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When to Start

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    When to Start

    I'm new here, and this is my first post. I want to stop drinking, I'm ready to stop drinking. The question is when. I have to make a very important public presentation at work on Thursday (72 hours from now), and I'm afraid withdrawal will prevent me from doing it, or at least doing it well.

    I've been drinking every single day for at least 5 years. I only drink at night--from about 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., and in that time I drink at least 1 and sometimes 2 bottles of wine. I often wake up with a headache. I'm concerned about withdrawal. I've been seeing a counselor who told me to ask my dr for a prescription for librium to take for three days to get me through any withdrawal. The counselor said "No reason to wait until after the presentation; your withdrawal won't be bad, and you'll be through it by Thursday." I got the courage to ask the dr for the prescription. She gave it to me, but she said "Wait until after the presentation; withdrawal could be pretty bad for you on Thursday."

    I want to start today; I'm afraid if I wait until Friday, I'll change my mind! I have the MWO book, I have all the recommended supplements. So in the experience of you wise people, will I be a mess on Thursday if I stop drinking tonight? Or should I wait until Friday? I don't think my withdrawal will be too bad, especially with the librium, but I've never done this before, so I don't know.

    Thanks for any advice! I've been reading posts here for a few weeks, and you've given me the courage to do this!

    When to Start


    Look for Betty Boops thread on Home Detox with Librium. She notes what is happens on a daily basis and how she feels. In general the worst of the physical symptoms happen within the first 4 to 5 days. Hope this helps.

    Everything I need is within me!


      When to Start

      Hi Warrior,
      You'll find Betty Boops thread on home detox in the General Discussion Forum.
      Best of luck.
      Keep dropping by and keep posting.
      Love Jackie xxx

      AF since 7/7/2009
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        When to Start

        i was up to two bottles of wine for the last ten years. i am on day 12 now for the first time in many years (discounting when i was pregnant with my children.)

        i didn't take librium and I found it ok. mostly i was very moody and i had a headache. on day four i started getting bad stomache cramps that came in waves. but i wasn't floored or anything, just kind of spacey and a bit fluey.

        do not fear the withdrawls to much in my opinion if you are a night drinker as you say. i think the worst is the mental cravings and anxiety rather than the physical aspects. for me, the fear of the withdrawls was much worse than the reality of it.

        best of luck to you friend.
        no time like the present


          When to Start

          Hi W-22,

          I am on day ten alcohol free (AF) and I did it following home detox. I am a big guy (230#) and was drinking at least twice as much as you for at least three times longer. The Librium made me very sleepy. If I had taken it as prescribed – four times a day – I would have been knocked out cold (I actually took it twice a day for a few days). If this is one of those “make or break” presentations then I wouldn’t change your routine IFF you are doing ok as you are. If this is a lower stakes presentation then I think it is better to strike while the iron is hot. If there is a chance that you delay and not try quitting at all then don't risk it - quit now. Call in sick if you must. Just my 0.02 cents.



            When to Start

            Hi warrior welcome to MWO ...........

            After doing this recently I would say take the librium tomorrow and wednesday to help the withdrawal and more importantly to help you sleep!!!!!! Without sleep your presentation won't be good.

            On thurs take a small dose only if you think you need it, by day three for me I was still on a highish dose but felt able to function properly.

            PLease understand though that I am not a doctor and we all react differently.

            Another option would be to take them tomorrow and see how you feel!!!! they really do help with withdrawal and if they make you feel bad then they will be out of your system by thursday .

            All the best and PLEASE keep us informed .......... fingers crossed for you .....

            LOve & Hugs, BB xx


              When to Start

              Sorry its evening here which is why I said tomorrow ......... today would be even better


                When to Start

                Hi warrior2,

                Good for you for doing something about this!
                I'd say go for it TODAY, with or without the librium, whichever you feel. No time like the present. Lots of good advice and suggestions here.

                I was like Skinny cow in that I was drinking about the same amount, for longer, and went cold turkey without any meds. Felt quite spaced out for a few days but I was perfectly OK.

                Good luck with the presentation!
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  When to Start

                  Thanks for the suggestions!

                  I'm still not sure which way I'm going to go. I'm considering "tapering" between now and Thursday, and stopping completely on Thursday. Maybe I won't need the librium at all by then. But I poured out my "secret" stash a couple of hours ago, so any drinking I do tonight won't be secret! That alone is progress for me, and it will probably slow me down a bit.

                  My husband stopped drinking last week; his dr told him his liver enzymes were elevated and to stop drinking for 30 days to see if they improved. My husband frequently goes days at a time without drinking, and this week hasn't been difficult for him. I drink a lot more than my husband does (that secret stash!), so I can only imagine what my liver enzymes look like! I'd been thinking about quitting for ages, and his start pushed me over the edge. It will never be easier to quit than now, when he's already stopped. At the end of his 30 days, he hopes to start drinking again in moderation. I'm not sure what I'll do then. One step at a time, though; I have to STOP drinking before I can decide whether I'll START again!

                  I'm 47 years old. I've been drinking almost every night since I was 21. I cut back a lot for several years during that time when I was first married, and I didn't drink during my pregnancies (I have 3 bright and healthy kids; the oldest just started his freshman year at college last week). But since the birth of my youngest 12 years ago, I've never gone longer than a week without a drink. And as I said earlier, I haven't gone a day without a drink in at least 5 years. So for me it's been a slow and steady decline into more and heavier drinking. I've never been a daytime drinker; the thought of taking a drink in the morning scares the daylights out of me, because I have a feeling that if I did it once, it would quickly become a habit I couldn't stop--like my nighttime drinking!

                  I know if I don't figure out how to stop doing this, I will certainly kill myself. It's amazing to me that I'm not suffering any obvious health effects yet (although I'm sure my liver must be shot).

                  MWO has been really inspiring for me! It's so encouraging to read others' stories (some of which sound so much like mine), and to hear the successes.


                    When to Start

                    Hi Warrior,

                    I was the same as you, and skinny cow and marshy. When I stopped 25 days ago I did not experience any withdrawal other than moodiness, that's not to say it's completely plain sailing because as you will read, stopping means rebuilding a more productive life which is a good thing of course but seems hard in the beginning.

                    For me, I felt better after one day of not drinking and therefore would make a better presentation.

                    Lots of advice for you. Perhaps get the presentation out of the way and stop that day, a reward for a job well done.
                    I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


                      When to Start

                      :new: Hi, I am new here and this is my first serious effort to stop drinking in many years, I am terrified! The alcohol has controlled my life for so long I don't know how I will go without it. I have been reading the threads and am so glad that I have found a wonderful community out there. Theresa.


                        When to Start

                        :welcome: terryj and warrior you are with good people hear who can relate and understand your problems,hope you stick around

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          When to Start

                          Good luck

                          Good on you both teryj and warrior, only day 2 for me, but I feel so proud of myself already, it really is a liberating feeling being in control. I hope you will both be able to experience freedom from the demon too. Don't be afraid to just make a start, and keep coming here, all these wonderful people are well... really wonderful and will help keep you on track.
                          take care xox

