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ODAT Monday

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    ODAT Monday

    Wake up everybody! Time for another AF day to begin. Unless of course you are in California or someplace where it is still Sunday.

    All the best to the ODATers today.
    I can't drink and pretend to be sane. I can't drink and pretend to be moral. I can't drink and continue to live.

    ODAT Monday

    Morning Sarah,
    Who's full of beans this morning.

    Just being drip fed my 1st cup of tea.

    Have a great day.

    J xxx

    AF since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      ODAT Monday

      Thanks Sarah. ODAT for me looking forward to an af Tuesday tommorrow:thanks:


        ODAT Monday

        Thanks Sarah. Morning all.
        Bloody hot here again today - could reeeeely do with some rain. Got a busy week of doing stuff but taking it all ODAT.

        Bessie xx


          ODAT Monday

          Good morning ODATers,

          I have been putting on a lot of weight recently. Yikes!!

          Here I am sober and eating like a pig for the fattening.

          So, today, I will not drink and I will do that ODAT.

          Today, I will eat healthy and I will do that ODAT.

          Today, I will do some exercise and I will do that ODAT.

          I hope all today meet their ODAT goals, whatever they may be.

          AF April 9, 2016


            ODAT Monday

            Hi ODAT's I have also put weight on, and I intend to do something about it. I think I must have been compensating myself with food, but I'm sober and intend to remain so.
            Good luck with your goals.


              ODAT Monday

              Hey guys,

              ODAT for me today - didn't have the greatest weekend but I figured out what triggered me so that is good. Now i have to deal with how to handle it next time.

              Today is going to be a really long day for me but at least I am so busy tonight that I know I won't drink!

              I'll check in later.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT Monday

                Thanks for the chipper start, Sarah. A very early day today due to work (horrors!) Hope we all have a good one and that we meet our goals no matter what we encounter today. Let's make it a fine one, sober and healthy. Love, Ladybird.
                may we be well


                  ODAT Monday

                  Morning All!

                  Monday already, ugh. at least i'm facing it sober and wide awake. today i choose not to have any alcohol. ODAT.
                  AF/SF - November 23, 2014


                    ODAT Monday

                    Hi ODATERS

                    Just been camping for the weekend with friends. Had a great time and the weather was really good. Drank over the weekend but did not embarrass myself. In fact I would consider it essential to have some alcohol to be able to sleep on those thin squidgy mats. :H:H:H

                    Now intend to be AF til the weekend. The challenge is that 4 friends are coming over tonight to watch a DVD and one has already said she will bring a bottle. I am feeling strong now and have even been shopping and bought some of those expensive fruit juice drinks (you know the sickly sweet stuff). But I know that come 8pm it will be tough to stick to my plan.
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      ODAT Monday

                      Hi, all, Monday morning in California and onto Day 5. A quick post berfore running off to work.

                      I woke up with an awful headache and tossed and turned all night, but am happy this morning because it was just me, not because of AL (I'm probably grinding my teeth again, but better no teeth than no liver.) Lil.michelle's post in another thread touched me. For the next 24 hours (that's all I can promise), I will not focus on my depression. I will smile today. I will not be petty, and I will overlook other's pettiness. And most of all, I'll stay AF this week.

                      Have a good day, everyone.


                        ODAT Monday

                        GOOD MORNING! I had a good and very lazy AF weekend. I'm brighter and happier than earlier in the month. Was it really just Aug 4 that I had my last binge? No worries. It was short and a good reminder.

                        Maisie, I still think videos help me a lot. I'm going to repost this again. Just click on it, and enjoy for a couple minutes. For me it really helps me relax and feel better. BTW - ignore the first and last 10 seconds which are an advertisement for "The Secret" which overall I really don't like.

              [/video]]YouTube - Affirmations

                        I hope everyone can use the day to move one step more in their chosen direction.


                          ODAT Monday

                          I'm back from holidays, and I failed. I now feel awful. I knew exactly what would happen, and I did it anyway. Why?


                            ODAT Monday

                            Oh Tylyr,

                            You didn't "fail," you just slipped up, that's all. Forgive yourself, as you would forgive any of us, and just go for the AF days again. We all make mistakes, and sometimes screw up royally, but we can learn from them too. Don't worry about why - why is just that AL is like that - just focus now on today. ODAT.

                            Feel better soon,


                              ODAT Monday


                              Sorry :H
                              Just SUCH a rotten day work wise... grrrrumble. But otherwise all is well

                              Hope you are all well by now (evening here).. head aches have subsided and you've enjoyed an AF Monday!
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013

