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    Hi All,

    Has anyone had trouble losing weight while taking Campral? This is my 3rd week on Campral and after drinking about 14 beers anight for 7 years (1290 calories a day,about 10,000 calories a week) I have lost a lousy 2 pounds. I am not over compensating with food. I stick to a low carb plan. I thought it would come off alot quicker. I'm no spring chicken anymore though...Help..I'd like the weight loss to be an added incentive.

    Thanks for any advice



    Suza, can't actually tell you about Campral experience-still waiting on mine- apparently on it's way from Germany!-but you are too funny- now, it took 7 years of heroic drinking to put the weight on and now you want to take it off in 3 weeks!!!unfortunately, it's not going to happen, my love!You're going to need to be a bit more patient and give you're body time to adjust, have you started exercising? That's what really starts to shift the weight, even if you just start walking more, increase you're exercise even a little and i promise those pounds will start to fall off- plus you'll feel even better than you do now!Meanwhile - 3 weeks!!! very impressive! How's the campral otherwise? Any probs?



      Thanks for the advice, I know your right. Patience has never been one of my strong points..I had a little gas at the beginning and abit itchy at night. Not a rash but itchy nin different spots. thats seems to have gone. Other than that no other issues. The first week was really tough (breaking the habit)but as time has gone on I 'm not a slave to cravings. Weekends are tough. I think we were all conditioned to believe weekends are meant for drinking.
      Thanks for the feedback.



        I know what you mean- I am definitely not the patient type- "Now, is not soon enough!"Thanks for feedback on Campral, I have been hearing some real horror stories about"intestinal distress"- it has actually turned up!I'm doing so well at the moment that I decided to leave it- I am on a whole programme of vitamins, building up my system again and trying to sort out my sleep patterns-which seems to be working!So, if I can do it without Campral- I would rather ,but they're with me like Dumbo's lucky feather!I think looking at drinking as a bad habit is a great way to look at it- I've gone out of my way to make basic changes that encouage me NOT drinking!a whole week today! YEAH!



          Excellent.Keep up the good work.The first week is the hardest..It gets easier as time goes. the sleep issues really bothered me the first week but became more stable into the second. I listen to the cd's right before bed but I am still up at 5am almost every morning.

          Pat yourself on the back and keep going!!!

