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VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

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    VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

    As i work in a high risk delivery unit when i have a bad day, it usually means a baby has died for one reason or another... but always a reason.
    Today i had a god awful day if you guys wouldn't mind, could you please pray for the families involved.
    We had a lady in the last stages of labour, about 10 or so mins before giving birth and the baby just died. No reason for it. I really can't think of anything in the this cruel world that could bring on the pain of losing a baby just minutes before it's birth. She was 40 weeks plus 2 days(fpr those who don't know, overdue by 2 days) so was well ready and excited for the arrival of her baby. She had the car seat in the car ready for there discharge, the nursery done, the clothes everything. How is it possible for this to happen, how the hell do they feel. I can't put in words how i feel at this moment. I just need to get it off my chest as i can't tell hubby as he'll get too upset. Hearing this lady sob for hours and having to carry on and give birth to have baby, to have waited 9 months to hold and look at her baby only to be able to hold and look at what would and should have been. It's sooo hard. I know my pain is nothing compared to them but i am only human.
    For me, today will past and tomorrow will bring new problems and the pain will go but for them it's for life.

    Next, a baby was born in the pool room and was flat and not breathing. We manage to resus it but it was rushed of to NICU (intensive care unit). I have no doubt in my mind that baby will be completely fine but i think this happening with in 45 mins of the death just pushed me over the limit.

    Deaths are very rare thanks to the technology and the staff at the unit but today, the whole unit was shock to it's core. The unit stopped. It was as if the world just stopped. I have never and hope never to experience anything like this again in my life. However, i know i will.

    To put it bluntley, today has been painfully shit.

    I'm not a believer in god but at times like these, i pray that he is watching over the families and is looking after the little baby who passed away at 11.30 23/9/2007 .IUD.

    VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

    Oh Michelle, that is dreadful. I cannot imagine the pain that family must be in.
    Prayers being said and for you too, its hard to cope with others grief as well.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

      hugs to you!! and my thoughts are also with the family that although I do not know, would love to hug them and take the pain away.

      You are a very special person to not only do the job that you do...but also care.



        VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

        Michelle, I know only too well that indescribable pain first hand and it is heart breaking for everyone concerned. The NICU staff do a fantastic job and there are so many happy stories and lives that emerge from those units worldwide thanks to people just like you. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and staff concerned.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

          If it hadn't been for people like you I wouldn't have a huge 21 year old son. He was born blue., and frightened the life out of me and Mr JC. But the calmness of the staff soon put our minds at rest.

          My prayers are with you and the family.

          Jackie xxx
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

            What a sad, sad day. You are very brave to look an experience like that in the eye; it doesn’t get any more real; we are not any more exposed. Please be sweet to your dear self, you are probably tired to the bone. Thank you for having the courage to work every day in an often joyful place that can also be the setting for sudden, astonishing sorrow. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

              God im so sorry to hear that, I will pray for he mum and all the family, had she other kids, what age was she, God help her.


                VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

                Doesn't make sense, does it? All I can say lil.michelle is that if it wasn't for people like you its likely my son and I wouldn't be here. I'm so grateful for you like you have no idea and so sorry you have to deal with this today. I'm about to start my workday and reading your post makes me realise that no matter how crappy it can get, someone's always doing it so much harder. XXX
                I'm not a flip flop - I'm a Jandal!:undercover:


                  VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

                  Not sure how this desperately trying to find sobriety and found this website - wanting to know if this "My Way Out" plan really works....I can go and buy all the supplements today and seeif I can order the Topamax...but just wanted to know if you can really tella difference and if it really works


                    VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

                    Hi there Seeking.
                    Well, it worked for me where nothing else did.
                    I found the support and inspiration plus the supplements got me through the initial struggle and now I have been sober for over a year.
                    It might be a good idea for you to start a thread in the Just Starting Out section as your post might be missed here.
                    best wishes.
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

                      Lil.Michelle - even though you described the experience well, hearing about it doesn't compare to living it first-hand, as you did. And the poor mother & father.

                      Too horrible.
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

                        take heart!

                        thank goodness there are people like you who have the courage and strength to do the work you do.My heart goes out to the mother in anguish today, and I understand what you say about how her pain will go on - this is a horrible true fact, and what is also true is that you are brave enough to be there even when your heart is breaking . Who knows the whys and wherefores of anothers' suffering? I'm also not sure about 'god', but I certainly believe in the human spirit, and love and empathy, which you obviously have in abundance, so my love goes out to you and all who suffer today. Thank you for touching my heart, and making me realise how small and insignificant my 'problems' are right now. I don't know if you have heard of Hay House Radio or Contact radio (I'm sorry, I'm still fairly computer illiterate much to my son's amusement, so I don't know how to send a proper link). I find a great deal of spiritual encouragement and upliftment from both of these stations.
                        Thank you for sharing


                          VERY VERY bad day, need to get it off my chest.

                          Your post gave me chills, lil.michelle. It does put things in perspective, doesn't it? So I'm depressed and wish I could drink. Big Deal.

                          I can only imagine the pain the next days and weeks and months hold for that woman. Even though I don't know either one of you, both of you will be in my thoughts.

