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For those of you thinking you can drink...

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    For those of you thinking you can drink...

    oh Savon!! I'm sending you healing vibes and good thoughts on your ankle. Hope today it's not looking so bleak for you. call a friend and have them bring you something to eat.

    thank you so much for posting. I know that if i decided to drink, i think i'd go hog-wild with the wine. like opening up the flood waters. So you post has scared me sober so to speak.

    no one can take away the time you had sober and i commend you for being honest and hoping back on the wagon.
    AF/SF - November 23, 2014


      For those of you thinking you can drink...

      First I have to say: ALL of you are utterly Wonderful to take the time to write all the good advice, etc. (Sheri - after looking at your list, I am sure it is only sprained, but thanks for making me feel more assured about that!)

      After crawling around all day yesterday, feeling utter depressed, stupid, angry at myself, etc. etc... Friend came over last night - a TRUE Angel! She brought crutches, heating pad, food, etc.

      Skittles - I have to agree w/you about the crutches! I practiced a little while friend was here, did ok for a few steps - then almost FELL. That was it. Tooooo scary.

      But the GOOD NEWS is that as I warily put feet on floor this morning... I could put weight on bad foot!! If I place it carefully, there's not even pain. Some of the swelling went down, and I have a ways to go... but this is fabulous news. I can take a Shower, for one thing! Woo hooooo.

      I just wrapped it and will continue to baby it, of course. But not having to scootch on butt or crawl is Nirvhana. (I was beginning to get rug burns on knees - Ack!)

      If the healing continues at this rate, there is HOPE that I can still make flight to attend niece's wedding. If it were today, NO. But my flight isn't until Thursday, so it is possible.

      To go from utter despair yesterday without any hope to some hope is so great.

      But, the main thing out of this is that I HAVE to realize, once & for all, that drinking is just not an option! I thought I had already learned that... but I guess I'm not the brightest of bulbs in the lot!!

      If this ordeal has succeeded in teaching me that, I will consider myself lucky. There are so many worse things that could've happened. I could have hurt something that couldn't be repaired/healed --- like an eye or something. Perhaps I got off easy.

      BIG HUG to all of you! How wonderful to count you all as friends, even if not 3D...

      (Just saw your post, Mstall - And that was part of the reason I wanted to tell you all what happened! If it made any of you think: that could easily have been ME... that will be another silver lining of the "event"!)
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        For those of you thinking you can drink...

        I don't think the heating pad is a good idea.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          For those of you thinking you can drink...

          Hi Greenie - my older (wiser?) brother said that after you do the ice for 24-48 hrs., heat increases the circulation in the area.

          I think I'll continue some with the ice, though, since it's still pretty swollen... Maybe do the heat tomorrow.
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            For those of you thinking you can drink...

            Hang in there Savvy, dear, and thank you for temporarily being a ?warning? to us all . You always put yourself out there with honesty rain or shine, and I have come to appreciate it very much. I hope you get to go to your niece?s wedding. After badly hurting my ankle on a hike in another state, I stubbornly refused to go to the doctor until I got back and had to fly home alone with my makeshift ankle brace and a huge tree branch staff. With my long unfortunately matted hair, it looked like a psychotic Moses was in ?pre-boarding?. You, I suspect will cut a far classier figure however you get yourself on board. In the meantime, I wish recovery for both you and your ankle. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              For those of you thinking you can drink...

              ladybirdheart;699364 wrote: I got back and had to fly home alone with my makeshift ankle brace and a huge tree branch staff. With my long unfortunately matted hair, it looked like a psychotic Moses was in ?pre-boarding?.
              :H:H:H Ladybird, you crack me up!
              "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


                For those of you thinking you can drink...

                HAHA - me, too... Cracking up at that image, Ladybird!

                Maybe, with some time, I will look back at my "butt-scootching" and have a good laugh, too!!?
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  For those of you thinking you can drink...

                  Hi Savy

                  How's your ankle this morning? Have you thought of hiring/ borrowing a wheel chair. That might make your planned trip easier.
                  If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                    For those of you thinking you can drink...

                    Hi Blue - I was a bit disappointed yesterday, since it didn't seem to make the same improvement as the previous day. Stayed home AGAIN (going stir crazy!) and babied it. Feels somewhat better today. Flight isn't until Thurs. afternoon.

                    IF I go - I'll definitely take advantage of airline's wheelchair svcs. (Who knows, if I shed a tear, maybe they'll bump me to first class??!)

                    Thanks for asking. I TRULY hope this will be the last Stupid thing I do... ok - ok, at least for a very VERY long time!!

                    I think I mentioned I also blew a new relationship? Oh yeah, when I do it, I DO IT RIGHT!

                    Although, I wasn't in love with the guy (had only been out a few times), it might have been nice to get to know him better... But since he didn't call me the next day, Knowing I had hurt myself pretty bad - perhaps it's good for that to have ended!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      For those of you thinking you can drink...


                      As a frequent flyer that has been injured while traveling, just insure you call ahead for wheelchair services. Then they will be prepared that way.

                      (I always tip the people that push me, though.)

                      If you have connections, insure you let the flight attendant know that you will need a wheel chair at the connecting gate, also. None of this is automatic.

                      I also sprained an ankle on a vacation trip. Like you, the first day was awful. I couldn't put any weight on the ankle, etc. Hubby got me some ace bandages and kept is nicely wrapped. That helped a lot.

                      I am sorry about the relationship and the ankle but if you learned a valuable lesson from this experience, it is so worth it.

                      Like you, drinking is simply not an option for me.

                      Here's hoping you make the wedding.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        For those of you thinking you can drink...

                        savon19;698269 wrote: after going AF for a period of time -----

                        I drank yesterday after being AF for more than two weeks. Got pretty drunk and FELL DOWN. I now have the Worst ankle sprain of my life!! Can't walk, must crawl. Knees getting sore. Can't leave house (I live on 2nd floor).

                        I also probably grossed out guy I've been dating! I let him come over - he's never seen me drunk!

                        The worst is that unless I get an undeserved Miracle, I won't able to go to my niece's wedding next week & will have to eat ticket. I'm trying hard not to think of that yet... I suppose there's a Possibility??

                        Anyway, this has done it for me. THE END.

                        I'm praying that it isn't broken - I have no medical insurance...

                        So, here I sit in utter dispair. :upset:

                        And I should add that I live alone... so no one to order to get me a sandwich!! SOOOOO not happy!!

                        I wanted to write this, partially as catharsis, but partially to alert people to the fact that it's never safe to drink!
                        Oh Savon, I am so sorry and sad for you. What a nightmare. How are you holding up emotionally? I so hope it is not broken. I hope that guy overlooks it. I wish I could be there to get you a sandwich (((Savon)))
                        ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                          For those of you thinking you can drink...

                          OH, you are TOO sweet, Changed!!

                          The emotional part is what's kind of strange about all this, since I was feeling the best I've felt in a long time after being basically AF for 2 wks... but then got that "wild hair" (or whatever!!) that ruined everything.

                          It's like I Deliberately sabotaged myself. Didn't really "need" to drink. It was almost like I felt I didn't deserve to feel good??

                          Like I think I said above (can't see!)... I'm not concerned about the relationship... It is what it is. If he had cared about me on some level, he would have called, if only to see how I was doing!

                          I've been trying to put it behind me (although I have the constant reminder when I walk - or hobble!). Learn this important lesson ONCE & FOR ALL and move on.

                          My foot is now turning colors, which is not surprising. What's a bit odd is the bottom of foot between heel & below toes is now a solid blue/turquoise! I don't like when I feel a sort of "click" sometimes when I walk - hoping I didn't do some permanent damage. I'm hoping it was just a Severe sprain...!!

                          Again (and AGAIN! lol)... please learn from me! That's very hard to do. I've read so many people's stories on here and thought - that could be me!!... but... obviously, I didn't Really learn until a bad thing happened directly to me.

                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

