on this thread this morning! Uni, I have a sister-in-law who very loudly singled me out until I drank a glass of champagne last month in a toast, badgered me as if to not do so would ruin the engagement of her son. Like you I could think of no way out, and unlike you I went home to drink the night away. I won’t be putting myself in that spot again any time soon. Enjoy your clear and sober sailing, Cindi. Love, Ladybird.
                  may we be well


                    ODAT - Monday


                    A pet hedgehog? Isn't a hedgehog what we call a porcupine in the US?

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      ODAT - Monday

                      Cindi, They are spiny mammals but a different species, and there are no hedgehogs native to North America. The European ones are big but my pet was a dwarf African one. Sweet and fit in the palm of your hand. If they are scared they roll up in a little spikey ball but mine was very tame. There are also spiny anteaters, etc. The infinite variety of nature! LBH
                      may we be well


                        ODAT - Monday

                        Happy ODAT all. A cute rat is still a rat. I had a great weekend, went to an outdoor concert and did some fun stuff, but ended up craving a lot yesterday. I think I was just out of my regular food routine. I had a couple cookies and got to bed early. Still working this morning to get my mood from being too sour. No AL though. That worked out fine.


                          ODAT - Monday

                          Bessie- That is so cool! I was in Half Price Books looking for the MWO book, which I didn't find, but I did buy Conversations With Horse by Kate Solisti-Mattelon. I know when I ride the best, my mind has to go kind of Zen or something, and you and your horse really are like one being.

                          Another time a Longhorn next door to our barn had put her head through the pipe fence and her horns were catching, so she was stuck and struggling, and I feared she would break her neck. I went and told the woman, who said she'd call her husband. As I walked back by, the cow was struggling more frantically. It was scary, but I took a deep breath and thought "RELAX" and out popped the head!
                          I don't know if that helped or not, but I know animals can feel our thoughts, moods, etc.
                          Anyone that doubts, just think about your own dog or cat.
                          Anyway, the hedgehog is cool; but I hope mine's a horse!
                          Your lunch sounds great too!
                          MUCH LOVE- Dancelot
                          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                          AUGUST 9, 2009


                            ODAT - Monday

                            Just got in. Feel I need to log in here, just to make sure that I keep on the straight and narrow. Going on holiday tomorrow, hope I can manage to stay AF. It won't be easy!! But I am, I am, I am going to do it. Will be back at the weekend. Tylyr

