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Starting over again

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    Starting over again

    I am starting over again today I fell like such a failure. Letting down my husband and kids is the worst part. With all the failed promises I promised. I want my kids to look at me like they use to and not with so much distance in their eyes. Today will be a new day I hope and pray.

    Starting over again

    Hi 4lovingme,
    Welcome. You've found a good safe place here. Lots of good, kind people from all over the world.
    Keep posting,keep reading.
    It's along journey but you know that you'll get there in the end.
    SHOUT if you need help.

    All the luck in the world to you.

    Love Jackie xxx

    Alcohol free (AF) since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Starting over again

      Welcome 4lovingme,

      Your name suggests you are doing this for love of yourself which is great, it was when I decided to do it for me that it worked out, that didn't mean I cared less for others but I had to care for myself first.

      This is a great site with wonderful warm people, it has been the turning point for me and can be for you too.

      I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


        Starting over again

        Thank you: Jackie Claire and Gold.
        I know it wont be easy. Over the last three years drinking was all I did. I have a long road ahead of me.


          Starting over again

          The road seems long at the start, but I can guarantee you will feel so much better once you have some AF days behind you.
          I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.


            Starting over again

            :welcome:Welcome, 4lm!

            This is a very difficult journey, but well worth it. Hang tough. It takes strength and courage and one foot in front of the other. Take it a day at a time. You CAN do it!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Starting over again

              Hi 4lovingme &

              to MWO

              Jacki and gold are right, this place is amazing, you now have support 24/7 from lovely people from all over the world ......

              I have been drinking for many many years and never imagined life without it, it was all that I did too ........

              I'm day 20 AF today and already feel SOOOO MUCH better, yes it is a long road but a truly worthwhile one ........

              Love & Hugs, BB xx Attached files [img]/converted_files/1011199=3465-attachment.jpg[/img]


                Starting over again

                Hi 4LovingMe,

                Nice to meet you. You are surrounded by support and friends here. Stick close!


                  Starting over again

                  There is not one single person (I'll wager) who posts here that hasn't failed many, many times. I can't count the number of times my wife has given me that look when I tried to quit yet she found me on the edge of passing out on the sofa. Each time, usually months later, sometimes years later, I would dust myself off and try, try again. You must do the same. I am now a little more than two weeks AF and thanks to a doctors help (and medications) I am really optimistic about the future. Sure, I might fail again, but I don't care right now. I am fighting the demon. I am fighting for my dignity. I am fighting for my family. That bast**d might have a knockout punch just waiting for me but I am still dancing and my jab isn't bad. I give myself 50-50 odds.



                    Starting over again

                    Welcome 4 loving me. I to am fairly new here,I have fallen off so many times.I do know this though since i found MWO my level of drinking has been reduced.I used to drink everyday;now its a couple of times a week.I am taking the ODAT approach.I am not ready to commit myself to a week af but thats my aim. Good Luck to you and keep reading and posting we can beat the beast together! There are so many wonderful people on this site and yes many have experienced setbacks but whilst you are connected to MWO you are in there fighting:welcome:


                      Starting over again

                      Hey, i think 'failure' is part of recovery. I think we need to fail a few times to realise how much damage the drink really is doing to us. I know what it's like to break promise to your husband and children and to see the disappointment in there eyes but you need to move on, brush yourself off and start again. You can't change what happened but remember the feeling of hurt you are suffering from and guilt so next time you reach for the bottle, take a minute to force yourself to look into you childrens eyes and think... is it worth it....
                      NOW, go take your kids out for a lovely day, hubby too, spoil them and explain you're trying your hardest. Keep moving on!

