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newbie here, questions

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    newbie here, questions

    I just ordered the MWO book this afternoon and am anxious to get it. I just discovered the site a little while ago. I am 39 years old, and for the last 3 years my drinking has become a huge problem. I am a binge drinker and it seems the episodes are getting more and more frequent.

    I have done a little reading on the site.........I am concerned about the medicines I am reading about. The side effects are very scary to me. I take prozac now (for depression). I also dont have medical insurance and really cannot afford to be under the care of a doctor.

    Do you think I can successfully work this program without the meds? I do not anticipate any physical withdrawals..........I know I have read that some of the meds help with those. I just dont want to take anything that will give me a sedated/tired feeling. I am already fatigued as it is.

    I really want to give this program a try. I hope it can help someone like me. Any thoughts??:thanks:

    newbie here, questions

    the only thing i can say is read the book and get started, it does work.
    make a commitment to yourself and do your best to stick to it.
    all the best!


      newbie here, questions

      Hi Skittles,

      Welcome! Glad you found is, it's a good place.
      I have not used any medications. I didn't even use any of the recommended supplements because I already had my own on hand. The CDs were very helpful, still use them for time to time.
      Mostly what you need is a very strong desire to quit (or learn to moderate) and a good plan for yourself. Keep reading, check out the Toolbox Thread for good ideas to help you make your plan. Feel free to join us on the 'Newbies Nest' thread where theres lots of folks just starting their journey.

      Wishing you the best!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        newbie here, questions

        Hi skittles! Your story sounds a lot like mine. I'm a weekend binge drinker run amuck and trying to deal with it. I'm on day 28 af, haven't taken any meds but did do the supplements and cds pretty religiously as prescribed. I think these things helped me a lot; but determination is required to stay focused.

        There is an update to the supplement dosing somewhere that's different from the book -- the update is what followed, but have no clue which thread I found it in. Perhaps someone else knows where to find it.

        Another thing that is hugely helpful is to read a lot on this site, and post any questions you have.

        Good luck
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          newbie here, questions

          Welcome skittles,

          I am on Rx meds but started out with the recommended supplements. I found the supplements very helpful, especially the L-glutamine and GABA. I also take the Kudzu but am doing so in conjunction with the Rx meds so I can’t say that it was or was not helpful (I can say that I still had cravings on the Rx meds that cleared with L-gult and Kudzu). Good luck to you. None of the meds I am on are sedating except for the Librium that I took at the very beginning.



            newbie here, questions

            Hi Skittles,

            Welcome! I have not done medication or the supplements. I'm starting out the old fashioned way. I have thought about the supplements, and I may try them, but for now, I am relying upon will power and the support of the people here.


              newbie here, questions

              Hi, Skittles, welcome. I also don't have health insurance either, so I'm going with supplements and a really healthy diet. If you consume a lot of empty carbs and junk food, it really does stress your body and makes you feel worse, and more inclined to "self medicate", which means drink.

              I'm going to start hypnosis (when I can afford the CDs!). I've done it before for other issues and found it very effective, as well as wonderfully relaxing, even hours afterward.

              Somewhere near the first part of this site, there is also a link to drug interactions, including supplements. I think it's around where the dosage updates mentioned previously are found.

              Today I am starting day 10 AF, and feel better than I have in most of my 36 years of drinking, which I realized the other day was literally two thirds of my life (yikes!).

              Best of luck, Skittles, I know you can do it too!
              Much Love and hang in there
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                newbie here, questions

                Thanks for the post on the Kudzu dose recommendations, Sheri. I've been confused in reading posts indicating some people are taking much larger dosages than this, but what you have posted seems more reasonable. The kudzu leaves such a strange taste in my mouth, wine even sounds icky.

