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For those of you thinking you can drink...

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    For those of you thinking you can drink...

    after going AF for a period of time -----

    I drank yesterday after being AF for more than two weeks. Got pretty drunk and FELL DOWN. I now have the Worst ankle sprain of my life!! Can't walk, must crawl. Knees getting sore. Can't leave house (I live on 2nd floor).

    I also probably grossed out guy I've been dating! I let him come over - he's never seen me drunk!

    The worst is that unless I get an undeserved Miracle, I won't able to go to my niece's wedding next week & will have to eat ticket. I'm trying hard not to think of that yet... I suppose there's a Possibility??

    Anyway, this has done it for me. THE END.

    I'm praying that it isn't broken - I have no medical insurance...

    So, here I sit in utter dispair. :upset:

    And I should add that I live alone... so no one to order to get me a sandwich!! SOOOOO not happy!!

    I wanted to write this, partially as catharsis, but partially to alert people to the fact that it's never safe to drink!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    For those of you thinking you can drink...

    Wow what a rough day you had. Glad to hear you are back on track. If you can't walk I still think you should go to the ER......they can't refuse you and will send you a bill that you can pay off in time.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      For those of you thinking you can drink...

      Thanks, Beaches, for the thought... But I can't get to car. I can barely get from room to room. I took me nearly 10 min. to get to kitchen just now from room next door...

      I would have to call an ambulance! Noooo. I guess I will just stay here and PRAY.

      I really need a shower, but there's no way I can stand up long enough for that...

      I can't even cry!!! Not that that would do anything, but.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        For those of you thinking you can drink...


        Come on hon, isn't there anyone you can call to help? You must know someone, you don't have to suffer like this and if you don't get treatment and ur ankle is broken, it may not heal right and you'll have a permanent limp! U need to get it looked at. :l:l


          For those of you thinking you can drink...

          hi savon again great effort,just work at it youll succeed


            For those of you thinking you can drink...

            Ouch. In more than just one way. Ibuprofen for iflamation. Ice it for 20 minutes. Put it in a bucket of ice water if you can. Then keep it elevated. When it returns to normal body temp on it's own, idce it again. Repeat. Do you have a mop or broom you can use as a crutch? Neighbor that can drive you to an urgent care to get an x-ray? Cab? Right after icing when it's kinda numb is a good time to try to move around, as in down the stairs to go to x-ray. Good luck! You were doing great with the AL, jump right back on track.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              For those of you thinking you can drink...

              I'm so sorry you are having a rough time of it Sav.
              Please take care of yourself -- you deserve better.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                For those of you thinking you can drink...

                Babe i'm so sorry t hear of your fall i hope you get some help. i have had quite falls and injuries through drinking too much its not worth it.


                  For those of you thinking you can drink...


                  All of us here are on a journey to be free of AL controlling our lives, and with all journeys, sometimes there are detours. What matters is getting back on track. I have no doubt that you will get back on track, but I really, really hope that you get some medical attention for your ankle! I echo others who have suggested that you try ice and then call somebody - if it is broken, it is NOT going to get better without medical care!

                  My heart goes out to you - I know how frustrating this must be!!


                    For those of you thinking you can drink...

                    If it makes you feel any better, I fell and sprained BOTH of my ankles. (SOBER!)....................I know what you are going through. I had to call and ambulance because I could not put any weight on my ankles. I had no insurance either but it is the law that the ER must treat you and stabilize you whether you can pay or not. Did you know that? anyway it was hell, I literally could not take care of myself. This went on for a couple of weeks, lying on the couch, waiting for friends to bring food, etc

                    Keep your ankle elevated above your heart and use an ice pack 20 minutes on, 20 off. This will speed healing. if you do not do it you are prolonging the healing..................also soak in epsom salts.............Oh and most important Dr. told me........STAY OFF the ankle! keep it elevated! ICE!!!! those are the most important.

                    It is now 8 weeks later and have removed my ankle braces but they both still hurt............could be months before they are totally healed. Good luck, hope you feel better.


                      For those of you thinking you can drink...

                      OMIgosh Skittles!! I'm speechless.

                      I've sprained ankle(s) before. I didn't think it took that long to heal?! What am I going to do...! At least I'm not missing work, since I'm unemployed. (Not sure if that qualifies as a "blessing in disguise!")

                      Looks like I'll be missing my niece's wedding. How horrible is this??
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        For those of you thinking you can drink...


                        Sorry to hear about your fall, it's terrible, I've done it too.
                        Besides icing & elevating it you really should get an ACE wrap (compression bandage) help keep the swelling down and provides some support. Is there still a drugstore around that delivers??
                        Wishing you the best.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          For those of you thinking you can drink...

                          well dont misunderstand, I was only laid up on the couch for about 8 days............I then put on these ankle braces and they had given me crutches but i could not use them! It was too scary i thought i was going to fall. so i borrowed a WALKER (lol) from my grandma which got me through work somehow. After a few days on the walker I was able to walk without it but with my ankles wrapped.............So i was able to walk after about 10 days but for total healing it could be months...............they say a bad sprain can be worse than a break. I tore all kinds of ligaments............fell off my porch on the way to work, not paying attention, i was digging in my purse and missed my steps or something. One of my ankles feels almost healed but the other one still really hurts. i still do the epsom salts soak every night. You need to get your hands on an ace bandage and wrap it (not too tight).............Dont know how swollen yours is but elevation and ice relieves the swelling.............I am so afraid of falling now, its like a fear big time. I keep having flashbacks of me falling and feeling that POP in my ankle. makes me cringe!


                            For those of you thinking you can drink...

                            Hi Sav,

                            Sorry you are hurting. I agree with all the advice given previously.

                            From a medical perspective, I cannot stress enough that you MUST get to the ER and have a doctor look at it and take an X-Ray. If you don't, and if one of your bones is broken and if it heals crooked, then you are in for some really serious and long lasting problems into your old age. Pick up the phone and get some help.

                            Sunbird xxx


                              For those of you thinking you can drink...

                              Hi Savvy, how are you doing today? I've had both -- a broken ankle and several sprained ankles -- and yours does sound like something that needs to be medically assessed. Please let us know how you are whenever you can post. Meanwhile, hugs to you! Hang in there.
                              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells

