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Bad Day

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    Bad Day

    Hiya to all,
    Not feeling crash hot today...
    Have decided to book a flight back to Australia ( from the UK). Need my family.
    This is such a lonely disease. I need to free myself from it in order to have some dignity and be able to love myself.
    Feeling rather foolish and my heart is pitter pattering with anxiety.
    I thought that as it was only an extra ?1 for an extra shot of vodka I may aswell take advantage of such a generous offer and double up all night.
    Had been AF for a beautiful 6 months and have been giving in for a month now and have had memory loss everytime I have drunk, not remembering the last part of the evening and having to be told what I have done ( usually dangerous things like going swimming in the sea at 4am). One evening about 2 weeks ago I fell over and banged my head on the concrete and I still have a very large bump on my head . The 'Yets' are coming to fruition.
    I feel ashamed and very sorry for myself otday. Just needed to share today. I need to pick up the pieces.
    Sorry,Weird scattered post but my head is a bit cloudy and overwhelmed.
    Thanks for reading.
    I am Perfectly Imperfect!

    Bad Day

    Hey Gidget,
    No need to say sorry.

    Have a big think before doing anything rash.

    My heads all over the place today and I'm sober!

    Take care, if you do decide to go - can I come too?


    Jackie xxx

    AF since 7/7/2009
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Bad Day

      :l Gidget!

      Would you like to join us in the 7.5 day pact? Even a week AF may lift your spirits a bit and let you see things a bit clearer :l
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Bad Day

        Hiya Sunshine and JackieClaire,
        I am in for 7.5, I've no other choice if I want to be happy : )
        Jackie you can stow away in my suitcase if you like, no need to pay for two flights.
        I will go home but just for a visit. Not what is called a ' geographical' in AA circles.
        Ta for taking the time to reply and I look forward to reading your posts and knocking this thing on the head!
        I am Perfectly Imperfect!


          Bad Day

          Hi Gidget,
          Packing as I type.

          Can a bring back a koala bear and a wombat? They'll make good company for my darling Bess (big,fat Labrador)

          All I've got to do is tell Mr J C and the kids.

          Love Jackie xxx
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009

