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Cocky no more

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    Cocky no more

    Well... day one left me thinking .. no problem this is easy mind over matter...
    Day two.. bad.. two drinks for no reason except kids were at ex's
    Day three .. having a glass of wine after having a great evening with the kdis ate Company 6-Flags night - returning at midnight...
    OK- now humble.. any ideas are welcome.
    Have ordered the CDs and the supps.. waiting on them.

    Cocky no more

    Hi Carmen,

    Great to read you have ordered the CDs and supps. The supps really have helped me (Im on day 13 alcohol free) and I haven't really had any great urges to 'go back' yet.... I am still on 25mg of Topamax and waiting to see how I feel before raising the dosage. I have found that the Kudzu really helps!
    Welcome and best of luck! Keep us posted on your progress. Amelia

    Sober since 30/06/10


      Cocky no more

      Yeah I've been humbled by myself the past few days as well. Did real well moderating then Wed had a drink because I was happy, Thurs drank just because I could I guess and Fri drank too much while sitting and chatting iwth my mother. Headache.
      Now I have to get back on track. Easier said than done obviously!

      Good luck to you!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Cocky no more

        Hi guys!
        Carmengirl-it's not the falling down that maters, it's that you get up again afterwards!Doesn't sound like you went on a bender, sounds like you were quite sensible and restrained!I understand that you still didn't want to drink, but today is another day!
        Amelia!-hello, i was wondering when i was going to run into you!huge congrats-13 days! that's wonderful! Dying to know how the Topamax is going, Day 5 myself and feeling ok(so far, am not going to gte smug!)
        Iamnotpowerless-get back on that horse honey! we're all behind you!


          Cocky no more

          OOh! being sober doesn't seem to have improved my typing!NotPowerless(great name btw)sorry for addressing by wrong name- can't read post and have reply window open at same time- well, I haven't found a way to do it!so, you can' talways check on people's names.


            Cocky no more

            Hey Sophie,
            Congrats on your 5 days!! You having any wacky sugar urges yet?? Around day 5, I was having mad dreams about GIANT lollies and cakes floating down rivers.....yikes! Am on 15 now. Had a shaky afternoon yesterday tho (ate a whole bag of nuts instead of drinking - what doesn't hurt my liver I shall deliver to my thighs - sigh) but I got through it.
            Topamax seems to be going ok. I am still only on 25mg which I may up soon if my 'shaky' phase continues. I haven't had any side effects to speak of apart from the odd occassion of not remembering things (and compared to what I was like before, that's nothing to complain about!!!)
            Carmen and Not Powerless, I am thinking of you and watching out for you. I know from yesterday just how fine a line I was treading. If my partner had not been here I reckon I would have been posting very similar messages to you two.....Im sending lots of positive energy to all of you. Amelia

            Sober since 30/06/10


              Cocky no more


              Restarted on 9/11 seemed like a good day and also the CDs came. So wondering- the first Cd doesn;t seem to really put you into s tate at all- how does it work? I did greta last night - just listened to the CDs for 2 hours but what is supposed to happen?


                Cocky no more

                Hi unregistered. You should get really relaxed and feel like you do when you are very engrossed in a book or movie..effortless. For a better description, go into the research forum and take a look at the 'art of hypnosis' topic.

