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ODAT Wednesday

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    ODAT Wednesday

    Good morning from OZ everyone and those to come.Wishing you a nice al free Wednesday. Weather here in oz a little bit warmer today 5 deg andoff to work.

    ODAT Wednesday


    I'll be back. I'm going to go make Tuesday's dinner :H
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT Wednesday

      LOL at Greeny!!:H

      I'm guessing OZ is going to bed soon but it's reasonably early here in the UK. Lovely sunny start to the day. Lovely clear head. :goodjob: Gotta move some sheep this morning. Not the sheep that take the time but taking up and putting down all the electric fencing. Ho hum. Has to be done.

      Had an escaped pig yesterday. She was very good though and just trotted back into the paddock when we found her. The horse and his pony friend were most indignant though and had a good old session of snorting and bucking!!

      All of that is a welcome diversion from Al. What's working for me at the moment is having nothing I want to drink in the house. I have asked hubby to stop buying it for the next month at least - the reason being to lose a bit of weight for a holiday. I am hoping that will get him out of the habit as he usually stops by a cheap store in a certain town when he goes there and gets 6 bottles of wine and some beer. He agreed easily enough, he knows we drink too much.

      Have a good day one and all. Off to put a zero in the drink tracker to live up to.

      Bessie xx


        ODAT Wednesday

        Morning everyone - hope you have a good day!


          ODAT Wednesday

          Hi everyone,
          Bessie... i dont have no drink in the house, the temptation is to bad....

          my hubby said that he help me by not drinking during the week not sure if that a good think or idea, beause i feel if i need a drink! than i cant drink in front of him it will have to be behind his back. Im i being selfish or thinking selfish? but im still thinking positive right now.....
          Have to go (busy and got a day off work today no rest for the wick have a lovely day everyone..xxxx
          Formerly known as Teardrop:l
          sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
          my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


            ODAT Wednesday


            OK, Wednesday here -I had to think for a moment. :H

            Took little doggie to the barking lot last night. I'd like to get back into that routine again.
            I'd like to start some new ones too, like going to the gym.

            Catch, if you felt like you "needed" a drink, maybe he could help you through that. You must realize that when you feel that way (that feeling we all know all too well), you have more options than drinking in front of him or hiding. That's a big hurdle and one that must be jumped. Put on your big girl pants and get your tool box out for dealing with that feeling. Righty-O?

            Today I get to have lunch with Brittzak!

            Go for the O!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT Wednesday

              Hi guys,

              Had 2 beers after baseball last night but easily stopped after the 2 so woke up with a clear head this morning which was good. Today I am choosing to have an AL free day - no reason to drink, no sports tonight - just a nice relaxing evening with my book, a cup of tea, a hot bath and no child! !

              Have a great day guys!
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                ODAT Wednesday

                Uni.. I'm so sorry! I'd drink too, if I had to watch/play Baseball! :H Sorry, but sports is completely lost on me!

                Greenie... I just wished everyone a happy Tuesday in another thread.. don't you confuzzle me again! :H Say hello to Britt and have a fabulous lunch, you two! Oh.. and pardon my ignorance... what's a 'barking lot'???

                Catch... the green one is right! There are more options than drinking in front or behind! (Says the one, who rarely sees those other options when the devil sits on her shoulder) - I think I'm due for another visit to the toolbox as well.

                Bessie... your farm sounds lovely! I never had sheep or pigs *holding nose* but I so miss my chickens *still holding nose*! And, aren't escaped animals just so much fun?! :argh: Although, it was mostly the horses that got out at my place.. and usually in the middle of the night! LOL

                Good morning/evening boozer! FIVE degrees??? Brrrrrrr.

                Well, I'm planning on a productive AF day 19... have a grand one, everybody!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  ODAT Wednesday

                  I wish I could have a clear head after just two beers. It doesn't happen that way for me. So I guess no beers. Having a great morning and look forward to a lovely day. I'm leaving in 9 days for a 10 day vacation in Japan, and I'm getting very excited about that. A week from Sunday I'll be strolling with the Harajuku girls!


                    ODAT Wednesday

                    I also wish I could have a clear head after a couple of beers, but impossible for me. Holiday sounds amazing Boss, enjoy it.

