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Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

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    Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

    I gave up Cigs 30 year ago after a very long struggle. I had many a relapse before beating the addiction. My approach was simple. I went off them slowly;the same way as I started. A pack a day then half then a few and eventually none.It was murder and took a hell of a lot of determination,but it worked. My question is ,has anyone tried this method with al. I am trying it with some success Thanks everone:new:

    Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

    Hi boozer :welcome:

    I set a quite date and then tapered off the last 2 weeks before I stopped. I did this more to help with the withdrawal symptoms. I was drinking almost a liter of vodka and day. The first week I switched to beer. (yuck) The first 4 days of the second week I cut that amount in half. And the last 2 days, I cut that amount down to 6 cans a day.

    There is a toolbox thread at the top of the monthly abstinence section that has lots of good help on how to deal with the craving. Keep posting and reading!
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

      42Cat posted a thread on her tapering off of AL. I'll see if I can find it and either bump it for you or post a link here.

      I've been tapering myself. From 750ml vodka +750ml red wine daily to 2 x glasses of red wine every evening. I'm a bit stuck on that level, but tapering up on bac to take the final AF step.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

        Hey, boozer. Here is the link to Cat's thread:

        My approach was to set a specific target for reducing my intake every day. I was measuring in millilitres, but it worked for me :-)
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

          Good job Boozer! I quit smoking years ago and trust me, it is so rewarding and got so easy it's like I never smoked to begin with. Don't give in and you will love the freedom and feeling of being healthy.
          "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never stop moving forward!"


            Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

            Hi boozer,
            I spent a few weeks tapering down myself while talking myself into the necessity of going AF.
            If you think it will work for you then just do it
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

              Hi. I di try this way but i always found that one glass/one drink was never just one no matter how bad i wanted quit. That sip would set me off. I had to go cold turkey. It was and still is a really long hard battle which will never end but we can do it.
              Make you own mistakes that way you'll learn what way is good for you.
              Good luck!


                Giving up Cigs and Alcohol


                boozer;696134 wrote: I gave up Cigs 30 year ago after a very long struggle. I had many a relapse before beating the addiction. My approach was simple. I went off them slowly;the same way as I started. A pack a day then half then a few and eventually none.It was murder and took a hell of a lot of determination,but it worked. My question is ,has anyone tried this method with al. I am trying it with some success Thanks everone:new:
                My dad used the same method 26 years ago, he went thru hell too. Just managed to beat lung cancer and lived till 88. It sure works.


                  Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

                  congrats for heading in the right direction keep trying! As for tapering off I have tried but it proved too difficult to remain disciplined to it like they say "one is too many and a thousand is not enough" for me cold turkey is the only way


                    Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

                    Thanks everyone


                      Giving up Cigs and Alcohol

                      Hey boozer - I am an "all or nothing" type... with both cigs & booze.

                      I quit smoking 17 days ago!! The odd thing is that I also quit drinking... I wasn't really planning on that. I knew, though, that if I overdid the drinking, I could very well cave about smoking...

                      I'm very focused on quitting smoking - which has made me not want to drink!! MOST odd, but it's ok by me.

                      (LOVE to hear about ppl quitting smoking Successfully!! That is Much more difficult for me than quitting drinking...)
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

