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First Day Here

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    First Day Here

    Good day to you all. I have been reading this forum for a few days now and finally decided today to join in. I am sick, sick, sick, of struggling with alcohol and I am soooooo ready to give it up for good. The things you guys all say and think are the same things that bother me too. It's all very encouraging to see how everyone shares in here. Just reading the threads in here have made me feel a lot better. I am in my 40's now. I've been a binge drinker off and on my whole adult life. For some reason it has gotten worse over the last couple years and it's starting to affect my health. I feel I am at the point where I have to stop or I'll be dead in a few years. It makes me sick how the stuff controls me. I know how bad the stuff is for me but I still keep sucking it down. It makes no sense. I feel like I'm in good company now, at last.:new:

    First Day Here

    Welcome! Yes you are in good company, I have been a binge drinker since age 13 and I have had 6 months AF and it has been truly wonderful for my self esteem and general health and wellbeing, I like myself a hell of a lot more!
    Keep popping onto the site and personally i cannot recommend morea book called : The easy way to control alcohol by Allan Carr ..... This changed my complete way of thinking and seing alcohol and made it a relatively easy and enjoyable experience not drinking ( Really! ).

    Best of Luck GunRunner!
    I am Perfectly Imperfect!


      First Day Here

      Hi! I'm kinda new too...going on day 6 AF...It's hard but I feel better already, but I know it's a long tough road. The people here are so nice and supportive! You can say anything and not be's so great to get some of this off your chest and move forward. I log on several times a day and it's been a lifeline..You can do it too...Thanks for the book suggestion gidget,,I will order it!
      Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


        First Day Here

        Welcome everyone! This is a great site, couldn't do without it! It's really kinda good when you are "sick and tired of being sick and tired" isn't it! ME TOO! I'm tired of it dominating my thoughts, my life, my brain cells, my body! Feeling good is sooooo much better! I don't want to function, I want to live life to the fullest! I'm a cancer survivor, and I want to make the most of my life, not waste it trying not to drink, or drink a lil, or get over a hangover.....yuck, I'm just soooo done with it! I'm on the baclofen now, easing up the dose, getting used to it, getting better, then stumping my toe a tad, all in a days work of getting better. I vow to never, ever suffer a hangover again, I'm 50, and I want to spend time hiking, biking, walking, and staying in shape, and here I eat all organic, then throw poison down my throat, its sillly! I'm going to stay on the baclofen, until I reach the point where I can take it, or leave it, as soooo many have done here. It's really helped, if I skip a dose, I falter, if I don't, it doesn't even taste very good. I'm hoping to get some AF days in, while the dose is getting leveled out, and then be able to have a few socially, if not, then I'll just quit completely, whatever it takes! Glad ya'll are here! It's a great lil "familly"....we are all in the same boat!
        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


          First Day Here

          You guys are great. I am exited.

          You guys all make such great points. I love being able to say exactly whats on my mind without being judged. Alcohol has dominated my entire existence for so long now. When I think about it I get really angry. All the time I have wasted drinking, all of the money I have wasted! How many thousands of dollars have I squandered on booze and the related stupidity. In what ways have I damaged my body? How have I hurt my marriage? There is a ton of stuff on my mind I want to talk to you guys about. I don't know where to start. I guess I'll do it one post at a time. :thanks:


            First Day Here

            Hi Gunrunner,

            Welcome. You could tell us your story in the section called "Tell us your story". Keep reading and posting. We've heard it all! Nothing will surprise us and we will understand. Glad you've taken a step towards sobriety

            Everything I need is within me!


              First Day Here

              Great suggestion Brightlite I think I will do that asap.


                First Day Here

                GunRunner;695825 wrote: Good day to you all. I have been reading this forum for a few days now and finally decided today to join in. I am sick, sick, sick, of struggling with alcohol and I am soooooo ready to give it up for good. The things you guys all say and think are the same things that bother me too. It's all very encouraging to see how everyone shares in here. Just reading the threads in here have made me feel a lot better. I am in my 40's now. I've been a binge drinker off and on my whole adult life. For some reason it has gotten worse over the last couple years and it's starting to affect my health. I feel I am at the point where I have to stop or I'll be dead in a few years. It makes me sick how the stuff controls me. I know how bad the stuff is for me but I still keep sucking it down. It makes no sense. I feel like I'm in good company now, at last.:new:
                Hi GR,

                Oh boy do I know what you mean. I know what it's like to plan your life around the next drink, to worry when you travel somewhere if you can find a liquor store, to break another promise, to gag and vomit and go back and do it again, to hate your weakness, the shame and the guilt. ENOUGH already!!! I believe what they say in AA: one drink is too many and a thousand drinks are not enough.

                I am now 10 days AF and damn proud of it! Like I told another, I don?t know how long I can keep it up. My wife still doesn?t trust me to be sober (and why should she?). My kids still walk on egg shells (God how I hate myself for making them feel that way!). I am still trying to figure out how to be sober. Join us for the ride. We all have the same story more or less. We find strength in each others weakness. It is by giving that we receive.



                  First Day Here

                  ((gun)) ... Welcome. Stick close by. We can change our lives. We have the power. Keep on posting.
                  AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                    First Day Here

                    Welcome Gunrunner - it's good to have you here with us.
                    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                      First Day Here

                      gunrunner, I am fairly new here but reading posts everyday has helped me. I cant offer a lot of advice as I have just started with MWO.Welcome anyway:welcome:

