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New and trying to decide

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    New and trying to decide

    Hi Win_Niners. My husband's entire family are alcoholics, every event evolves around drinking. I used to think that they were all weak as I was only a moderate drinker. Now I drink just as much as they do.
    It's not fun but how do you enjoy your family if you have to separate yourself from them in order to quit this addiction? I don't remember going to any activity in the last 20 years where alcohol wasn't around. My daughter is going off to college this week and I feel like I have missed out on so much that we should have done together. I ordered the book and a few of the vitamins and supplements. I still don't know if I have enough willpower to cut out the booze and the family get togethers.


      New and trying to decide

      I used to love to read, go out with friends to movies or a restaurant, go to the gym. I truly enjoyed it and I miss it. Wine has given me an excuse to sit by and watch my world go by instead of engaging in it.


        New and trying to decide

        Has anyone had success with just the kudzu and supplements?


          New and trying to decide

          Wow, this is a great site! I finally joined today after 'lurking' on and off for a few weeks. I'll keep this shirt before I loose my nerve to post. So many have already told my story...started in again drinking about 5 yrs ago when the last of my 2 kiddos was a senior in high school. I was sneaky from the start. Unfortunately, I'm a fall down drunk, so my hubby & kids we not impressed. Oh yes, I rarely do 'hard stuff', but tons of beer & wine. Not sure how many empties I'll find to embarass myself over the next few days, but I'll plan to check in here to get reassurance that I'll survive. Needless to say, I've gotten to the point where the guilt and embarassment and fear that my coworkers will find out is huge. I live in a small community and work in a local medical facility. OK, so this isn't that short. Just very, very thrilled that I found this site.


            New and trying to decide

            I've enjoyed your posts, Warrior. Today is the evening of Day 4 and it will remain AF. The little voice is still there, but I am telling it that alcohol won't fix the things that are wrong in my life. It only gives me one more problem to deal with, and another reason not to like myself.

            Nice to meet you, GetterBetter. I know what you mean about the small community and the humiliation if coworkers knew. We can do this!


              New and trying to decide

              Thanks Maisie. Day 1 for me. It's back to work tomorrow after a week of vacation. Congrats on day 4. I can usually do 2 or so days AF before the little voice takes over. Went to the health food store today and bought Kudzu. Already had the l-glutamine...and actually took it this am. I'm not sure about committing to abstinance as I'd like to leave the 'social drink' door open, so to speak, but I'm really hoping to do the 30-day thing. Good luck to us all!


                New and trying to decide

                Thank you all for the warm and wonderful embrace of a welcome. I can totally relate to many of your situations and words of advise. I am so scared to make the decision to quit, but I am going to commit to 30 days. I hope that I have your continued support and please know that you will have mine. I will be checking the forum more often.

                Thank you all and stay strong!


                  New and trying to decide

                  I'm with ya, LC. Boy, this site is active! I'm not sure if I'm scared or excited or both. Right now, though, I think I'll go to bed. Hope to sleep, but it sooo hot & humid. I will be checking this forum often, as well.


                    New and trying to decide

                    brownedge girl;700070 wrote: i am new to this . i started drinking when i met my second husband. his family were heavy drinkers . sad, drink. happy, drink. problems, drink. so i kept up with them. i learned to rely on alcohol. so when things starting going wrong i drank. he left me i drank. he came back, we drank. he left me again i drank again. then everything went totally wrong. my son died. so now i drink. and i dont know how to stop.
                    Hello brownedge girl,:welcome:

                    I am so sorry for the loss of your son. My heart goes out to you. I am so glad you have found this site--it is full of wonderful, supportive people who truly understand what it's like to have drink take away your life. Please stay close--check in often--read as much as you can here--and post. We want you here and you are not alone! Come and join the "Newbies Nest" on the "Just starting out" forum. I am on Day 6 without my wine security blanket and I am doing it because of the support of the good people here. I'm glad you're here!
                    Sending you compassion, love and strength,
                    "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


                      New and trying to decide

                      Way to go livelife! You can do it! For me the being scared faded after the first few days, but when I was scared, I was REALLY scared. Keep posting and check in often the first days of AF.
                      "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver

